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Desert Island Discs [Page 1 of 1]

Desert Island Discs
Posted Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:25 am

Don Dio

Don Dio

International Performer
International Performer
My local radio station used to have a nightly feature called "Desert Island Disks," which had fans call in with their list of the albums that they would like to listen to if they were ever stranded on a deserted island (assuming you somehow had electricity to play music).  

So what is your list?  Greatest hits albums don't count, but live albums do.  Since we already have a thread for your eternal Scandal album, it's okay to omit them if you want.

Here's mine in no particular order:

1.  Street Machine (Sammy Hagar)
2.  Strong Persuader (Robert Cray)
3.  Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs (Derek & The Dominoes)
4.  Just A Game (Triumph)
5.  Bella Donna (Stevie Nicks)
6.  Knocking On Heaven's Door (Heaven)
7.  Quadraphenia (The Who)
8.  Strangers in The Night (UFO)
9.  Give The People What They Want (The Kinks)
10. Look Sharp! (Joe Jackson)

It was incredibly hard for me to leave "Cheap Trick At Budokan" off this list, but thankfully I have it so memorized I don't need to bring it along on the island to hear it.

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Re: Desert Island Discs
Posted Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:44 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Hmm I probably won't survive enough to play them all, but here is mine haha
I don't hear enough bands to have variety though

1. Faction world (Scenarioart)
2. Happy umbrella (Scenarioart)
3. Orange sunshine (Judy and Mary)
4. Warp (Judy and Mary)
5. Sentimental na Rhytm (Ueda Marie)
6. Zenchi Zenno (Polkadot Stingray)
7. Wotoshiana (Uso to Chameleon)
8. Yo estuve ahi... nosotros también (Bulldog)
9. Si el placer es un pecado… bienvenidos al infierno (Flema)
10. Lonely night magic spell (Ueda Marie)

Obviously not counting SCANDAL, I would bring at least five albums.

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Re: Desert Island Discs
Posted Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:06 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
This kind of thread always goes to show me that I listen so much to very few things, haha.

I can't leave SCANDAL out otherwise I don't know if I could make 10 albums. I'll try to not repeat much stuff.

1 - Standard (SCANDAL)
2 - Level 5 (Miracle of Sound)
3 - The Beatles [White Album] (The Beatles)
4 - Under The Covers (Ninja Sex Party)
5 - Under The Covers, Vol. II (Ninja Sex Party) (I couldn't decide between the two lol)
6 - After Laughter (Paramore)
7 - Hello World (SCANDAL)
8 - Run With The Hunted (Skyhill)
9 - Everything Will Be Alright In The End (Weezer)
10 - Shovel Knight - Specter of Torment OST (Jake Kaufman)

10th was between this or Determination (RichaadEB // Ace Waters). It was hard to select only one Beatles album, so I went with the one that has more variety and more songs, even if one of them is Revolution 9. Tried to avoid filling it with SCANDAL, but since I already put 2 NSP albums I wanted to at least use my 2 favorite SCANDAL albums. Also didn't want to use more than one Miracle of Sound album, so I went with the one that has my favorite song of all time (Amnesia).

I'll never be happy with this list lol. I forced some diversity because I change my mind about music all the time. Right now I only listen to SCANDAL basically, as it's been the case for a couple of months, but in the past I was like this with different stuff and maybe in the future it will change again, who knows. It shows no sign of changing Tongue

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Re: Desert Island Discs
Posted Fri Oct 05, 2018 9:29 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
It is always difficult to choose "only" 10 albums, but here is my list:

1- The Joshua Tree (U2)
2- The Division Bell (Pink Floyd)
3- Siamese Dream (The Smashing Pumpkins)
4- Honey (SCANDAL)
5- Nevermind (Nirvana)
6- Load (Metallica)
7- Use Your Illusion II (Guns N' Roses)
8- Dizzy Up The Girl (Goo Goo Dolls)
9- Rage Against The Machine (Rage Against The Machine)
10- (What's The Story) Morning Glory? (Oasis)

Apart from SCANDAL and U2, everything else dates from the 90's  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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