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Posted Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:21 am



Caless Student
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Not sure if there's one already.
Been looking for it but couldn't find it, so typed this up with a friend.

Let me know if it sounds weird....

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Posted Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:36 pm



Indie Artist
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Whoa, the GP5 you've made is really good actually! You and your friend surely did a good job. Nice one There were two tabs of Everybody Say Yeah!, but both were those typical (and incomplete) notepad tabs; one for the chords and one for the bass guitar only. In case of your tab, I'm not sure if the notes are all correct, but as I listen to it I assume everything is alright. There were some other things in the tab I found less practical and/or superfluous, though. I'll sum them up below, just to give some feedback. Happy

The first thing is the second synthesizer track. It's completely empty, so I recommend removing it. The first synthesizer track has some text in it (i.e. [organ], [synths]), but additionally, you can just change the instrument at that point. Also, the initial instrument (Fifth Lead) is quite annoying because it adds a fifth on every note, and I'm not sure why you chose that instrument.
The second thing is your use of two voices on a track. Especially with the drums I don't find it handy, simply because you don't have two voices to work with. When you actually could use it well, you only use it for some unimportant notes (referring to the Vocal track). However, I like how you used it in the Guitar I track at bar 74. Wink
Thirdly, the voice track itself is an octave too low. The added octaves (and other lower notes) on the Vocal track are sometimes two octaves too low! I assume you used the keyboard input to write down the vocal part, and then it cannot be helped because the marker for the central c is wrongly placed in Guitar Pro. Sad
Lastly, I'm not really fond of tracks that almost don't add anything useful, like the handclap and the congas. I mean, yes they are there, but who is going to play that anyway? That's just my personal preference, so if you feel it's more complete this way, there's nothing wrong with it, of course.

So yea... my reply became waaaaaaay longer than I imagined, and there even are more things I could point out. Inexhaustible perfectionism... Actually, the notes and rhythms are noted down really well, but at several points I just don't like the way it's written down... in a nutshell. ROFL


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Posted Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:15 pm



Caless Student
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chandlerping wrote:Not sure if there's one already.
Been looking for it but couldn't find it, so typed this up with a friend.

Let me know if it sounds weird....
Thank you,I have waited so long for gp5 version of Everybody Say yeah  Happy Onion Tomorrow I will start practicing the tab  :onionrider:

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Posted Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:48 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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Really cool one!
There was a gp5 of this song, but not so complete than yours!

Vocals sounds weird, and, Congas are only noticed on the post-solo part, and the Hand claps doesn't even sounds, also the second synthesizer, is empty. But in general, it's really cool, good job! Best esy's tab!

Can I upload it to songsterr? I just wanna hear it with better quality :D

"You musn't run away"
I'll keep running
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Posted Mon May 18, 2015 5:40 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
~SkyDarks wrote:Really cool one!
There was a gp5 of this song, but not so complete than yours!

Vocals sounds weird, and, Congas are only noticed on the post-solo part, and the Hand claps doesn't even sounds, also the second synthesizer, is empty. But in general, it's really cool, good job! Best esy's tab!

Can I upload it to songsterr? I just wanna hear it with better quality :D

sure you can

Actually We wrote this on GP6, and exported it to GP5 format.

Not sure if some of the problem was cause by that

This is the original file if interested

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