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Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US
Posted Sat May 12, 2012 12:15 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Come on man, there are lots of awesome, i mean AWESOME, yeah literally, JRPGs out there that im itching to play, but unfortunately the developers are having doubts if they should localize their games in the US since JRPGs are getting low sales in the Foreign Market.

Post the game titles!

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does it have 2 b 4 the US

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
i just generalized it since most of the gamers know how to read and speak english, well it can be for EU so and so forth. :3

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o kl fam, ayte then, i wanna play elsword

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Elsword is actually Korean.
I am not sure, but I think this is the UK site:

Although it's an old game, I'd like to see the Tales of Rebirth.
Love the Tales games. But some of them are Japan only.

Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US TqohPfv
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Final Fantasy Type 0.
Though it's already confirmed that it will get localized.
The release date is still TBA (To be announced.)
So yeah.. .uhuh.

Oh, and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. (*an official one.) Nice one

"My vision is to create a Scandalous game for Scandalous fans, made by Scandalous people."

Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US Untitled_sig_zps08e0a862
Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US Haru_zpsab1db286
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International Performer
International Performer
Wow i have a lot of games but mainly Final Fantasy Type 0 like Leachim
and the whole Fire Emblem series would be very nice too Happy

Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US Scaled.php?server=850&filename=oie3113359hjesqdxn
Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US ScandalliveTOURsupporter
Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US ScandalliveTOURteammember2

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. SEGA doesn't want it to be localized but I want it to be localized (even though there's already an English translated guide to get through the game...)! RAWR Onion

I'll never see you again
But the day I'll be able to forget you will never come
I want you to pass on
The dream I couldn't understand to your next partner ~

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Tales of The World Series & Valkyria Chronicles 3!!
it's a good game but sadly they will not localized this game Japanese RPGs you want get localized in the US 319583

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