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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:38 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
They've toned down the difficulty for MHP3 to welcome new players, so I guess it kind of irritates the veterans a bit.

Where did all these new players come from? Sponsers, in fact 14 major ones: (at the bottom).

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:43 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student

Guess i am very late. I play monster hunter too. But then i am a noob. hahahaha..
Played MH3, haven reach the final boss. still in between.. haiz.
Hahaha. :D

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:12 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Hey guys! New to MH here! I'm currently playing MH3rd Portable(with an English items/quests patch..). Awesome game, but I can't seem to know what to do with these:
- Gathering Quests: I don't know how to gather the things/materials needed.. >< I only see monsters lying around, so I beat them up until my time runs out..
- Slaying Quests: For example I need to slay 3 Bullfangos, I only encounter 2 of them(I've tried many times..). I have explored the whole map, but I still can't find all of them..

That's all, sorry for the noobish post guys! ^^

Disregard my message above, I finally got it. ^^
Well, MH3rd Portable is an amazing game so far!

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:36 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Aw man, and here I was willing to help out Tongue

I would love to play MHP3 but I don't have it ><
I remember MH being a hard game to get into but then it gets VERY addicting.

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:43 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
JayPub wrote:Aw man, and here I was willing to help out Tongue

I would love to play MHP3 but I don't have it ><
I remember MH being a hard game to get into but then it gets VERY addicting.
Haha! Sorry for the let down.. I just sort of.. figured it out. xD xD

Well, if you really want one.. You'll have soon enough. Just believe.. ^^ Just like my PS3.. xD
I love it now! I use Dual Swords as a primary weapon.. No one can match me with my fast execution of attacks! HAAAAYAH! xD xD (Does this sound like a person addicted to MH now?? Tongue )

Last edited by leachim_paloyz15 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:30 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
leachim_paloyz15 wrote:
JayPub wrote:Aw man, and here I was willing to help out monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk - Page 2 891450

I would love to play MHP3 but I don't have it ><
I remember MH being a hard game to get into but then it gets VERY addicting.
Haha! Sorry for the let down.. I just sort of.. figured it out. xD xD

Well, if you really want one.. You'll have soon enough. Just believe.. ^^ Just like my PS3.. xD
I love it now! I use Dual Swords as a primary weapon.. No one can me with my fast execution of attacks! HAAAAYAH! xD xD (Does this sound like a person addicted to MH now?? monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk - Page 2 891450 )

Yep! There is no cure now! Bwhahahaha!monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk - Page 2 282732

Dual swords are my primary/favorite weapon as well! When it comes to Congalala or Kut-kus, I switch to long swords.

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Re: monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk
Posted Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:17 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
me and my brother are MH addicts i think we've played almost all of it from the ps2 to the psp, but mostly we played it in the psp MH3 is easier than the second one, i normally use the long sword and my brother changes his weapon everytime we fought some monsters! he did cheated at monster hunter 2 because he cand defeat the fatalis! neither can i, im still playing monster hunter 3 with my cousins! and i laughed at myself at MH2 because when i want to cut the top of the lau shun lung i fell because i cant control where i was going!
i also laughed at the way my character was running while holding a wyvern egg! haha memories monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk - Page 2 804545

monster hunter portable 2/2nd G talk - Page 2 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400 DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANTA DANCE
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