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Final Fantasy [Page 5 of 11]

Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:26 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
i've played all of it too. (wait, what am i saying? i started this thread) nevermind.

@falcon It's too early for PS4. hope Sony doesn't make the Playstation like the iPhone. One month you have the iPhone 4, a few months later iphone 5 comes up and you've rumors of an iPhone 6. Waste of resources for Sony.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:28 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
You thanked this post! -
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Btw, XIII-2's english theme song will be sung by Charice. Which IMHO, is meh. i never liked her. Prepare for a screaming high pitched end credits song. .omg.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:26 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
FFIX is epic. I almost cried at every scene. xDD .dies.

Final Fantasy - Page 5 D18-Header-1
I'll bite to death whoever disturbs my sleep. .punches.
I'm Namimori's Discipline Committee Head, Kyoya Hibari. And also .. Vongola Famiglia's Cloud Ring Guardian... .cool.
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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:58 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Well I see here that there's a lot of fans of Final Fantasy. Nice one
I love the Final Fantasy Saga!!! I started when I was just a kid with the Demo of FF 8 on the computer, so I can say that the 8th was my first, but I only completed it a few years back (5-6years).
I Love all that I've played, Played to completion the VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII (planing to buy the amazing new sequel). .toj.
I got to play to from the 1st to VI, but didn't finished the 3rd, 4th, 5th. Oh well, When I have time .whistle.
I love these games, such greats histories! .clap. I have to say that my favorite is either FFX or XII, but I love them all, not as much as Scandal tough! .love.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:19 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Currently playing XIII and enjoying it a lot so far, in chapter 5. The paradigm system and crystarium are really fun to customize, and I don't really mind the linearity. Sazh and Vanille are awesome.

I've beaten I (GBA), III (DS), IV (GBA), X, and XII. I played a tiny bit of II (GBA), less than an hour. I played VIII for quite a bit but stopped because I messed up junctioning, so I want to replay it eventually. I got stuck near the end of XII: Revenant Wings, and I'll have to grind a bit before I'm strong enough to beat the last few levels.

My favorite is XII for the battle system, followed by IV. XIII will probably be up there if it continues to be as much fun as it is now.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:04 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
my favorite is final fantasy VII

though in truth the previous Final Fantasy. I also like.

I am currently finished Final Fantasy XIII and I'm waiting below.

and also waiting for the final fantasy versus XIII

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:01 am



International Performer
International Performer

Although I have now played it many times my favourite is still FFVII.
The characters and the story are just so cool, like many fans I keep
hoping that just maybe Square Ennix will remake FFVII for the PS3 !

I think my second favourite was FFX because it was the first one where
they actually spoke, and again the characters and story were really good.

I have to admit I was disappointed by FFXIII as to me it was not a RPG
game, but I still have high hopes for XIII-2 as Square Ennix say they have
listened to what people did not like about FFXIII.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:25 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Ooh, a final fantasy thread. Awesome!

I love the whole FF series. I'm even in the minority that enjoyed FFXIII (one of the best soundtracks in my opinion). Quite frankly, all the hate for it is getting tiresome. Can't wait to play XIII-2 later this month.

First FF I played was V. After that, I went backward to play I-IV and then VI-IX. Favorite FF? Definitely X. Second favorite might be VIII. Hey, I thought Squall was cool! Plus him and Rinoa is just...Final Fantasy - Page 5 911293

Anyway, my least favorite might be IX or XII. Not saying they're bad though.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:06 pm



International Performer
International Performer
i guess more people here have played FF-VII onwards than from FF I to VI, which only kinds of make sense. i only played FF IV, VI, VIII and IX, partly cos i never owned a playstation and it was a hassle to download all the discs for FFVII onwards. i tried to play X on an emulator, but it was too laggy for me.

