Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:45 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Well finding this thread, I shall tell SH my weekend. So Christmas passed and it was wonderful to an extent. I went to my bosses house and gave him his Christmas present which and his wife were thrilled about. I got to pet my best friend which is a mini horse named Rocky that lives on his farm.
I also went to work this weekend and we hosted a petting zoo at a Church in Jacksonville. (By the way, my job is to help host petting zoos and pony rides, and It's fun for all ages!) With me being only 17 I couldn't drink alcohol at the Christmas party I was at. But I got a pass to drink a beer, which I gladly took.  Heineken was my beer of choice. I got a pair of shoes and chocolate for Christmas, plus $40 from Grandma. Using the money from Grandma and what ever I had in my wallet left, I purchased both the DVD and T-Shirt editions for Scandal's next album 「YELLOW」which I am so excited for. 

I also solve the Rubik's cube competitively and I'm trying to get better. I have a personal best of 27 seconds on the regular Rubik's cube. I just started on 2x2x2 and my personal best is 7.38 seconds. I've also started 4x4x4 and I get two minute solves on it. I'm waiting for my 5x5x5 and Pyraminx that I ordered to come in. I almost forgot, about Megaminx which is basically a 12 sides Rubik's cube, my time is a little over three minutes. 

Other than cubing, I've been binge watching Cowboy Bebop, my second favorite anime. I own the entire anime series, it's only 26 episodes though. So there isn't very much to watch. I don't to go back to work for another week, so I'm just going to sit at home and have a little fun by myself. Thanks for listening! お疲れ様です

Hello _____, how was your day? - Page 2 Standa16
Stay Standard My Friends   .cool.
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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:51 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Two days left and I will be back as a student again. I feel like I need another month to rest even though I'm not doing anything (idk why i'm too lazy) but I enjoyed my break. Hope you guys have a wonderful year! Today I'm conserving energy.

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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:39 am



Today started out walking through ankle-deep snow in the morning. Then being buried in said snow because people forgot how to drive. Chilled with this grill...
And then of course as I was heading home, it was warm enough for everything to melt and start raining.

Now I'm checking out all things BRADIO while dinner gets ready

Today is also Bell Let's Talk day which is something that a bit closer to me than before as I've gone through some 1-on-1 counselling all throughout this past summer

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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:13 pm



International Performer
International Performer
well, it was really FANTASTIC! because first it was a really really great plot twist! SENPAI NOTICED ME!! well not in a romantic way but he mistook me for someone else but yeah that was fine :v (that was obv the highlight for today, will not include a lot of things I am doing right now because meeeeeeeh) and second because of the first thing lol. hueheuhehue but in short I reall had a great day!

 if I wouldn't think that right now I am on that 'finals week' I'd be probably eating ice cream peacefully. but gah! here I am writing a post instead of cramming hueheuehue. but oh whatever. 

sooooooooooooo how about you? how was your day?

                             Hello _____, how was your day? - Page 2 SCANDAL
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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Wed May 25, 2016 6:39 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Today a german exam terrified me more than Corpse Party -.- I m trying to go back to normal. People in Make a Scandal Album topic helps a lot. 

so How was your day?

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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:28 am



Frankly, I thought that this would be the worst 4th of July in my entire life. (The fact that I'm Canadian is besides the fact here)
But honestly, it turned out to be the most liberating. I feel like such a free man.

"Lexian Does LA"
Summer 2017

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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:03 am



International Performer
International Performer
I got all upset seeing Milky ( Miyuki Watanabe ) graduate from NMB48, everyone says Sayanee ( Sayaka Yamamoto ) is one tough cookie but she cried a litre of tears too Sad

Hello _____, how was your day? - Page 2 Sig_sc10
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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:05 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Today, I was finally able to (almost) perfectly play doll on my bass. The tabs were easy but I get carried away while listening to the song and I forget I'm supposed to play as well
WTF Onion

Hello _____, how was your day? - Page 2 5785e610
I listen to Timo's RICH bass everyday
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Re: Hello _____, how was your day?
Posted Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:05 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Hey Tomochi, how was your day?

First, hehehehe I'm back :") I never knew how much I missed SH until I entered the forums again. 

Okay so, honestly the other day I was so happy that I was so scared what trouble could happen next, it turns out that technically (bc I didn't got them notified so it's my fault) people forgot about me :v even the closest ones, but that's okay I could bear with it. I'm still thankful Happy especially to those who didn't forgot Happy but I still love everyone, why wouldn't I?

So that's it :v

Next poster, how was your day?

                             Hello _____, how was your day? - Page 2 SCANDAL
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