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Caless Student
Caless Student
my favorite are Blizzard they make good some good games like SCII and waiting for diablo III.
Sqaure enix. why? FF ofcourse.
Relic they make good shooting games and i love company of heroes.
Ubisoft assasins greed.
did i forget one??

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Square-enix & Knoanmi of course.. maker of Metal Gear series and Greatness Final Fantasy.. anyone else???

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Sora_a10
Heir of the Throne
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International Performer
International Performer
Square Enix
EA Games

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
For me it's CAPCOM all the way.
Even though they did some pretty stupid things lately, most of my favorite games are made by CAPCOM.

Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Mega Man
Dino Crisis

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 TqohPfv
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International Performer
International Performer
Many of my favourite companies have been having problems recently.

Square Ennix is awesome for the Final Fantasy games but had so many complaints about FFXIII that they have released XIII-2 to make up for it !

CAPCOM is another awesome company but Resident Evil 5 did not even make the top thirty and they too have consulted the fans and are going back to their roots with Resident Evil 6 which looks fantastic.

But Bethesda Softworks just gets better and better, 'Skyrim' is an amazing game.

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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1) EA for FIFA , and Command & Conquer games.
2) Ubisoft for Assassin's Creed games, Tom Clancy's games, and Prince of Persia games
3) Namco Bandai for Tekken series, Naruto games, Soul Calibur series, and Dragon Ball games.
4) Square Enix for Final Fantasy, and the next Tomb Raider coming out this year I think
5) Naughty Dog for Crash Bandicoot series, Uncharted series , and the upcoming game The Last of Us.
7) Valve for Counter Strike

this list in not in order,but EA is #1 always

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Well my first post after a reeeeaaaally long time ^_^

Well my favourite are:

-Valve -> Counter-Strike
-NaughtyDog -> Uncharted Series
-Capcom-> StreetFighter
-Square Enix-> FF
aaaand last but not least
-Lucas Arts -> Monkey Island series ( DAAAAMN I LOVE THIS GAME^_^)

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I'd like to say Square Enix, heck I WILL say Square Enix but lately their games are not at all as good. Too much style and to little substance. The reason they still get my vote is because FFXIII Versus looks amazing!

A second is Konami for Suikoden/Metal Gear Solid.

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 0fPdnZt
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International Performer
International Performer
Nintendo/ Gamefreak
Because Pokemon is awesome

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Caless Student
Caless Student
for me it's Square Enix and Electronic Arts (EA)
Square Enix : the graphics is so so gooooood ^^. it's like real. ex : Final Fantasy Crisis Core on PSP and Final Fantasy XII and go on, on PS3 and Xbox
EA : I think 70% in this world know The Sims. Just I think ^^

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International Performer
International Performer
1) Ubisoft for Driver: SF, Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed, HAWX
2) Activision for Prototype, Prototype 2

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 F14010103
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International Performer
International Performer
Square Enix hands down..

Great Games, Great Quality, Great Gaming Series *cough*Final Fantasy*cough*

They have great games and the quality of the art is just amazing

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Scaled.php?server=850&filename=oie3113359hjesqdxn
Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 ScandalliveTOURsupporter
Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 ScandalliveTOURteammember2

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International Performer
International Performer
EA games
Square Enix
They Build The Gamer In Me.xD

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Rockstar Games!
They've been really good at consistently putting out quality titles over the past few years such as GTA IV, L.A. Noire, and Red Dead Redemption.
Oh, and Red Dead Redemption is my favourite game of all time! Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 572615

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Appledoughedit2Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Appledoughedit2
*Click above to Tweet me~!*
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts series. Just love it, it completes my life

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International Performer
International Performer
SQUARE ENIX absolutely..and THQ, Sony and CAPCOM
i love monster hunter a lot..and radiant mythology!

haru-chan wa ichiban da!boku no megami desu!

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Haru210
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International Performer
International Performer
Squaresoft for me, not square Enix (basically everything before the original Kingdom Hearts is gold). i felt when they combined with Enix they started losing their touch.
Naughty Dog - they havent made a bad game yet.
Kojima Productions - im a metal gear super fan
Valve - half life, portal and some of the best multiplayer games ever

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 6143074812_5b541c9f03_z
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Koei ROTK series are awesome
Niponichi disgaea series la pucelle
paradox Mount and blade series

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Square Enix (KH series, Star Ocean series, and Valkyrie Profile series)

Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed series, Armored Core: for Answer)

EA/Bioware (Dragon Age: Origins, Crysis series, Mass Effect trilogy)

From Software (Armored Core series, 'nuff said).

Atlus (Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona series, Catherine)

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Vlcsnap2012051411h37m32k
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Konami - Time Hollow, Jubeat, Reflec Beat, Yu-Gi-Oh.
Nintendo - Mario.
Bandai - Gundam
Capcom - Phoenix Wright, Justice Apollo, Miles Edgeworth.

Which Game Production Company attracts you THE MOST? - Page 4 Rina_211
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