My favourite was VI, because of the vibrance of its characters. 12 epic characters fighting an epic 3 stage boss, nothing beats that for me, although i never cleared it (i died at kefka). Plus, Dancing Mad is EPIC AWESOME

2nd should be IV, i liked the story, and it is still the only FF i completed in my life

Final Fantasy - Page 5 2d0ylnt
Asia Tour 2013 (Singapore) - 16/03/13
HELLO WORLD (Singapore) - 08/05/15
PERFECT WORLD (Budokan) - 12/01/16, 13/01/16
YELLOW (Singapore) - 04/06/16
10TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL (Osaka Izumiotsu Phoenix) - 21/08/16

Discovery of SCANDAL - 22/07/11
First SCANDAL Concert - 16/03/13
First Banner Chosen and Displayed On SH - 29/04/14
First SCANDAL Concert in Japan - 12/01/16
First Time to Photograph SCANDAL at a Concert - 04/06/16
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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:20 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
casually in the day yesterday.

My brother returned mail, or somewhere else

where there was to find a console , more precisely a Nintendo Famicom.

along with some final fantasy 1, 2 and 3

I was very excited, I had never played those, final fantasys

I must say that still does not finish any of the three

I can not believe that playing the final fantasy of the old school Final Fantasy - Page 5 324560

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:12 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
That's great! Everyone should play old school Final Fantasy. Out of those 3, I really like III.
Square did well with that remake for the DS a couple of years back.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:52 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Woah??! All of you guys??! SO MANY!! .nani.

Get ready for a reaaaaaaaaaaaaally long post..

Well, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII(PSP) started my FF-life. Then later on I searched on where to find, and how to play the other Compilation of FFVII franchises. Fortunate enough, I was able to find how to play FFVII, on my PSP system.. Though I'm still at the middle part of disc one since I don't have much time.. Almost finished FFIX(one of the best.) though.. Got down 2 discs in FFVIII... Got a taste of FFX(PS2) for about 20-30 mins. Played some of FFXII(PS2;rented).. I threw almost P500(PHP) in renting a PS3 system, and playing FFXIII(i-love-lightning), but it was worth it.

I'm currently playing FF, and FFII(PSP;20th Anniversary Edition;remake), FFIII(PSP;NES Emulator), FFIV(PSP;Complete Collection), FFV(PSP;PSX Emulator), FFVI(PSP;PSX Emulator), FF:Type 0(2 UMD Discs), DDFF 012(Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy 012)and many more SQUARE ENIX games, such as The 3rd Birthday, and the rest.

So with all of those, I guess I can be called "addicted" to FF, I almost tried to make a game like it, but it ended up in my Recycle Bin. xD xD

If you'll ask me to rank them, I won't.. It's pretty much hard to do, THEY'RE ALL FREAKING AWESOME!! .rage.

I like how Square(later on Square Enix) always gets ahead in terms of graphics, but it's absolutely awesome how they can balance it with an epic story, unique gameplay, and characters that has individuality.. I'll be looking forward to FFXIII-2, FF Versus XIII, and an FF: Type 0 (ENG/USA) Version.

I would like to say a lot more, but I'm afraid that no one even got to read this part.. So posting more will be pretty much a waste. If you want to have conversations regarding FF, just PM me, or just say so when I'm online in SH's ShoutBox. ^^

~BTW, nice thread, I've unleashed all my feelings inside for FF. xD xD

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:17 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Wow, nice story leachim_paloyz15. But I must say. You need to play Final Fantasy X, in terms of history, is really great. Almost got me to tears xD

But real nice, keep playing and supporting Square Enix. They need more people like us! xD

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:23 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Haha, I did read your whole story leachim. Don't worry. Good thing you played Crisis Core then. It's really great that there are still FF fans out there like us. I can't tell you how many times I've had a conversation with "ex-fans" and all they do is try to find ways to bash FF and Square-Enix.

