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SH mobile version problem
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:47 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I use the mobile version often. at work mostly.

the problem: is there a way to jump to last page? because if I open a thread that has like 35 pages I have to tap "next" 35 freaking times to go to the last page.

its very inconvenient as you can imagine. I've been dealing with it ever since I joined.. xD

thanks in advance \m/

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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:06 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
I usually tap next page first so it could go to page 2. Then after that, I click on the url. Wherever it say pg20 on the url, I just type in a different number. It goes by 20 btw. For example, if you want to go to page 36, you have to replace the number to 700. If you want page 35, the number would be 680. I memorized some of the numbers because I visit this site often. I don't know of that make sense to you :/

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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:04 am

Mati Saurus

Mati Saurus

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
If you access the forum from your phone, try not using the light itnerface (the simple and gray one), then you'll see everything just like you see it on an regular computer and you'll can select which page to go.

SH mobile version problem V9BqnPG

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tiin tururin tin tin tin tun tun tun tan tananan tan taaan nanan
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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:16 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist

wow.. so it goes by increments of 20. say if 10 pages the number would be 200 if I want to go to page 9 I would replace it with 180. correct?

this will be useful. I'll experiment with it for a while.. \o/

thank you very much chanquata!

@mati saurus - that's the classic version right? I don't like it on the phone its slow and eat up a lot of data. xD

SH mobile version problem VbIpsX2
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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:21 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
@Crei, I believe 200 would be page 11. Yes, do experiment around. You can just remember some basic numbers because a lot of threads have the same amount of pages.

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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:51 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I just use the desktop version of the site on my phone. it takes a little longer to load but its worth it

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Re: SH mobile version problem
Posted Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:35 pm



International Performer
International Performer
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I do the same thing too and it's also easier to browse

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
SH mobile version problem Zd1XFwZ
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