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Electric Mami

Electric Mami

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO SCANDAL’s LATEST ALBUM (and my second favourite from them) “MIRROR” !!

To celebrate that, here's my Guitar Pro transcription of “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” (guitars, bass, drums), of which the MV was also released 1 year ago as of today !

For this transcription, I've used the usual sounds I have created and used before for the members, except this time I've added two sounds for MAMI : a more distorted sound for her solo, and a crunch sound with a slight of tremolo over it during certain parts of the song (such as the first pre-chorus). I'm not familiar enough with keys, so I didn't tab the piano nor the strings (which are played via a synth). That being said, this time I played around with volume and panning automation to make it an even more accurate transcription ! Also, please enjoy the mix (and master made via Adobe Audition) of it ~. Below, here's the MEGA folder containing the Guitar Pro file, the PDFs, and the videos of the transcription :

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Amazing work! Many thanks. This song is so well crafted.

I suddenly remembered spending my days making my own songs in Guitar Pro 4, a looong time ago.

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 “Kiss from the darkness” Livestream [2020.08.21]  “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” [Guitar Pro + Tab Videos + PDFs] 2705 
SCANDAL 『SEASONS』 collaborated with NAKED Livestream [2020.12.24]  “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” [Guitar Pro + Tab Videos + PDFs] 2705 
SCANDAL 15th ANNIVERSARY LIVE 『INVITATION』 at Osaka-Jo Hall Livestream [2021.08.21]  “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” [Guitar Pro + Tab Videos + PDFs] 2705 

SCANDAL live at ANIME FRIENDS AF20 “Live in Brazil” at Distrito Anhembi, São Paulo [2023.07.16]  “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” [Guitar Pro + Tab Videos + PDFs] 2705 
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