I agree with Neyodemos. X is one of the ones you have to get through. I was crying like a baby at the end of that one.Final Fantasy - Page 5 692641 One of the best stories ever in FF.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:26 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Final word to describe it: EPIC.

i have played the game from Final Fantasy 3 (3 in US, 6 in JP), VII, VIII, IX, Crisis i am itching for Agito, or now renamed to Type-0.

Final Fantasy III (or VI), has the most depth story-wise. The reason why most people liked FF7 so much is because it was the one that was most commercialized. i have nothing against FFVII fans, true that...and i also think Sephiroth is the most bad-ass of the villains EVER. i even felt fear when i encountered him for the FIRST TIME as a boss...which again, i've felt in Crisis Core...but to me, story-wise its kinda shallow compared to FFVI ...

Final Fantasy first i was only watching how it was played and said to myself "boooring..." but then i heard those people who play it discuss certain parts of the story and i was like... O_O fairy tale?

it was back in '95...i would even skip class just to watch them play the game and be hooked into the story...when i missed a chapter i ask them "what happened?"
then the players will say "oh...this and that happens...blah blah...". man, it was like watching a tv series of some sort. at that point i learned what an RPG is and what other games are and found out that they are like ANIMEs and YOU take the role of the main character. Sweet! And oh yeah, Kefka is still the MOST ANNOYING villain around.

Final Fantasy, this brings memories. Rinoa is my first 3D crush. haha. the dance scene after Squall's graduation? Wow. highlight of the game. favorite character is ZELL. i can still remember my combo pattern that will allow me to unlock ALL his Finishes...Good times...a friend of ours finished the game in JAPANESE, even though he CAN'T read Japanese...i was there when he fought Ultimecia the first time and after the Griever + Ultimecia merge was defeated we were jumping up and down thinking it was over...but NO! Ultimecia appears Again!!! and when it was finished i was like "i am going to play this game on my own." i thought i was a bad-ass when i finished the game on my own...but then i found out that there were 10 year olds who can finish the, to me it is the easiest FF8 ever released. ^_^

Final Fantasy Chibi mode on the characters. Garnet, Zidane, and that Knight - Guy (forgot his name) the story, the set up...the PERFECT anime style game. Most memorable scene would be when the castle (Alexander moved and shot his lasers...but even before he can recover lo! Bahamut blasts him into Smithereens!!!

Crisis Core...i played it because it is a Prequel to the oh-so-loved Final Fantasy VII...and made me realize ZACK is much more BAD-ASS than Cloud...hahaha. i actually shed bucketful of tears when he died at the end....and oh yeah, i HATE Nirvana at the end... >.<

Final Fantasy 13...i have to say, i am proud that i was there when Final Fantasy 13 was released for the Xbox 360!!! i was with Xbox 360 support then and we were shown the Xbox 360 Console Limited Edition Bundle itself...!!! i was not able to finish the game but...yeah, since i do not have my own console that supports it...i feel bad... TT^TT

there...sorry...i know many of you will say TL;DR; it really is rare to have people where you can discuss Final Fantasy stuff as comfortable as here. ^_^

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:48 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
rusti3 wrote:Final word to describe it: EPIC.

i have played the game from Final Fantasy 3 (3 in US, 6 in JP), VII, VIII, IX, Crisis i am itching for Agito, or now renamed to Type-0.

Final Fantasy III (or VI), has the most depth story-wise. The reason why most people liked FF7 so much is because it was the one that was most commercialized. i have nothing against FFVII fans, true that...and i also think Sephiroth is the most bad-ass of the villains EVER. i even felt fear when i encountered him for the FIRST TIME as a boss...which again, i've felt in Crisis Core...but to me, story-wise its kinda shallow compared to FFVI ...

