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Metal Mickey

Metal Mickey

International Performer
International Performer
What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts?

Scandal is about to start their overseas tour next month.
I will say it's amazing some members here wearing outfit just like Scandal did to the concert!
Lot of Hong Kong fans will queue up early for the merchandise then put on those tour T to the concert they just bought.
It will be ideal to wear the tour (or official) T-shirt to the concert.
But since they will visit new places for the first time and I believe a lot of members here had been waiting for Scandal for years to see them live for the first time. Not everyone can get those T shirt prior to the actual live day.
Alternatively, I wore T shirts of the brand of instrument the member use.
But last time I think I draw the attention of Tomomi from the stage because I was wearing something similar to the one she did in video/promotion.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Thanks for the heads up! I'm saving money for Scandal towels and t-shirts to use for the live but it seems like those things sold out easily.

What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? Wapmov14

  .love. SCANDAL IN MANILA 2018 .love.
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Don Dio

Don Dio

International Performer
International Performer
There's an unwritten rule among hard rock/heavy metal fans that you don't wear a T-shirt of the band you're seeing at the show (unless it's Iron Maiden, then it seems to be okay).  But if you do wear the band's shirt, you definitely don't wear the current tour shirt (unless you're a child).  I usually follow this model, and find that when I wear another band's shirt I meet more people, but I will probably break this rule for Scandal.

I have a knock-off Scandal shirt that I will probably wear to the first show, and then depending what the actual tour shirts look like (and if I can get one), I'll wear it to one of the next shows. I am hoping they change the shirt from what it was at the early part of their touring.  The design with the teddy bear and flowers (or whatever it was) is too girly for me to wear.  With that in mind, I definitely won't be dressing up in any outfit that recalls their schoolgirl days.

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Metal Mickey

Metal Mickey

International Performer
International Performer
@Don Dio Oh really? Now I know why I see many clips of people wearing Anthrax T-shirts to Slayer's show, Metallica T-shirts to Exodus's and Megadeth Ts to Metallica's. And that is nothing to do with the bands relationship.
In Hong Kong is pretty different. Last year when Metallica did a concert here almost every one wear their T-Shirts.
Back on topic. During Scandal's first Asia tour in 2011 I'm early enough for the merchandise but the design of the T-shirt really is....
Until later Scandal became much more well known in Hong Kong. People queued up as early as 11:00 in the morning. That seems buying a T-shirt only few hours prior to the show is impossible.

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International Performer
International Performer
Don Dio wrote:There's an unwritten rule among hard rock/heavy metal fans that you don't wear a T-shirt of the band you're seeing at the show (unless it's Iron Maiden, then it seems to be okay).  But if you do wear the band's shirt, you definitely don't wear the current tour shirt (unless you're a child).

I heard about this rule, too. I've broken it for every single gig I've been to since 1988. Including the current tour shirt (sometimes - I tend to wear an older tee if I'm watching a band for the umpteenth time) of the gig I was attending sometimes. Still have my teeth intact.


I am hoping to either wear one of my old(er) SCANDAL tees (done this for all the other SCANDAL gigs) or a self-made tee with the dates of all the SCANDAL shows (done this for London '15) I've been to when I get to Hong Kong next month.

What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? 6_AD77217-_D007-4_CC9-8_EB4-_A89366_A119_C7
Clokwise from top L: London 2016, Wien 2016, Amsterdam 2016, Tachikawa 2014 (can't remember which SCANDAL tee I wore for this one), London 2015 and Nippon Budōkan, Tokyo PERFECT WORLD 16.

Which reminds me - I better get my act together if I wanna get one ready by the end of this month.

PS: Don't forget these if you have 'em:

What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? IMG_9837

What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

~ CHECK OUT MY 「感謝祭」ŌSAKA 2018 VIDEO! 見てください!  ~

16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Of all the Japanese live I've been to whilst living in Japan, typically fans would line up for goods, get changed and then go in for the live. Its ok to wear old tour gear and what not, some times you get a mention especially during MC when they talk about older tours etc. Of course the encore, they will try to plug their tour goods and point out a few fans who are wearing it Happy Wear what feels right for you, some people come to concert after work etc and they are still in their office suits!

As for Japan, typically we do not create huge banners and LED signs etc. Many artists I follow including Scandal do not permit illumintate banners/signs/penlight etc. There are some times exceptions, i.e. When Scandal did "Halloween live 2016" in Tokyo the official merch for the festival included a illumintated LED torch light with all the artists logos on it Happy

Scandal hasn't done this, but some artists forbid the use of offical logos/photos etc on fan giveaways to other fans and other use i.e. banner/fans/t-shirts etc... I guess its so to stop people buying bootleg items and using it during the live, i.e. unauthorised merch sold outside Budokan etc.

I say go with whatever you want, but probably not too much of banners/signs/LEDs during the show.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Probably I'd wear an Argentinian football shirt, I hope not to be seen with bad eyes  What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? 1f605

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I've never heard of that rule about not wearing tour shirts on the tour.. and I've been to a lot of concerts. I think the band appreciates it when you do, because it means you've given them money recently. When I used to go to a lot of metal and other American rock shows, most people would be wearing the current tour t-shirts.

