The finale of our domestic performances
Thank you so much!
This tour was one where we believed in ourselves the most,
And vowed to expand our possibilities
And play some music.
As we toured,
We focused everything to the limit
That it was almost impossible to take it any further,
And conveyed our current thoughts and enthusiasm to the fullest.
Ah, we really love expressing ourselves...
Is what we thought as we performed.
I feel like I'll remember these three months when I pass on.
They were so precious. They were so necessary.
This was a very important journey
For both the band and for my life. ...How grand. haha
But I truly do think so.
As a musician,
You sometimes wonder
What you can leave behind along with sound
While you're alive.
Hoping as always
To someday reach an an unexpected place
On an unimaginable road.
We then realized that we're now there.
A special stage that reflects all of our feelings
And gives them a complete shape.
They were 100%-pure concerts.
SCANDAL is about ourselves,
But recently,
When we talk about SCANDAL,
It's like we're trying to convey
Something important away from ourselves,
And the words overtake everything else
And make us tear up.
What phenomenon is this? We're at a loss.
I hope that this story,
Which is in its 16th year this summer,
Will fly far into the distance.
Exhausted for the time being! We did it!
2022/6/12 18:06