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Posted Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:07 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Hello everyone,
I'm feeling a little awkward here. It's like even though there's a huge "Welcome" sign outside, I'm still peeking in to see if it's really ok. And everyone's looking at me to see if I'm going to do anything weird.
Well, I'm probably not going to do anything weird. I'm pretty normal. I am old, however. Old as in seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. They were the first band I developed a strong emotional attachment to. Scandal, it is safe to say, is the second. In between there have been other bands I've listened to, of course, but there seems to be something uniquely appealing about Scandal.
From what I've read so far in this forum, there are a lot of musicians here. I am a former musician as well, and I therefore consider myself pretty good a spotting a good song. For me, that usually eliminates anything that hits the top 40 pop charts, and by saying that, positions me as more of a music snob than anything else, so I'll temper that statement by adding that I understand songs are in the top 40 because people like them, and it would be shortsighted of me to judge the taste of people I don't know.
Still, I think Scandal has a fantastic backlog, and continues to produce really good music, the kind I like. I like harmony, especially women singing harmony. I like what used to be called "power pop", which is a pop song with angry guitars. I like versatility. Scandal checks all those boxes.
I also like how effective they are at connecting with their audience. I've seen the "Beginning of Scandal" video, the one with the footage of the 2008 tour, and how they realized that while they couldn't become better players in a week, they could become better at communicating the joy of playing music at any level of accomplishment, and at sharing that joy with the audience. This is something they have continued to do, and it still works. There seems to be a feedback loop between them and the audience, where one has fun knowing the other one is having fun too, and the energy just feeds on itself.
Of course I should also mention that the members of Scandal are nice to look at. I don't mean like stare and drool or anything, but gosh, are they just the cutest things on wheels or what?
I've noticed that none of the above does much to introduce me, so please allow me to add some more information. I'm retired and live in Seattle. Other bands I have liked (but not loved) in the past are the Smithereens, Rockpile, the Bangles (before it became "the short one and her backing band"), Squeeze, and a few bands similar to those. I know those are all old bands, but I can't help it.
My name on this site, "hogradish" is just a silly made-up name. Kinda like horseradish only with a different animal. The full silly name is Deiter Hogradish, and yes I spelled "Dieter" wrong, but did so because if I spelled it correctly, people might think I was on  a diet, which I am not. You will find that full name used on YouTube posts. On Facebook, you will find I am "Joan Lowe". Ever concerned with security, I again used a fake name. It's a combination of my first name, Joe, and Nick Lowe's last name. Joe 'n' Lowe. Joan Lowe. If you are a fan of Scandal and also a cyber-criminal, please ignore this paragraph.
Thank you very much for providing so much information about Scandal. I really appreciate it. In Japanese there is a phrase that is sometimes translated as "Please take care of me" or "Thank you in advance". Please take care of me, thank you in advance. My first live show will be this fall in London. Perhaps we'll meet!

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Re: Hello
Posted Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:55 pm



International Performer
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Welcome to SH !

Well being I am 69 now and have loved SCANDAL since the beginning  I definitely wont think you are weird.

I am an English ex bus driver and bus Depot Supervisor who still enjoys playing bass guitar and I am also a huge Japanese idol fan, which gets you strange looks from many people.

Hope you have fun here Happy

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Re: Hello
Posted Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:19 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Good Morning!
Thank you for welcoming me. I feel a little better now.
I know what you mean about the strange looks. All girl Japanese rock bands are pretty far down on the list of things people usually are interested in. Fans of pencils can probably form a bigger group. And it's hard to explain to people why Scandal deserves special attention. Reciting the epic backstory of teenage dance students being fired out of a cannon and learning to fly, in complete defiance of all expectations and all odds, is something I evidently don't do very well, because all I get, even from relatives, is a look that's something like a mixture of fear and pity.
Well, they're just missing out, and I can't help that. As a musician yourself, you must appreciate how quickly they got good at playing. That's clearly result of a LOT of hard work. They were given a shot at fame, and just went after it with everything they had. It's really inspiring.
Again, as a musician yourself, specifically a bass player, you must really be digging the sound Tomomi is getting out of that old Fender amp. She must be using half-round strings, like Rotosounds or something, right? It really sounds hot. I should also add that I'm not surprised you play an instrument. As far as I can tell, about 90% of the English can carry a tune, and 30 or 40% play guitar or piano. Music is more ingrained in the English than any culture I can think of, and I admire that.
I have a lot of questions, being new here and all, but I won't burden you just YET with all of them. For now I'll just thank you for the welcome. See ya!

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Re: Hello
Posted Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:22 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Nobody minds questions and if you scroll through the different sections you will find there is one for almost anything you want to know Happy

And yes I love Tomomi's sound on the new album, I have a Fender Jazz bass and a Hofner violin bass and she has played both of them ( not my ones sadly )
At the beginning I was a better Bass player than her but now she is better, and a lot more pretty than me plus her chipmunk voice makes her my favourite member.

And yes us British do love our music and every town still has it's own groups, I never made the big time but I have had a lot of fun.

The Brit Awards this year was closed by Rod Stewart who is now 75 and Ronnie Wood who is 72 and they still sound just as good, there are no age limits on music I am glad to say.

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Re: Hello
Posted Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:27 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
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Hello everyone and especially Mr. Hogradish, 
I just wanted to introduce myself and then I read your wonderful post .hail..

I'm living in Bochum (Germany) , am probably old (nearly 50) and discovered Scandal last year November, 1. Since then I can't get enough of them.

Mr. Hogradish, although I'm new here as well, I would like to give you a warm welcome. This Forum is (as far as I can tell) a place of very understandable and, in case, helpful People. But they are scars (sp? - > few) and I hope that you (and I hope me too) will be an active Member of this group.