Final Fantasy first i was only watching how it was played and said to myself "boooring..." but then i heard those people who play it discuss certain parts of the story and i was like... O_O fairy tale?

it was back in '95...i would even skip class just to watch them play the game and be hooked into the story...when i missed a chapter i ask them "what happened?"
then the players will say "oh...this and that happens...blah blah...". man, it was like watching a tv series of some sort. at that point i learned what an RPG is and what other games are and found out that they are like ANIMEs and YOU take the role of the main character. Sweet! And oh yeah, Kefka is still the MOST ANNOYING villain around.

Final Fantasy, this brings memories. Rinoa is my first 3D crush. haha. the dance scene after Squall's graduation? Wow. highlight of the game. favorite character is ZELL. i can still remember my combo pattern that will allow me to unlock ALL his Finishes...Good times...a friend of ours finished the game in JAPANESE, even though he CAN'T read Japanese...i was there when he fought Ultimecia the first time and after the Griever + Ultimecia merge was defeated we were jumping up and down thinking it was over...but NO! Ultimecia appears Again!!! and when it was finished i was like "i am going to play this game on my own." i thought i was a bad-ass when i finished the game on my own...but then i found out that there were 10 year olds who can finish the, to me it is the easiest FF8 ever released. ^_^

Final Fantasy 9..Final Fantasy - Page 5 450165 Chibi mode on the characters. Garnet, Zidane, and that Knight - Guy (forgot his name) the story, the set up...the PERFECT anime style game. Most memorable scene would be when the castle (Alexander moved and shot his lasers...but even before he can recover lo! Bahamut blasts him into Smithereens!!!

Crisis Core...i played it because it is a Prequel to the oh-so-loved Final Fantasy VII...and made me realize ZACK is much more BAD-ASS than Cloud...hahaha. i actually shed bucketful of tears when he died at the end....and oh yeah, i HATE Nirvana at the end... >.<

Final Fantasy 13...i have to say, i am proud that i was there when Final Fantasy 13 was released for the Xbox 360!!! i was with Xbox 360 support then and we were shown the Xbox 360 Console Limited Edition Bundle itself...!!! i was not able to finish the game but...yeah, since i do not have my own console that supports it...i feel bad... TT^TT

there...sorry...i know many of you will say TL;DR; it really is rare to have people where you can discuss Final Fantasy stuff as comfortable as here. ^_^

It'll be easier for me to quote your post since I'm going to respond to each section. Bear with me ^^

Type-0 looks amazing!! It's a very different setting for FF. It looks very dark and gritty. I have to say, I liked the name Agito more.

Haha, I agree. Definitely, definitely agree. FFVII isn't my favorite BUT Sephiroth is one of the most bad ass villains. I can totally relate when you say you felt fear when fought him at the end. For me, I was like "Ooooh, crud..." I ended up dying like 10 times I think. Then when I played Crisis Core and had to fight him, that fear transferred. It didn't help that a more epic version of One Winged Angel was playing too!

For me, Kefka is right up there with Sephiroth. He's insane! And come on, Dancing Mad is a freaking brillaint song! Also right up there with One Winged Angel.

It's embarrassing to admit but when I first played VIII, I wanted to be Rinoa because I had a massive crush on Squall. VIII had a good story too.

Zack IS much more badass than Cloud. Cloud can't even touch Zack. Well...I never thought Cloud was much of a badass to begin with but Zack is freaking awesome. Even though I knew what was coming at the end, I was so heartbroken when he was shot to death. I kept fighting, even though I knew it wasn't going to change the outcome but I did it anyway!

FFXIII, yay! I feel that the FF classics are I-IX. I'm not sure if to add X in there because of when it was released but it's a classic to me. Anyway, even though XIII is not one of the classics, it's still very good. I really liked the story and the graphics were beautiful. It is quite long though.

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:49 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
wow. Nice post rusti3, and I must agree with much that you say there. my only problem is that i haven't played any PSP franchise (don't have psp).
But its so nice to know there is another ff fans like me XD

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:28 pm



International Performer
International Performer

I think FFX was my favourite after VII because it was the first one where the
characters talked and I fell for Yuna even if she was a bimbo !

