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What does your music tell about you as a person?
Posted Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:45 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
1. Describe the music you generally like! For example, give 3-5 characteristics
2. In what ways do these musical characteristics coincide with your person?
3. Any relevations / interesting thing you would like to share (relating to topic)?
4. If possible, post a SCANDAL song that strongly coincides with what you have posted.

I'll start off

1. Mid-tempo, simple melody, strongly conveys an emotion
2. I'm mellow, am pretty simple and old school, and I am good at understanding people's feelings
3. I love the female voice .clap.
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Last edited by kaitanuva on Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
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Cool idea!
I'm new here but I'll give it a try [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

1. To me it's a lot about mood, i can find myself enjoying all types of music in different circumstances. But generally a mid to fast tempo song gets me going most of the time. Harmony and colour in songs makes me like them especially much. Long story short, music that takes you a journey from slow to fast.

2. I have a wide amount of interests in my life, kind of how i like my music [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

3. I can listen to my music 24/7 and feel good, just because Scandal is there.


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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Thanks for getting my topic off the ground Hugo! I think this is a great way to get to know each other a little bit better.

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International Performer
International Performer
I have always loved music and started playing bass guitar when I was 14 ( a long time ago ! )
I love any kind of music except rap or hip hop.

Like Hugo Disasters the music I listen to depends on my mood.
After a BAD day at work AKB48 can always make me happy again, but I would want to sit down
and listen to SCANDAL after I have recovered.
Recently I have been listening to traditional Japanese music ( Enka ) and even that is nice.

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International Performer
International Performer
1. I actually listen to a wide variety of music, from Jack Johnson (folk/ soft rock) to Atreyu (screamo) to AKB48, but this is what kind of music I prefer:
> I like really punk music, mostly because of the high tempo and rough voices. (Rancid, Rise Against)
> I like music that switches vocalists. ex: Blink-182, SCANDAL, etc.
> I like music that has good lyrics, happy-sounding chord progressions, and a high tempo.
> any kind of music that makes me want to jump around or headbang is good for me.

>I may seem like a dark and quiet person, but when I'm at home or around familiar people, I am kind of an energetic person, thus the high tempo.
>I like rough/ scratchy voices, because it gives the song personality, and it shows that people are not perfect, or people should be themselves. I am not perfect, and I think people should be themselves.
>I am a super positive person, so upbeat music and good lyrics keep me staying positive, even in negative situations.

> I like to mellow down sometimes and listen to ballad music, like Scandal's "Namida no Regret," or Fall Out Boy's "What a Catch, Donnie"
> Scandal actually got me into more Japanese music. Before SCANDAL, I was listened to Japanese music on and off.

This is my favorite Scandal song, and I was listening to this song when I was asked to join the band I am currently in. I also have some pretty good memories with this song. I like this song because it makes me feel good.
Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku Story:

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Caless Student
Caless Student
I like to listen to as many genres as possible, perhaps reflected as someone wanting to experience everything they can get their hands on :D

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I listen to almost any artist(s) based on dynamics and mood not the genres itself. It can affect me in so many ways as well as something I can relate to.

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