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Stamp! Tabs/Chords [Page 1 of 1]

Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:52 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
IMPORTANT: Post into notepad please! That way the notes will be properly aligned.

I'm proud to say I think this'll be the first and most accurate tab of the song!Nice one

EDIT: Forgot to make a legend.

(h): hammer-on
(p): pull off
P.M.: Palm mute (used only in the verses)
/: slide up
\:slide down
[]:background guitar parts
(b): :bend (bend until you hit the pitch of the next note written.)
Example from the intro 9(b)11, bend at the 9th fret so it sounds like the 11th fret, but don't actually play the 11th fret.


Last edited by KurtP on Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:05 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : accidentally hid tabs instead of spoilering them. still new to this!)

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:41 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
You are a god! I will try this in a bit! thank you so much!

Edit: Tried them out and its awesome, thanks again!

Stamp! Tabs/Chords Slide-13
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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Fri Jul 10, 2015 4:32 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
I Noodles wrote:You are a god! I will try this in a bit! thank you so much!

Edit: Tried them out and its awesome, thanks again!

I'm glad you like it! If you have any questions about my notation or trouble with finger placement or anything like that don't hesitate to ask! 

I've been teaching myself guitar by ear for a long long time now, but writing tabs is pretty new to me. (This is my second ever tab! The first was TOKYO by Scandal, I never posted them anywhere though, it was just for my friend.)

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:58 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Thank you, I'm gonna try these tabs I can jam with this song Happy

Stamp! Tabs/Chords JOuETv5
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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:24 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
annykatt wrote:Thank you, I'm gonna try these tabs I can jam with this song Happy
Awesome! Let me know how it turns out.

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:36 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator

Stamp! Tabs/Chords Slide-13
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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:18 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Noodles wrote:My attempt at a cover!
Yeeeeees, that's awesome dude! I love how into it you are, and nice editing with the music video in the corner!
You played it really well, your strumming was really in time with the song and everything! .dies.

Here's some constructive criticism:
Try keeping your finger tips firmly on the frets the whole time you play the descending chords! It'll give it a more cohesive feel. Since it's all being played on the same three strings there's no need to move your fingers around too much. Economy in movement as they always say, it's a really good thing to keep in mind with guitar.

Sometimes you play the wrong chord at the end of a phrase, but it's very understandable, as the chord there varies throughout the many different sections of the song (Some times it's a B power chord and sometimes it's an E).

Also sometimes the descending chords are played as simple octaves in the original instead of power chords, but the power chords you played still make sense on a harmonic level so it's not even really an issue. It's just a little thing that gives it that Mami flair. I'm sure she picked up that kind of thing from the Foo Fighters, seeing as Dave Grohl loves to throw out octave chords anywhere he can.

Anyway, good work! It's really cool to see someone using tabs I've made :3 Keep it up, your playing is really solid..clap.

Last edited by KurtP on Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : cleaned up some redundant phrasing)

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:33 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
KurtP wrote:
Noodles wrote:My attempt at a cover!
Yeeeeees, that's awesome dude! I love how into it you are, and nice editing with the music video in the corner!
You played it really well, your strumming was really in time with the song and everything! .dies.

Here's some constructive criticism:
Try keeping your finger tips firmly on the frets the whole time you play the descending chords! It'll give it a more cohesive feel. Since it's all being played on the same three strings there's no need to move your fingers around too much. Economy in movement as they always say, it's a really good thing to keep in mind with guitar.

Sometimes you play the wrong chord at the end of a phrase, but it's very understandable, as the chord there varies throughout the many different sections of the song (Some times it's a B power chord and sometimes it's an E).

Also sometimes the descending chords are played as simple octaves in the original instead of power chords, but the power chords you played still make sense on a harmonic level so it's not even really an issue. It's just a little thing that gives it that Mami flair. I'm sure she picked up that kind of thing from the Foo Fighters, seeing as Dave Grohl loves to throw out octave chords anywhere he can.

Anyway, good work! It's really cool to see someone using tabs I've made :3 Keep it up, your playing is really solid..clap.

Hey thanks a lot! I have recently started getting a lot more into guitar, I learned when I was very young but once I moved to the big city I quit and just picked up again recently. I've always been average at best at most of the things I do but its awesome to hear some great feedback. This was just a very rushed cover I made and I felt pretty good about it so I decided to post it, @thoseguiltyeyes helped me out with the editing and she hooked up the video and everything, many thanks to her!

Stamp! Tabs/Chords Slide-13
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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:08 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Noodles wrote:
Hey thanks a lot! I have recently started getting a lot more into guitar, I learned when I was very young but once I moved to the big city I quit and just picked up again recently. I've always been average at best at most of the things I do but its awesome to hear some great feedback. This was just a very rushed cover I made and I felt pretty good about it so I decided to post it, @thoseguiltyeyes helped me out with the editing and she hooked up the video and everything, many thanks to her!
No waaay, don't put yourself down like that! The cover was awesome! And you're a great moderator to boot. Average at most things my butt.

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:37 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Thank you my fellow mates:D
Now off to the guitar :stress:

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Re: Stamp! Tabs/Chords
Posted Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:45 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student

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