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International Performer
International Performer
Shunkan Uniform :D

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Thegrudge
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Wooo... I was just searching for all their previous uniforms o.o

And I have to say, I'll go for Shojo S (anytime), STORY (for summer), and Shunkan (for winter)!

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Caless Student
Caless Student
I would like to wear their nanka buttobase uniform since I really like

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Shunkan and Scandal no Theme uniform will be good Happy

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
oh yeah.. the nanka buttobase uniform is good too.

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Tumblr_mr97hwrHlQ1qibdaao1_500
~are you virgin? kill the virgin~
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
All of their uniforms are cool & cute, but if I'm gonna wear one uniform (whoo, hard time choosing) will be from Haruka. ^^ .uhuh.

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 GwLkWlB

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Ub

Follow my SCANDAL tumblr:
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International Performer
International Performer
As for me "Pride" uniform is the best because the colour scheme is soo cool especially on Haruna and Tomomi .wow.

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Pixela10If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Pixela15
 " Love feels good than smoking weed  " - Adii '14
" Love is spicy. It's delicious but makes you choke "  - Adii '14
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
i don't know if their outfits right now will still be considered as uniforms or just outfits but i can't wait to see what they will be wearing when Harukaze comes out..

If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Tumblr_mr97hwrHlQ1qibdaao1_500
~are you virgin? kill the virgin~
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Shunkan Uniform or Taiyou Scandalous.. .uhuh.

me want you..
If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
If you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eIf you could wear a SCANDAL uniform to an anime convention... - Page 3 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Either Pride,Shunkan or Nanka Buttobase Uniform

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