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Caless Student
Caless Student
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Hi People,

I know this one has been posted here already,  but this version is basically for acoustic guitar and vocal.   I've done my best to show the harmonic and rhythmic movement as accurately as possible.

Gotta say, Ryota Yanagisawa's song writing here is brilliant.   All the parts fit together as perfectly as the stone work around the moats of Osaka Castle.   One of the keys to good song writing is to always keep the listener interested.   Strong themes with interesting harmonic developments are what is needed, and if you want to learn how to do that, I recommend studying this song in depth.

I've rendered this using 4 large image files.    The high resolution was needed to capture the chord fingerings and give a good representation of the lyrics in Kana and Kanji.  

Intro and First Verse

First Chorus

Second Verse and Chorus

Final Chorus and Outro


Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne (会わないつもりの、元気でね).   for acoustic guitar and vocal. Tgate10
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