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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Since the theme was changed I can't see any content marked as spoiler and the BBCode toolbar from "New topic" or "Repay to thread" is missing.

This happens in both Firefox 57 and 58 but also in Microsoft Edge. Meanwhile in Chrome on Android 5.1.1 I can open spoiler tagged content.

Also pictures don't scale as they should.

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Since no one else seems to have had any problems (and I can open spoilers, see the BBCode toolbar, and see pictures scaled correctly on Firefox), it has to be a bug on your end only. I didn't change code that would affect any of those things when I updated the layout. So, I'm not sure why it's happening to only you, and I don't know of any solutions. :/

[BUG]Can't see sopiler marked content and BBCode toolbar. 39iLxaW

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
This happens on both PC and laptop. It started with Firefox 57.0.3 or 57.0.4. Now I have Firefox 58 .
Microsoft Edge version is 41.16299.15.0
Tested it on Chrome 64.0.3282.119 and it's the same, but on Opera 50.0.2762.67 everything is ok.

EDIT: Found why. My antivirus(Kaspersky Internet Security) has a function that blocks data collection on websites that I connect to. If I disable it everything is ok, with it enabled it's not. It shows that it bloked 34 tries from AWStats.

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