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{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:12 am



Mainstream Artist
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Thank you so much Myo-Hwa!!

Myo-Hwa wrote:Finally, I can present you the first version of the sheet music! =D

I wanted to put more of the music into this piano cover, instead of only use the arpeggios as accompaniment (like in the video on the first page). But I did not do it that excessively, because it could be too complicated that way. The melody is pretty weird rhythmically, so I adjusted that sometimes, too. It is somewhat the same as that one in the video, so I recommend to use that as a reference point! Or... you can use the song itself! Well, for the convenience, I created an example of the sheet music. It is a MIDI sound and therefore pretty mechanical, but it sounds exactly like what's on the sheet.

If this sheet is still too difficult: just point it out, because I can easily create a more simple version! =)

First version:
Namida no Regret sheet
Example mp3: Namida example

Just download the pdf-file, and print it. Oh, and by the way, I did not use much articulation, instructions or fingering in this version. If you don't get something, do not hesitate to PM me, or reply in this topic about your problem! {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet 976811

I hope you will like it! =)

Last edited by ichiruki! on Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:57 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Short of learning it by ear, the best I could find in learning it was from this video:

It's not really a tutorial, but the description does have some helpful notes, chords and such in it.

The RH melodies in that description seem a bit strange if you're used to reading traditional sheet music, so learning by ear/improvising it seems like the best bet.

I could try to write up what I've learnt of the song so far (up to Mami's solo), if that'll help.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:48 am



International Performer
International Performer
Could someone try to transcribe what they know. I'm not good with by ear even those tips... urgh

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Hhxqn11
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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:19 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Thanks atamarashi for the help... writing it up to Mami's solo would be great! Sorry if this is asking too much, but could you please try to do it on some sheet music because I don't really get it when people just write the notes down... If you can't, that's still ok because I can do it myself and then put it on here, if you want.

Urghh.... in piano my aural sucks so bad that I get marked down because of it and I'm only in grade 4 piano so playing by ear is a definite no no because I'm horrible at it...

I don't really understand the description of the video one single bit...

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:56 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Ah, no worries. I've started writing a bit, but it's extremely rough for now until I can get around to doing a proper version on a Notation program.

Well learning it by ear isn't always for everyone, though at least a lot of people seem to be able to sight read well/quickly.
Not me though, so with every piece I learn, there always has to be a lengthy and repetitive process to memorise it part-by-part.
Unless with pieces like this, where learning it by ear somehow makes it faster, but it can be unreliable at times. Learning by example for things is always good though.

All that was readable from that description was just the chord structure for the LH parts.

Oh yeah, here's a tiny bit of rough work-in-progress of the beginning:

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet IMG_1092-1

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:33 am



International Performer
International Performer
I never went through musical theory and just started sight reading from the beginning though it isn't a strong skill of mine... even though I've been playing since I was 9... which is some 6 years ago... I've tried playing by ear but I don't get very far...

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Hhxqn11
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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:51 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Thanks Atamarashi! Btw, what key signature did you choose? It's just that I see a lot of flats everywhere... I was thinking it was G Major because there's f sharps and the left hand begins with the G chord....

This is what I came up with so far. There's no left hand yet as well. I've got the part when Haru starts singing "Namida No Rigureto" but I need help putting it in time in the stave. The first note when Haru starts singing should be longer but it needs to still be in time...

.shy. Um... do you think that this could kinda be an ongoing team project for us and we can work on it together? .shy.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Namida10

bleachnlife wrote:I never went through musical theory and just started sight reading from the beginning though it isn't a strong skill of mine... even though I've been playing since I was 9... which is some 6 years ago... I've tried playing by ear but I don't get very far...

Yeah... sight reading is an iffy one for me as well. It was easy in grades 1, 2 and getting harder in grade 3 but now in grade 4.... Same with the ear thing as well... I tried to do this by ear but it just did not work so now I'm just watching the guy play the tutorial and jot down the notes quickly, while figuring out the time and stuff...

.shy. You're welcome to join Project Namida as well... if you want, bleachnlife.... .shy.

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:05 am



International Performer
International Performer
Lol Project tears ahahaha sure... I'll put my amateurish skills in.

I play off AMEB books piano for leisure, currently doing grade 5. Question: Can anyone workout how what how beats is each left hand note worth? Or at least where the rests are located....
I can work out random parts of the song for the right hand. I might try recording them down... We're gonna have to refer back to the video as best as we can.

