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J-Melo Breakthrough Artists of 2015
Posted Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:34 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
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Here's a list of 48 new artists from Japan on J-Melo. The web site is giving fans a chance to vote for and explain why they like their favorite new artists from the list.

I've already put in a vote for Band-Maid, 'cuz they rock. I have a bunch more videos to watch and bands to research before making any other votes.

Out of this list, are there any that y'all would recommend?

Edit: I am working my way through the list of 48, and I'm discovering some great bands I've never heard of before. I'm only down to the G's so far, and I've already cast votes for Asako Bagus (has a very 1980's college music vibe going on), DATS (sounds a bit like 1990's alternative with a touch of jazz/funk thrown in), and Girls Rock Band Revolution (solid, straight forward rock music).

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Re: J-Melo Breakthrough Artists of 2015
Posted Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:40 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I must say that Girls Rock Band Revolution is really good as well. I like hearing double bass on drums .happy. The two songs on their profil are catchy. They seems young (well, younger than Band-Maid), more teens than young adults but maybe I'm wrong.

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Re: J-Melo Breakthrough Artists of 2015
Posted Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:30 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
You should give Chu's Day a listen. They're a bit on the pop side but their songs are really catchy. Their up on YouTube so give em a shot. They actually started out as a SCANDAL cover band too.

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Re: J-Melo Breakthrough Artists of 2015
Posted Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:53 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I've gotten back to working my way through the rest of the list. Gonna mention the rest of the bands I liked in this post (probably need to be edited a couple of times).

Helsinki Lambda Club: "Lost in the Supermarket." I have to say I really liked this one. It totally took me back to listening to the original "Alternative" music back in the 1980's. You see, the term came from a name for the music that wasn't being played on the popular radio stations, hence, it was an "alternative" to the popular stuff. Bands like The Pixies, The Pogues, The Ramones, The Cure, original REM and U-2, The Sugar Cubes, Seven Simons, etc. Helsinki Lambda Club would fit right in with them. In fact, in my opinion, if they had played in the 40-Watt theater in Athens, GA in 1989 or had radio play on Album-88 in Atlanta in that same year, they would have been right at home.

Mardelas: "Ecripse." While it's not necessarily my cup of tea, I can recognize that they're a pretty credible metal band. The lead singer does a good job with the larger-than-life, almost operatic style that was popularized in Metal back in the 1980's with the almost exaggerated vibrato and soaring high notes. The drum and bass thump along with typical metal vibe, while the guitar gives the crunchy chords punctuated by screaming solos that you would expect to hear. I'm not really expert enough in the genre to determine if they're exceptional at it, but it definitely sounds like Metal.

Mayuko: "Cho to Ami." Balladeer. Nice voice, soothing music. Reminiscent to something like Utada Hikaru without the same level of punch. (I'm not trying to compare Mayuko to Utada, just trying to give an idea of the closest genre I could apply to the song.) I'll probably listen to more of her work to get a better idea if I like her music or not.

nananon: "Rock nananon." I actually feel kind of dirty for this one. It's the typical Japanese Idol stuff with two female singers. Music is pretty meh, but wow the two singers are adorable. I admit that, no matter how hard I resisted, I got sucked in by the cuteness. Fairly confident they weren't actually playing their guitars, though.

Rie: "Kingdom of the Sun." Aspiring guitar goddess. I think I've seen videos of hers on youtube before. Again, not my super cup of tea, but I had a college roommate that was heavily into this style of music, so I'm familiar with the genre. Rie is a very skilled guitarist.

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Re: J-Melo Breakthrough Artists of 2015
Posted Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:35 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Indeed, good band and songs too. I also watched their studio recording videos, there are also some funny moments.

By the way, They just uploaded a new MV "Cycling". I subscribed to their Youtube channel.

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