At this point I would like also like to thank thoseguiltyeyes for her amazing enthusiasm and (can't thank enough for that) work she puts into this side and their translations! 

All the best to everyone. 


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Re: Hello
Posted Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:12 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Hi Magatsu

Welcome to SH to you too Happy

This Forum would not still be here without Jade so yes she is very important here.

Hope you have fun here too.

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Re: Hello
Posted Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:02 am

Haruna's Ears

Haruna's Ears

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Welcome, hogradish (and Magatsu)!

Big fan of the The Bangs (early Bangles) here, too. Love those harmonies!

"Power pop" with a Japanese twist is pretty much how I describe Scandal to the uninitiated.

Funny how such an assuming and unlikely band (on paper) has captured the attention of us "snobs". There must be something to it.

Anyway, beers are in the fridge. Enjoy your stay!

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Re: Hello
Posted Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:10 pm

Don Dio

Don Dio

International Performer
International Performer
Welcome to Heaven.

I am also one of the older folks on this site although I am a young-un by comparison since I was born when The Beatles were releasing their last studio record.  I'm also a long-time guitarist and a self-professed rock snob, so I get where you're coming from.

I discovered the Rolling Stones when I was 10 and they were my world for a few months until I heard "Pinball Wizard" for the first time.  From that point on the bands I most connected to were The Who, Cheap Trick, Van Halen and KISS.  Everything I enjoy about Scandal can be found in one or all of those bands.  There is something special about these ladies and when I heard them for the first time I was floored. 

I like that you cited The Smithereens.  I'm originally from New Jersey, and they are local heroes for me.  "Especially For You" is one of the greatest debut records of all time, right?  And yes, there are lots of traces of them in Scandal, but I doubt the girls have any clue who they are.

Have fun in here.

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Re: Hello
Posted Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:46 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Thank you to Magatsu, tonymiller, Haruna's Ears, and Don Dio for the welcome. I hope to learn a lot. For example, I've already learned where Bochum is! Since Scandal played in Essen a few years ago, I'll bet Magatsu will meet some people who went to the show in this Forum. And tonymiller, I agree I owe thanks to thoseguiltyeyes. She's very dedicated. 
Haruna's Ears, I've been thinking back to when the phrase "power pop" was first coined, and I'm thinking the reason it didn't catch on more in the mainstream was that it appeared to be a step backward, a sort of remaking of the "Help" album or something. It seems ironic now, since a decade later, everything  was "postmodern" this and "postmodern" that. And yeah, it's hard to put your finger on exactly what makes Scandal's sound so attractive. Musical MSG or something?
Don Dio, I was thinking of the usual retiree thing of downsizing, and was preparing to ditch my vinyl collection, as I assumed they'd all be warped anyway from DECADES of neglect. But before I did so, I pulled out a random sample, and it was fine! So was the next one. So I bought a new stylus. And I'm keeping the huge 70's vintage stereo and all the records. Turns out I had terrible taste back then, except for my unwarped copy of "Especially for You". Great guitar sound. Really a classic.
Again, thank you for the warm welcome.

Last edited by hogradish on Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling mistake)

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Re: Hello
Posted Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:59 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Noooooo !
Dont ditch your vinyl, it is very much in again now.

I have a Goodmans music centre that has a turntable on top, then a double cassette deck ( remember them ! ) and then a CD player so I can listen to any of my old stuff, I bought my first record in 1959 so I have a  lot !

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Re: Hello
Posted Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:08 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Yep, good old vinyl. You can't introduce digital clipping to it. Even with less dynamic range than a CD, they still sound more open and airy. CD recordings mostly make me wince a bit. I had to look up goodman's music centre, but I see what you're talking about now. Without a dual cassette, how could you make copies of your band's last performance, right?

Friendship. Effort. Victory.
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Re: Hello
Posted Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:53 pm



International Performer
International Performer

You mean I would want to ?

My only claim to fame was in the mid sixties when I got drunk with an amazing guy Davie Jones and the Lower Third who of course went on to be David Bowie, I knew then he would be a Star and I would not, but at least I meet him Happy

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Re: Hello
Posted Tue May 19, 2020 4:14 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
The more I listen to this band, the more I'm reminded of the 60's. I'm not saying they're a copy band, but you can definitely hear the influences. The Supremes could have recorded "Sunday Drive" and had a hit. Crosby Stills and Nash could have done "Suki-Suki" instead of "Marrakesh Express" and had a hit. Rod Stewart doing "Sayonrra My Friend". Squeeze doing "Winter Story". Bruce Springsteen doing "Harukaze". I dunno, maybe Cream doing "Burn".
Their songs more than anything bring back memories of a style of songwriting and arranging that I've missed.

David Bowie, cool.

Friendship. Effort. Victory.
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Re: Hello
Posted Sat May 23, 2020 6:00 am



International Performer
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Hey there! Welcome to the forums! I'm pretty sure you're having fun with your retirement. I'm Arthur, 40-something living in Manila, Philippines, and trying to make a living as a writer. I think you're the first one other than myself here who described Scandal's music as power pop.

BTW, Seattle is the next city I'd love to visit and hang out at the famous Pike Street Market when I go back to the States.

Have fun as always!

Last edited by MamiNoodles on Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sing it Back, Bring it Back, Sing it Back to Me... Wait, WRONG SONG!

Do you believe in life after love? (after love, after love)... STILL WRONG, D****T!!

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Re: Hello
Posted Sat May 23, 2020 6:26 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
MamiNoodl wrote:I think you're the first one other than myself here who described Scandal's music as power pop.
Somewhere I have a Bomp! magazine...yeah here it is, Mar 1978
"Special Power Pop Issue!"
"The Who, The Easybeats, The Raspberries!"
I was a cool dude back then, ha ha.

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