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Reading Tabs [Page 1 of 1]

Reading Tabs
Posted Mon May 20, 2013 6:10 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I see that for playing guitar is very important to know how to read tabs, but there's one problem i have, i can't read tabs! can anyone help me?? .please.

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Re: Reading Tabs
Posted Mon May 20, 2013 7:15 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Google is your friend :

6 lines, each one represents your string: Top line is the thinner (1st string) and down the bigger (6th string)
Numbers represent which frets your have to play: 1 is top of your neck and 22/24 is the closest to the body of your guitar (0 is ... don't know how to say it in English but you just play the string without touch the string .sweat. )
Reading Tabs Guitar_fretboard

To read it, you read each numbers by "column"


You play the 2nd,3rd and 6th string on your 3rd fret and, the 4th and 5th string of the 5th fret in the same time ( You strum all strings except the first one)


This time your play the 6th string on the 3rd fred THEN the 5th string on fret 4 and 4th string on fret 5 in the same time THEN the 3rd string on fret 6 .....
If nothing is indicated, do not play the string.

There are also different symbols for hummer, pull-off, slide .... Just look at the link

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Re: Reading Tabs
Posted Wed May 22, 2013 11:34 am


International Performer
International Performer
it's so simple..

1) as you can see, there are 6lines and those 6lines represent the 6strings of the guitar.. the 6lines are arranged from 6,5,4,3,2,1 strings of the guitar.. so, no problem looking at the tabs while playing
2) the number like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,..., between are the fret board positions
3) the 0 (zero) means open string... open string means you pluck the string without pressing it..
the x means dead string for plucking meaning, you don't pluck the string at all.. and for strumming, uhh, you just put your four fingers above the strings and don't press them.. but you still strum it, that's the difference
4) there are different symbols used in tabs and google is there for you cuz there are many different symbols

6th string ----------- x ---- x ---
5th string ----------- 5 ---- 5 ---
4th string ----------- 0 ---- 0 ---
3rd string ----------- 3 ---- 3 ---
2nd string ---------- x ---- x ---
1st string ----------- x ---- x ---

if you played it, you should have played the "intro" of Wake me up when September ends by Greenday

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Re: Reading Tabs
Posted Wed May 22, 2013 12:23 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Thank you both!! It helped me a lot .love.

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