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Hhxqn11
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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:19 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
ichiruki! wrote:Thanks Atamarashi! Btw, what key signature did you choose? It's just that I see a lot of flats everywhere... I was thinking it was G Major because there's f sharps and the left hand begins with the G chord....

This is what I came up with so far. There's no left hand yet as well. I've got the part when Haru starts singing "Namida No Rigureto" but I need help putting it in time in the stave. The first note when Haru starts singing should be longer but it needs to still be in time...

Um... do you think that this could kinda be an ongoing team project for us and we can work on it together?

G Major seemed like the best fit, (I read it was in that key somewhere haha), so that's why most of those opening notes have accidentals next to them in the pic.

That part that you're up to when Haru starts singing might have her first three notes starting at the end of a measure, leading into the next one where the LH starts playing the broken C Major chord.

Something like this:

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Projectnamida-introToFirstVerse

It's kinda strange to put it into notes on a stave, but it should work out in the end. :D

About it being a project, sure! Working on it will be quite a bit of fun.

"Project Namida" - Nice title for it! .clap.

bleachnlife wrote:Question: Can anyone workout how what how beats is each left hand note worth? Or at least where the rests are located....
I can work out random parts of the song for the right hand. I might try recording them down... We're gonna have to refer back to the video as best as we can.

The LH beats kinda seemed like quarter notes, with enough rests to fill the rest of the measures.

It seems to stay like that pattern for the rest of the song though, apart from the part after the opening verse with Mami's guitar and Rina chiming in with the drums. There, the video seems to split up one LH chord into two, but that's probably best left until we're all at that stage.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:52 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Alright, so I took Atamarashi's advice for Haru's part and it turned out as dotted quaver with a semi quaver after it. The rest is still quavers. Nice one

For the 2 chords at the end of bar 3, it's a little different from Ataramashi's cuz I did the chords by ear as well, so see which one sounds better and then I can change it or leave it. It's up to you guys. .uhuh.

The last bar so far is when Haru starts singing "Egao kara kobo-" I'm trying to find the chords to the "-reta" but no success yet.... Anyone got any ideas???

Hmmmmm.... Also, Is anyone kind enough to figure out the notes and timing of the left hand so far? It would be a great help!

Oh, nearly forgot, here it is so far. The key signature was being fickle and it wouldn't pop up in the second line for no apparent reason... so just bear with me, ok?:

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Pn10

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:08 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
It certainly worked out for Haru's part, hehe.

I'll give those new opening chords a go, whenever I can get to my piano (probably tomorrow).

For the left hand notes, the way I've played it was exactly like the tutorial video, with broken chords in those patterns. It seems that the timing of the notes seem to mesh naturally with the right hand melody, but it doesn't give much of an idea of how it would be arranged on a stave.

That leaves two things to work out for tomorrow. .hardwork.

Just a rough idea on the chord structure that was in the video:

Piano Introduction before Haru starts singing: G Major | D Major |
Haru's part onwards to the end of the first verse: C Major | D Major | B Minor | E Minor | C Major | D Major | G Major | F Major

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:04 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Great ataramashi <3 Take your time :D I have a feeling that this is gonna be a pretty long project... but good thing is that some parts repeat.... I tried a few combinations and I put down what I thought seemed the most similar for the chords so here is the sheet so far...

I also tweaked some parts, like the chords in bar 3 and added a bit of the "Natsu iro no machi kagayaku kara." part at the end. I look forward to your chords and the left hand parts, ataramashi!

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Namida12

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:41 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
After much fighting with my notation program, here it is so far. .happy.

I know I went a little bit too far on the right hand melody, but I was kinda on a roll anyway.
Those are more suggestions to what it might be, but it sorta sounds good to the ears.

The left hand bits, as promised, are there with the timing mostly intact. Some parts in it sound exact, but others need more work, ahah.

[Edit: I totally didn't notice the mismatching bar line, maybe it's because the timing got too complicated.]

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Projectnamida-introlefthand

As you can see, those thirds you put in for the "-etto" part worked really well, ichiruki (hope I spelt that right).

It's good that it repeats parts in the song, though it seems to make the entire song seem a lot shorter. :D

Ganbatte Project Namida!

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:26 am



International Performer
International Performer
Looks like we're progressing... but one complain... make the left hand an octave lower at least so the hands don't clash any one point. For example, in line 7 you can't possible play that 'd' in your in left when your right is already on it...

I think that's why the guy in the video set his left in the bass more... otherwise its fine :3 and the left seems good

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Hhxqn11
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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:55 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Ganbatte Project Namida!! .clap.

