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Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:41 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
...continuation from Skrillex thread

Izayama33 wrote:
Sweet, I grew up on Tool then APC. They're suppose to release an album this year and release a track or two as APC...saw them(APC) live, beautiful performance! Tried to see Tool...sold out in 10 SECONDS!
As for Aphex, I haven't checked up on him since Come to daddy(remix). And for mau5, I gotta find the clip, Grammys usually make me rage so I avoid it, but I heard Dave of the foo fighters gave an awsome speech.

Awsome to meet another Tool fan...even here hahaHa~

I know, right? Didn't think I'd meet another Tool/APC fan here. But then again, Tomomi kinda reminds me of Paz. Plus they both use Fender Precision basses. Check this pic out:
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I've seen APC 3 times, once per album. And yeah, each show was awesome! But my fave is still the original line-up. I get chills thinking about how that first concert ended. "Judith" was their last song, and when it came to the final "did it all for youuuuuuu...", Maynard ripped off his wig and sustained his scream for at least 20 seconds. The whole place went nuts!

Vid just in case anyone's interested (it has a tall Argentinian version of Timo!). WARNING: Contains the usual rock band swear words.

As for Tool, I've seen them 8 times. I got free tickets twice (both fourth row dead center!) through Each show just keeps getting better and better! More visuals, more random jams and ad-libs, MJK interacting more with the crowd, etc. My fave set-up is still the "Sacred Mirrors" one. There was so much Alex Grey eye-candy!
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Yeah, you really have to be on top of Ticketmaster once Tool tickets go on sale because they sell out really quick. Either that or your best bet is an auction site. I'm not sure if TOOLarmy still selects random members to receive free tickets, it's been rather dead for the past 2 or so years. But you really have to go to one of their concerts at least once. It's definitely life-changing.

Anyways, here's the song/vid that got me hooked on Tool. WARNING: Contains the usual rock band swear words.

So, are there any other Tool/APC fans out there?

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:12 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
While not exactly a fan, I have much respect for both Tool/APC.

Three Libras is one of my favourite songs of all time.

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:34 am



International Performer
International Performer
When I read an APC concert review few years ago, I found out that Paz Lenchantin kiss the guitarist (Troy I guess, not Billy..I forgot) during the live concert, I'm so 'oohh'..
'Judith' is a good one, the bass lines, the heavy guitar sounds, it's remarkable..Paz is remarkable musician, that's all I know... Rock on

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:08 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@macdyne73: 3 Libras is an awesome song. I can actually picture Scandal covering it (though it would never happen). Haru's voice would fit well, don't you think?

@jigoku79: Hehe yeah...the band members tend to do stuff like that during their concerts. They are very "friendly" with each other. At the second APC concert I went to, Jeordie White groped James Iha's private parts for a solid 3 seconds. It got an uncomfortable cheer from the crowd.

And yes, both "Judith" and Paz are really remarkable. Nice one

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:25 am



International Performer
International Performer
Wait a second..You meant Twiggy Ramirez, that 'Twiggy'?..on James Iha?brrr..
Well, if it's Paz, I don't mind.. Hehee
Those stage-set is a piece of beauty, man!.. Thumbs up
Btw, you had any link for APC live songs, with original line-up?Thanks in advance..

Note: Well, James Iha now on the right track, after what he did on Tinted Windows,lol.. Hehee

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:27 am



International Performer
International Performer
For some reason the bassist reminds me of Lady gaga... its probably that nose and old hair colour... its a good band ey!

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:10 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
bleachnlife wrote:For some reason the bassist reminds me of Lady gaga... its probably that nose and old hair colour... its a good band ey!

Now that you mention it, she does kinda remind me of Gaga before she became...well, gaga. As long as she doesn't start wearing meat dresses and beer can rollers, I'm all good with that hehe.

@jigoku79: Yup, that Twiggy...without the smeared make-up and permascowl. It was still a bit disturbing to see nonetheless. James just laughed it off hehe.

As for a live vid of APC's original lineup, I think we'll go with 3 Libras since it was already brought up. The sound quality is rather crappy, but it's still a great performance. Paz is playing the violin while Danny Lohner (another future APC bassist) is playing the bass.

And yes, Tool stage sets are very elaborate and contain lots of arcane symbols and sacred geometry. .wow.