But if anyone has the time and money to waste they should buy the Japanese
version of FFX as well like my daughter and I did.
The Japanese character voices are just so cool !

Final Fantasy - Page 5 Sig_sc10
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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:04 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
JayPub wrote:Haha, I did read your whole story leachim. Don't worry. Good thing you played Crisis Core then. It's really great that there are still FF fans out there like us. I can't tell you how many times I've had a conversation with "ex-fans" and all they do is try to find ways to bash FF and Square-Enix.

I agree with Neyodemos. X is one of the ones you have to get through. I was crying like a baby at the end of that one.Final Fantasy - Page 5 692641 One of the best stories ever in FF.
Yep, I really hate those kinds of fans. ><

Maybe I'll find a way to play it someday.. Like how I managed to put 75% of the FF Franchise into the PSP System, bwuahahahaha!! xD xD
Thanks! I'll see what I can do to play FFX.

JayPub wrote:It'll be easier for me to quote your post since I'm going to respond to each section. Bear with me ^^

Type-0 looks amazing!! It's a very different setting for FF. It looks very dark and gritty. I have to say, I liked the name Agito more.

Haha, I agree. Definitely, definitely agree. FFVII isn't my favorite BUT Sephiroth is one of the most bad ass villains. I can totally relate when you say you felt fear when fought him at the end. For me, I was like "Ooooh, crud..." I ended up dying like 10 times I think. Then when I played Crisis Core and had to fight him, that fear transferred. It didn't help that a more epic version of One Winged Angel was playing too!

For me, Kefka is right up there with Sephiroth. He's insane! And come on, Dancing Mad is a freaking brillaint song! Also right up there with One Winged Angel.

It's embarrassing to admit but when I first played VIII, I wanted to be Rinoa because I had a massive crush on Squall. VIII had a good story too.

Zack IS much more badass than Cloud. Cloud can't even touch Zack. Well...I never thought Cloud was much of a badass to begin with but Zack is freaking awesome. Even though I knew what was coming at the end, I was so heartbroken when he was shot to death. I kept fighting, even though I knew it wasn't going to change the outcome but I did it anyway!

FFXIII, yay! I feel that the FF classics are I-IX. I'm not sure if to add X in there because of when it was released but it's a classic to me. Anyway, even though XIII is not one of the classics, it's still very good. I really liked the story and the graphics were beautiful. It is quite long though.
I'm playing FF:Type 0 currently, but with the Kanji characters that I know now.. I'll never get far. xD xD

Woah?! I thought it was just me.. Turns out, many people are also a fan of Sephy.. xD On my first plays of CC:FFVII, I got pretty beaten up by him.. but after I played it a KAZILLION times, he can't even touch me. .cool.
And yes, the CC's version of One Winged Angel is the best. I can't believe that I have wasted money for buying the CC OST Soundtrack/s(or was it an album??..)

But first, Rinoa had a HUUUUUUGE crush on Seifer too right? xD xD

"Cloud can't even touch Zack." <--- LOL. .common. Agreed.
Yep, cried manly tears several times in CC. Stupid ENIX.. for making me cry over and over again. xD xD haha!

Nothing much to say about FFX since I only got a glimpse of it.. but oh! They say it has a good story, then it has! xD xD

GOTTA LOVE FFXIII! I've been trying to get myself a PS3 System, but so far, no luck.. I even tidied up my grades, but still.. They won't buy me one... Maybe it's just too expensive.. ><

Neyodemos wrote:wow. Nice post rusti3, and I must agree with much that you say there. my only problem is that i haven't played any PSP franchise (don't have psp).
But its so nice to know there is another ff fans like me XD
It's really awesome, you can almost play all of the FF's from I - IX straight!! ^^
and there's also exclusive FF PSP games such as CC:FFVII, and FF:Type 0. I also think that Square Enix will not stop making PSP Games in the mean time..

Yep, good to know that.