Great job ataramashi! LOVE .wow.

If you're on a roll, keep rolling! Keep going as far as you can and then we can edit it together as a team. Btw, do you use Crescendo as your music notation program? If you do... then I need some major help on that software... It's being naughty... or maybe I just don't know how to use it properly...

I'm just a little confused on the timing though.... In the first bar, the four grouped quavers counts as 2 beats out of four right....? Then there's the other grouped quavers which equal another 2 beats. Then, the quaver rest is there which is half a beat. If you add all that together, then doesn't it become more than 4 beats per bar?

The left hand in the first bar is right until there's that last quaver which makes it more than 4 beats....

Or maybe I'm missing something with the timing?!?! I dunno....

Yeah... the left looks like that it MIGHT cross together but just keep doing it in that octave and we'll fix it when the problem comes...
Nice one

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:42 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Yeah, there was definitely a lot of timing issues with it, probably because I tried making it to be 'how it should sound', rather than actually setting up a strict structure. That lead to some interesting bars being made...

If anything, the timing needs a lot of work, but the notes should be correct.

As for the notation program, I'm using a trial version of NoteWorthy Composer 2, but I could have a look at Crescendo if you like. The one I'm using is not without its set of issues either though.

That quaver rest in the opening bar stands out a fair bit, though it sort of sounds alright. It was there to separate those groups of quavers, but I suppose it doesn't really need to be there.

Yeah, those left hands chords after the two in the opening bars should be shifted down an octave, so I went to change that in the latest version, and there's now a bass clef before it. :D

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:23 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
If the timing's not 100% yet, that's fine! We still have a long way to go anyway. We'll probably edit everything later on. What I think is the most important part is figuring out the notes first... since we're not even a quarter into the song yet

.whistle. .sweat.

Eh... With Crescendo, it's got some issues as well. I don't even think you can change the clef unless you're in a different staff and it took me like forever to put the key signature on the next staff... Oh well, each program has it's pros and cons. The good thing about Crescendo is that it's really easy to actually compose, as in to write the notes, rests etc.. down.

The quaver rest I say fits in with the timing because I think that it's important to at least have a break from playing another note, or even holding down the note a little longer will do fine. As long as another note isn't played during that time...

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:51 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
It will be onwards with the notes, then.
Something to note though, since we could be close to the second verse, there's a lot of repeated notes if the right hand melody just follows Haru's vocals - I was thinking it could sound strange when played like that on piano.
Maybe someone could work on a more piano-friendly melody for that section?

For the next update, I'll post up the repeated notes melody so it's clear what I'm referring to. .uhuh.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:50 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Hmmm... You just lost me there... Definitely need to know what you mean...

Looking forward to the next update so I can understand what you mean... >_<' .clap. .wow.

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:20 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I'm really sorry I haven't posted the update yet, as a lot has gone on, including the HSC :S

In the time that I do get to spend free, I'll make sure to put Project Namida at the highest priority!

That said, has any one of us looked at the Temptation Box Band Score? It might have some helpful things that we could use to our advantage.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:34 am



International Performer
International Performer
Oh you have HSC! Oh god we don't want this taking over you're precious time... but does the temptation box band score have the whole piece in piano?

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Hhxqn11
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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:26 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Ataramshi, we wouldn't Project Namida to take over your study time for your HSC... Good luck on it btw!

Hmmm... do anyone of yous know where to see the bandscore on pdf?? but I highly doubt that there'll be the full piano of it...Maybe just the intro? I would've thought that there would just be guitar tabs and stuff like that but it's worth checking. Nice one

So do you guys know where to see it online??

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:39 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Thanks for the good luck. :D

Now that it's all over, things can hopefully get back to normal.

That Temptation Box band score didn't have the piece at all, only two songs from the album that we weren't looking for.

I guess we have to keep looking for some more pointers.

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Errqj0Z
No matter what kind of sadness happens today, you can make your own HAPPINESS tomorrow.
It makes no difference in the number of tears,
The amount of happiness is up to you.
- Rina Suzuki

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:08 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Hmmm... yes... the best thing we got is the video... This would be so much easier if someone had perfect pitch... lols...

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Re: {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet
Posted Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:05 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Hmm, I want to help in this one too hehe, can I?
Although I never really studied musical theory (so I'm completely a noob in reading stuff about piano {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet 50249 I'm more of playing by ear) but I can transcribed the guitar tabs that the other SH members made here into if it helps.. {Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet 968884

{Completed!} Namida No Regret Piano Sheet Depart10
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