@Ono, Daz, Airi
Thanks for the feedback guys. By the way, I added you three.
Thanks for the feedback guys. By the way, I added you three.
Favorite Pokemon Game (handheld)
Pokemon [Page 5 of 13]
Myo-Hwa wrote:Aww, I feel really alienated from the Pokémon fans here because I do not follow those X and Y progressions, and hence, I barely have anything to say here... :(Although I have played up to Pokémon Black, I really feel ancient when sticking to the Battle Dome in Emerald again. I really like to do one Tournament during a break, once in a while. Sometimes it becomes such a habit, I don't know what to do with the Battle Points earned, haha. ^^ Am I really the only one who is still playing this? :|
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