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:06 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
leachim_paloyz15 wrote:
JayPub wrote:-Snipped to save space-
Yep, I really hate those kinds of fans. ><
The uppity kind of fans :/ They're everywhere!

leachim_paloyz15 wrote:
JayPub wrote:-snipped again-
I'm playing FF:Type 0 currently, but with the Kanji characters that I know now.. I'll never get far. xD xD

Woah?! I thought it was just me.. Turns out, many people are also a fan of Sephy.. xD On my first plays of CC:FFVII, I got pretty beaten up by him.. but after I played it a KAZILLION times, he can't even touch me. Final Fantasy - Page 5 146456
And yes, the CC's version of One Winged Angel is the best. I can't believe that I have wasted money for buying the CC OST Soundtrack/s(or was it an album??..)

But first, Rinoa had a HUUUUUUGE crush on Seifer too right? xD xD

"Cloud can't even touch Zack." <--- LOL. Final Fantasy - Page 5 772750 Agreed.
Yep, cried manly tears several times in CC. Stupid ENIX.. for making me cry over and over again. xD xD haha!

Nothing much to say about FFX since I only got a glimpse of it.. but oh! They say it has a good story, then it has! xD xD

GOTTA LOVE FFXIII! I've been trying to get myself a PS3 System, but so far, no luck.. I even tidied up my grades, but still.. They won't buy me one... Maybe it's just too expensive.. ><

You're playing Type-0? Lucky. I don't even know when it's going to be released here ><
Hehe, don't worry. I have the CC OST too Tongue couldn't help myself.

>< I try to forget she did but yeah. She had a crush on Seifer. Seifer would have been cool if he wasn't always trying to prove himself, thus making him an asshat.

You'll get a PS3! Don't lose hope! I'm still counting down the days for the release of FFXIII-2. Played the demo recently, I liked it.

tonymiller wrote:But if anyone has the time and money to waste they should buy the Japanese
version of FFX as well like my daughter and I did.
The Japanese character voices are just so cool !

Since I've replayed X so many times, I think I might just do that. I don't know squat about reading Japanese but if everything is the same, I think I can get around with just my memory ^^ Or is there one with subtitles? Just wondering ><

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:21 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
JayPub wrote:You're playing Type-0? Lucky. I don't even know when it's going to be released here ><
Hehe, don't worry. I have the CC OST too Tongue couldn't help myself.

>< I try to forget she did but yeah. She had a crush on Seifer. Seifer would have been cool if he wasn't always trying to prove himself, thus making him an asshat.

You'll get a PS3! Don't lose hope! I'm still counting down the days for the release of FFXIII-2. Played the demo recently, I liked it.
Yep, it's great so far, I like the graphics, the characters, and the main storyline.. I just don't want this to have the same ending as Crisis Core(*fingers crossed.), I want this one to have a happy ending! xD xD
Almost all games that I've played this past few months all ended up pretty lonely/gruesome/tragic, well you get the idea. xD TRUST ME, IT'LL BE RELEASED THERE.. ^^
WAAAAAA! We're awesome we have that. .cool.

He'd be way much cooler if he didn't put that scar on Squall's face, and had a much better attitude. xD Chicken-wuss. Tongue

Thanks! Well, I keep on praying evey night!! .please. hahaha! ^^

So you already have a PS3??! .nosebleed.
.wew. Good for you Jaypub! ^^

I only watched the trailer, I don't want Lightning's new outfit though.. and she's not even the main protagonist on XIII-2, but still! She's there, and it's a FFXIII prequel, so when I get my hands on a PS3(that will be lawfully mine.) I'll burn my money buying all the FF games!! xD xD

