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Chords For Very Special
Posted Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:07 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I really like this Tomo/Rina song from Baby Action but couldn't find any tabs except for Neyodemos' bass tabs (and he hasn't visited in almost two years, come back Neyodemos!). So, I took a stab at writing out the chords by ear. I put them over the Romanized lyrics, hopefully in the right places, I did my best. I didn't tab the solo, a variety would fit if you want to play with it.

This song is the opposite of "three chords and the truth," there are a lot of chords. I think they use every major chord including sharps. It's really interesting, on the verses, just when you think you are in BTO "Takin Care of Business" territory they shift to a different chord. It doesn't follow a I-IV-V progression the way my ears grew up. So fun!

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Re: Chords For Very Special
Posted Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:55 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Not that this is the foundation for 'Very Special', but this video of Marty Friedman illustrates the difference between a typical Japanese chord progression and that in Western music. Check it out:

Going back to topic - I've the tablature book if you wanna check the chords. But if you're happy with what you've transcribed, I'll leave you alone.


Chords For Very Special SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

~ CHECK OUT MY 「感謝祭」ŌSAKA 2018 VIDEO! 見てください!  ~

16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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Re: Chords For Very Special
Posted Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:38 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
kudo_maharizu wrote:Not that this is the foundation for 'Very Special', but this video of Marty Friedman illustrates the difference between a typical Japanese chord progression and that in Western music. Check it out:

Going back to topic - I've the tablature book if you wanna check the chords. But if you're happy with what you've transcribed, I'll leave you alone.


Thanks for the video link, MK, that was very interesting. Certainly Americans grew up hearing that blues based chord progression so often our ears are almost trained to expect it. It's both fascinating and wonderful the way people adapt and build on musical styles, making music a universal language that helps bring us together.

Also coming back on topic, I think the chords are right, but I'm always grateful for confirmation if you can somehow share the tab book.

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