anyone here got Halo: Reach.
I hated Halo 3 so much, but Reach is pretty awesome in my opinion.
I hated Halo 3 so much, but Reach is pretty awesome in my opinion.
Halo: reach [Page 1 of 1]
bigOeyez wrote:Halo fans will always buy Halo games regardless... I hate to say it, but it's a huge money ploy because fans need to keep up with each other if the mass majority goes over to the new title... I thought ODST was a great game, but others didn't like it as much because you weren't a Spartan, *pssh* it takes skill to survive without regenerating health!... I can do without Reach for a while since there's nothing too new to the gameplay...
But I'm guilty of bandwagoning CoD... HA HA! I'm not getting Black Ops though, (my ass! I'll have to if the masses goes there... boo...) I still enjoy playing the Zombie Map Packs on World at War and the multiplayer in MW2 is still raging on...
Black Ops is whatever... I'm waiting for Medal of Honor, then Ghost Recon after, maybe Black Ops in between if I truly can't wait til GR...
bigOeyez wrote:oh I meant the quote the "$200 million" comment... HA HA!
I can understand if it reached that number because of drastic changes to the game, but all Halo games are essentially the same when it comes down to it... Heh, I can say that since I did bandwagon until Halo 3, when all of a sudden deja vu of Halo came over me...
Ah but it's alright, it's the last Halo game anyways and Bungie took me 4/5 for their FPS titles... HA HA!
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