I have a couple of Scandal tour shirts, from the Standard tour and the first Budokan show. But they're L and I'm an XL, so I can't really wear them comfortably. (I might try again for the NYC show, though; they'd probably appreciate that from American fans.) When I've gone to see them before, at those 2 shows and 2 others, I remember once wearing a Fender t-shirt, once wearing a Ramones t-shirt and once wearing a Foo Fighters t-shirt. Don't remember the fourth show; probably just wore a button down shirt and jeans.

Most people I've seen at their shows in Japan just wear whatever; they just look like random people off the street. Some put on their Scandal shirts over whatever else they're wearing, but most people just stay in their own regular clothes. I've been to various concerts from Japanese bands in NYC already and some people cosplay and a few people wear the band t-shirts like I'm going to try to do for Scandal, but most people just wear casual clothes like Scandal's fans in Japan do so that's what I expect for them here too.

If I can't fit into either of my tour shirts at all, I might wear some other tour shirt from another band I know they like.

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Metal Mickey

Metal Mickey

International Performer
International Performer
spacecadet wrote:
If I can't fit into either of my tour shirts at all, I might wear some other tour shirt from another band I know they like.
Considered Pink Floyd's? Your username shows you are a fan.
Haruna wore one during the European tour as well!
Originally I planned to wear my black Marshall T-shirt with white logo.
But things changed now.

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Metal Mickey wrote:Considered Pink Floyd's? Your username shows you are a fan.
Haruna wore one during the European tour as well!
Originally I planned to wear my black Marshall T-shirt with white logo.
But things changed now.

What changed, if you don't mind my asking? Did they stop using any Marshall amps?

I was thinking about Pink Floyd and I have a couple PF shirts, but I was leaning more towards Bauhaus. One of my favorite photos of Scandal is the one from a year or so ago with Haruna wearing a Bauhaus t-shirt - that was just really unexpected. And I feel like going to a Scandal concert in a Bauhaus t-shirt would get an interesting reaction from other fans. Some wouldn't recognize it at all, others would think "wait, so Scandal attracts Bauhaus fans?!" while a few would probably know that Haruna was wearing that shirt, and would recognize it just from that.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I was thinking about Pink Floyd and I have a couple PF shirts, but I was leaning more towards Bauhaus. One of my favorite photos of Scandal is the one from a year or so ago with Haruna wearing a Bauhaus t-shirt - that was just really unexpected. And I feel like going to a Scandal concert in a Bauhaus t-shirt would get an interesting reaction from other fans. Some wouldn't recognize it at all, others would think "wait, so Scandal attracts Bauhaus fans?!" while a few would probably know that Haruna was wearing that shirt, and would recognize it just from that.
Bela Lugosi's Dead

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International Performer
International Performer
spacecadet wrote:
Metal Mickey wrote:Considered Pink Floyd's? Your username shows you are a fan.
Haruna wore one during the European tour as well!
Originally I planned to wear my black Marshall T-shirt with white logo.
But things changed now.

What changed, if you don't mind my asking? Did they stop using any Marshall amps?

I think Mickey was alluding to MAMI's current allegiance to a Bogner Ectasy in red tolex.

Looking at how the band rents gear when they go overseas, MAMI's quite likely to be playing Marshalls in these shows. Unless the promoter managed to get an Ecstasy head.

Back to topic:

If I couldn't get my self-made HK tee for June, then I'm cashing on any leftovers they'd put online after the HONEY hall tour. Otherwise, I do a have a pile of old tees to choose from. There's no one I wanna impress anyway. lol


What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

~ CHECK OUT MY 「感謝祭」ŌSAKA 2018 VIDEO! 見てください!  ~

16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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Metal Mickey

Metal Mickey

International Performer
International Performer
spacecadet wrote:What changed, if you don't mind my asking? Did they stop using any Marshall amps?
It seems Mami have Bogner Ectasy amplification for live exclusively since 2018.
You can see it in the Japan Jam video.
Probably those Marshal are mainly used in the studio.
Back on topic. How about Superdry's "OSAKA 6" T? I think Scandal will be amazed to see fans showing some love of their hometown. Especially at the Meet & Greet.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
SCANDAL in June is the first ever concert I'm ever going too, and I've been pretty set on wearing red since it's the color for Honey. That or a SCANDAL shirt I buy before the live. Depends how much money I have saved up by then.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@shunyi I've read something about a plan of wearing red for Scandal's concert in PH from a group on facebook. I'm not sure tho.

What do you usually wear/plan to wear to SCANDAL's concerts? Wapmov14

  .love. SCANDAL IN MANILA 2018 .love.
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Yeah. I'm in that group too. Tho, I was already planning on wearing red even before I found out of that plan. A lot of people in red during the concert sounds pretty cool, though!

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