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SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group
Posted Sat May 02, 2015 10:08 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Hello Everyone!

I really hope that you enjoyed the Concerts in Europe! i did !  .wow.
After the Concert i met many people from Scandal-Heaven and i really can say that they are just awesome and super super friendly! I´m proud to be a Member of SH .love.

So i also said that we have a Official SH Steam Group where every Scandal-Haven Member can join if they have an Steam Account.I´ve "taken over" the Group to bring it back to Life and give you some small Informations about SCANDAL.It would be great if we can find some guys that can help a little bit to Create a good looking Steam Group with some Informations about SCANDAL!

Do i need a Steam Account in order to join?


Is a registration needed ?

> not at the moment... but i would suggest it and would set it as a rule in order to join the Steam Group

Can i write down News , Announcements etc. ?

> if you want to be a writer for our Group i will edit your permissions!

Anything to know about it ?

> always write down the source ( if you picked it up around the internet ) and Please write down Links to our Site and the Creator of the Thread!

Do you need some Help ?

> Help is really needed! Most time of the Week i have to work and after work i usually play some games and try to be Online here on SH....but sadly the clock runs faster as i expected sometimes ^^

Join the Steam Group if you want and maybe you will meet some more SCANDAL Fans!

Can´t Join , Errors and Questions

> If you can´t join then i might have set the Option " Join by Invite Only " - Just add me and tell me your SH Nickname and im gonna invite you as soon as possible!

> If you can´t access the Group then the Steam Servers are down for a while maybe.

> For any Question about the Group and all other Stuff just write it down here or get in Contact with me via Steam or Google+ ( informations below )



Scandal-Heaven Steam Group:

** Sorry for my bad English.I try to get better day by day! **

If the Thread is posted in the wrong section just move it please  .sweat.

SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group 76561198015702407
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Re: SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group
Posted Sat May 02, 2015 5:52 pm



I'm in! Always excited to revive old groups. Happy
SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group UEQO7pg

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Re: SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group
Posted Sat May 02, 2015 7:16 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
cool! it was just so inactive the whole time....

SCANDAL-Heaven Steam Group 76561198015702407
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