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Posted Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:49 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
played VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,X2, PS3 to play XIII,played Dirge of cerberus,Crisis Core

haven't decide which is better if Crisis Core or X cause of both endings are very dramatic.
i shed tears for those two titles,VI as better as VII.XII is for me has fast phase story line,i wish they could feature Reks more.and i wish the other party members are still in the battlefield if you summon.VIII has good gameplay but lack in story line.
still wish that Hironobu Sakaguchi can create anther FF game,but i know he no owns mistwalker.Lost odyssey is somehow worthwhile and Takehiko Inoue was good for making the character designs for that game.
Dirge Of Cerberus has good CGI cutscenes,the graphics was just like Advent Children.
i only finish up to the 1st half of the story after that i don't know what to do cause the map was different.
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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:31 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
almeriaq66 wrote:played VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,X2, PS3 to play XIII,played Dirge of cerberus,Crisis Core

haven't decide which is better if Crisis Core or X cause of both endings are very dramatic.
i shed tears for those two titles,VI as better as VII.XII is for me has fast phase story line,i wish they could feature Reks more.and i wish the other party members are still in the battlefield if you summon.VIII has good gameplay but lack in story line.
still wish that Hironobu Sakaguchi can create anther FF game,but i know he no owns mistwalker.Lost odyssey is somehow worthwhile and Takehiko Inoue was good for making the character designs for that game.
Dirge Of Cerberus has good CGI cutscenes,the graphics was just like Advent Children.
i only finish up to the 1st half of the story after that i don't know what to do cause the map was different.
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Hehe, you're right. Both X and Crisis Core had really good endings. If I had to choose, I'd pick X because it came out before Crisis Core.

Oh, that's right. I forgot about Dirge of Cerberus. I played it twice but never again. It was alright but that's about it. The ending is always what got me thinking. Especially after Crisis Core. Was it Genesis? Everyone seems to think so but I don't know D:

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:15 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
JayPub wrote:Hehe, you're right. Both X and Crisis Core had really good endings. If I had to choose, I'd pick X because it came out before Crisis Core.

Oh, that's right. I forgot about Dirge of Cerberus. I played it twice but never again. It was alright but that's about it. The ending is always what got me thinking. Especially after Crisis Core. Was it Genesis? Everyone seems to think so but I don't know D:
Now you made me really want to play FFX. .wow.

Well I played Dirge many many times, but I haven't got a chance to finish it.
I was not happy about it because of some reason I can't really point out.. Was it the gameplay? The story?.. I can't really remember. I was not happy with it. I'm not saying that SQUARE ENIX did a bad job on this one, maybe I was just expecting something better. xD

After maybe some few years, SONY should release a PS that can play all the previous PS games ranging from PS1 to the latest that they'll be able to release(ex. PS7, etc.). So that we can play the classics with ease. Agree or not? .knuckles. haha. ^^

Last edited by leachim_paloyz15 on Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Re: Final Fantasy
Posted Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:38 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
JayPub wrote:
almeriaq66 wrote:played VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,X2, PS3 to play XIII,played Dirge of cerberus,Crisis Core

haven't decide which is better if Crisis Core or X cause of both endings are very dramatic.
i shed tears for those two titles,VI as better as VII.XII is for me has fast phase story line,i wish they could feature Reks more.and i wish the other party members are still in the battlefield if you summon.VIII has good gameplay but lack in story line.
still wish that Hironobu Sakaguchi can create anther FF game,but i know he no owns mistwalker.Lost odyssey is somehow worthwhile and Takehiko Inoue was good for making the character designs for that game.
Dirge Of Cerberus has good CGI cutscenes,the graphics was just like Advent Children.
i only finish up to the 1st half of the story after that i don't know what to do cause the map was different.
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Hehe, you're right. Both X and Crisis Core had really good endings. If I had to choose, I'd pick X because it came out before Crisis Core.

Oh, that's right. I forgot about Dirge of Cerberus. I played it twice but never again. It was alright but that's about it. The ending is always what got me thinking. Especially after Crisis Core. Was it Genesis? Everyone seems to think so but I don't know D:

yup,he is nero/genesis/gackt.

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