Last edited by ToMami on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:37 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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Last edited by ToMami on Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Double post)

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:56 pm



International Performer
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Thanks, Tomami..Currently downloading..Paz is a multi-instrumentalist musician, love to see her grip on other instrument..
Well, looks like Tool stage-set is 'well-brain'..MJK is the 'brain' behind of it,well I think so.. Mad, thanks for the vid! I love casted!

Note: Fyi, double posting is not allowed here, u can edit your previous post.. .tsk. , and be sure u reach 50 posts, so u can access our media section (there's tons of SCANDAL video u can download here)..ok? .common. ..Thanks! .hail.

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:32 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
The concert(APC) I went to, the opener was an all girl indie-punk band from Japan called Red Bacteria Vacuum, Maynard was pounding 40s almost till the end, while drunk, he was kicking the set decor around, he even started to speak some Japanese to the crowd during songs.

As for the Sober video, that brings me back to childhood...ah MTV was cool then.

Glory to the holy church of TOOL!!!

"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties." - Erich Fromm

"...One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." - Nikola Tesla
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:34 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@jigoku79: Whoops! Thanks for the heads up. Edited.

Yeah, MJK usually steers the direction of an album with his lyrics, but most of the headier band concepts actually stem from Danny Carey (drummer). He is the one that is big on the occult, transcendence, and other alternative "sciences". MJK feeds off of this for their more complex compositions. But as for their stage-sets, that's mostly planned out by Adam Jones (guitars/FX guru). He directs almost all of their vids as well.

Here's a vid that explains how Lateralus ties the Fibonacci sequence in with transcendence:

@Izayama33: Oh, they opened for APC last year right? I would've loved to see Maynard speak some Nihonggo while kicking stage props haha!

And yeah, back when MTV actually played music videos. 120 Minutes and Headbangers Ball! .rage.

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:46 am



International Performer
International Performer
Fibonacci?ah, it reminds me of DaVinci Code..
Oh, man!Hail to MJK and Danny!Well, it's quite a song and a deep know what?I'm amazed to see this clip!
I wonder how was their brain works..?Maybe, they're Mensa?.. .hmmm.
Great stuff!!Thanx 4 sharing..Now, that's what I call a 'well-brain'! .wow.

just found judith live @ France TV..with original lineup..enjoy!

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:37 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@jigoku79: And thank you for showing interest in 2 of my all-time favorite bands! .hail.

Hehe, I'm not sure if they are Mensa material, but judging from their interviews they seem pretty smart. They definitely have a thirst for knowledge and a way of seeing things that one wouldn't normally think of.

That's what I love about Tool. Not only do they stimulate the eyes and ears, but they stimulate the mind as well.

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:10 pm



International Performer
International Performer
You're welcome. .hail. I have heard too many music, and APC is one of them, they were link to few band I know such as GNR (Josh Freese), Paz (to Billy Corgan of Zwan, Smashing Pumpkins)..And I always interested to music that created in a certain kind of unique way. When I read the APC review, I knew that MJK is special..I'd love to dig it more..I like smart musician. They're awesome! Peace Onion
You know Dream Theater? 'Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory', they arrange it into a their way of thinking-->the musician, to stimulate our brain.
Well, I'm gonna wait for another heads up from u..keep on sharing! Thumbs up

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:21 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Yup,I know Dream Theater. "Pull Me Under" is one of those classic songs that gets me all nostalgic whenever I hear it, and Mike Portnoy is one of my favorite drummers. But there's just something about Danny that makes him stand out above all other rock/metal drummers (aside from his height, he's 6'5 or 195.6 cm).
Here's a live concert vid of him playing 4 Tool songs. Those polyrhythms and odd time signatures are just .nosebleed.

And here's the third song he played in that vid. It's a great song to meditate or just space-out to:

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Re: Tool/APC (A Perfect Circle)
Posted Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:10 am



International Performer
International Performer
Darn..that Danny, somehow when he play those polyrhythms reminds me to Portnoy..imo [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
But Danny seems love to play around more with toms, floor toms..
But, honestly his fill-in so.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]He play those fill-in on crash, ride, so effectively, so tight, no loose space on the beat, freakin awesome!(he rarely touch china's cymbals, isn't it?)..The oddtime sig on the double pedal+hi-hat is quite amusing for me! Love it, man!

For me, right now the drummer with tight fill-in is Joey Jordison..
But, after see Danny, he's quite more complex on the rhythm & fill-in..
With his complexity, I think he should replace Mangini on DT!.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Currently downloading the 2nd vids..(my net is so lame,darn..)

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ものでしょう? (SCANDAL- Pride)
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