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What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:20 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
When I was in my Junior High School, I would write a poem or a story which was left unfinished/write random stuff at the back of my notebook/talking with some of my classmates/take a nap.

But since I'm a Grade 11 student now, if school day is boring, I will listen to the music on my cellphone/go outside and distance myself from my classmates due to the personal issues that I'm going on/take a nap/talk to my closest friends/play games on my cellphone/sit for minutes or hours and look at the environment outside/eat

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:03 am

Don Dio

Don Dio

International Performer
International Performer
It’s been a very long time since I was in high school, but I don’t remember being bored too much.  I was the class comedian (not the class clown, that’s much different), and I was constantly finding some way to make jokes on what was going on in class.  After one particular class where the teacher commented afterwards she couldn’t hear whatever I had been saying that got the rest of the class to laugh, I promised she would hear me for now on.  So the next day I showed up with my mom’s cheerleader megaphone from when she was in high school, and I used that the whole class to give answers (and crack jokes).

I used to fall asleep a lot (because I used to daydream a lot), and one time had a teacher say sarcastically to me that I “should make myself comfortable” in his class.  I showed up the rest of the week with a pillow and blanket.  I tended to do shtick like this a lot, and it surprises me now as I write this that I never got detention for any of it.

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:02 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
High school? Can't really go outside the premises during those times so i just play table tennis whenever there's a vacant period. When there's no one else to play with i just sleep on my desk or listen to music and scribble at the back pages of my notebook.
College is when i tend to hangout at internet shops to play games to kill time or stay at this particular convenient store where i'm buddies with the cashier, he never runs out of stories to tell to about the students he meet daily and his store is probably a student favorite outside the campus. Outside hanging around during vacant periods i go to our soccer field and play soccer once classes end for the day.

What do you do if it's boring day in school? Scandal+-+02
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:05 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Off topic: Well, I'm also a school-home vice versa type of guy since elementary. I don't really go out too much due to strictness of my relatives and parents back then. But now that I'm staying with my dad, he wouldn't allow to me to go outside and hang out with friends but he doesn't have to worry about that because yeah, I'm still a stay at home/shut in person. I'm too lazy to go out of the house anyway.

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:41 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Few months ago, me and my friends played cards at school (Don't do this) when vacant time since the teachers are really busy and sometimes doesn't attend classes. Then one day, before our ICT period starts, our teacher caught us. He confiscated the cards and told us to see him again for our punishments.We hide whenever we saw him at the hallway and the canteen. Maybe he already forgot about it and I think he doesn't even remember our names.

Last week, when I was walking near the Journalism corner, I saw some printed photos. Some photos are similar, only with a little difference. We're now using those photos during free time though the only game we can play is ungguy-ungguyan (Filipino version of old maid) and then return those photos afterwards. The funny part is some photos are photos of our principal and teachers.

What do you do if it's boring day in school? Wapmov14

  .love. SCANDAL IN MANILA 2018 .love.
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:35 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
@Don Dio: You seem to be a funny guy .clap.

When i was in school I was bored in french class. I secretly played tic-tac-toe with my friend and after a while we were so good at it that neither of us won. After that we brought a newspaper to each french class and read it. The teacher did not like that but he also didn't do anything.

Now in college I'm not bored anymore. We have interesting topics.

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:28 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
i write Scandal lyrics in Hiragana /Katakana / Kanji to practice my japanese xD

What do you do if it's boring day in school? ZtYZraJ
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:04 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I guess I doodle a lot 

What do you do if it's boring day in school? 20180310

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:57 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I mostly talk with friends on facebook or srcoll facebook news feed or play some simple games.

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:23 pm

Sensai Steve

Sensai Steve

International Performer
International Performer
High school? Wow, that's going back a few years. This was at a time when everyone had a 3310 Nokia. But I remember writing stories in class. Ironically I got full marks in English literature for a story I wrote in Religious studies. That story I'm currently adapting into a TV Show.

Writers Catalogue

Where The Rubber Meets The Road (2013, Scandal Fan fiction).
Front Page (2013, Scandal Fan fiction).
To The End Of The World (2014, Scandal Fan fiction).
The importance Of Being Piper (2015, Fallout 4 Fan fiction).
From The West To The East (2016, Fallout New Vegas Fan fiction).

Growth (2016, Novel)
A New Beginning (2019, Novel).
A New Beginning 2: By The Blood Of My Enemies (2019, Novel).
A Tale Of Two Sisters [Part 1]: The Ballade Of The Dark Queen (2020, Novel).
A Tale Of Two Sisters [Part 2]: The Song Of Male Desire (2021, Novel).
One Night Only (2023, Novel).
A Tale Of Two Sisters [Part 3]: A Hermit Out Of Her Shell (TBA-2024, Novel).
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:58 am



International Performer
International Performer
It was a long time ago, but I remember often drawing metal band logos

What do you do if it's boring day in school? VOFnWIx
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:25 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
during my last year in UNI I mostly played VN games xD

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:45 am



International Performer
International Performer
I was in a Band when I was at school and the girls would come to watch us practise on the school stage after school which was cool !

But sadly our drummer nailed his drum kit to the stage to stop it moving and we forgot to remove them and the Headmaster tripped over one in Assembly the next morning....then we had to find somewhere else to practise Happy

What do you do if it's boring day in school? Sig_sc10
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:22 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Sun Nov 15, 2020 11:46 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
tri060397 wrote:i write Scandal lyrics in Hiragana /Katakana / Kanji to practice my japanese xD
^This sounds very productive  Nice one

I would try to nap (discreetly) if I was bored, probably got spotted a few times but profs didn't bother to say anything.

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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:01 pm

Haruna's Ears

Haruna's Ears

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
High school is a ways back for me, too.

Passing notes, making stupid noises ("Haruna's Ears makes animal noises in class" one teacher wrote in my report...), hand farts, drawing offensive comics that featured my friends and fellow students. I once stole the TV remote and used that to wreak havoc. I'd often ask to use the bathroom and just disappear for half an hour, wandering around and talking to people.

During break, my friends and I were pranksters. We did a lot of stuff that would have gotten us expelled if we'd gotten caught. I recently met up with an old teacher of mine for a beer and was able to finally come clean about a lot of things I got up to back in the day (like throwing yoghurts at a visiting band, or stealing a carton of beer out of the teacher's office and handing them out to students on the bus). He laughed. There was more that I still didn't feel comfortable in sharing and probably never will!

What do you do if it's boring day in school? 2foml0
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Re: What do you do if it's boring day in school?
Posted Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:37 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I never cut classes back in high school because we were unable to get out of the solitary gate of our school. I'd rather be absent and go to my friend's home to play videogames if I wanna play hooky instead.

But I learned how to cut classes when I was in college. I did it occasionally because I didn't like the professor regardless of how "good" the subject was. I usually hide somewhere to play videogames, meet my first girlfriend, or visit an art supply a few blocks away from our campus.

However, when I went back to school two years ago, I enjoyed going to school so much. I was always the early bird and the last man to leave the class. It became my sanctuary from an exhausting shift the previous night.

What do you do if it's boring day in school? Tumblr_pe1dui3Jru1qdewlro1_400

Sing it Back, Bring it Back, Sing it Back to Me... Wait, WRONG SONG!

Do you believe in life after love? (after love, after love)... STILL WRONG, D****T!!

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