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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Sven28 wrote:
Tuba wrote:Scandal (obviously)
Silent Siren

Chatmonchy disbanded in 2018

I know but people are not mentioning active bands only.

But anyway, if we're talking only about active bands: The Peggies would be my fourth choice.

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Metal Mickey

Metal Mickey

International Performer
International Performer
Hold a concert of (4) Japanese Girl Bands was mentioned in the first post. Come on!

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Hi from Australia!

 My four fav's are.....

             KINOCO HOTEL
                                            PAPAYA PARANOIA

 PS .... Mirror is a fantastic album. Life moves on and so does Scandals music.

Last edited by Pierojd51 on Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Four active: Scandal, Nemophila, Bridear, Spool

Four inactive: FLiP, Negoto, Red Bacteria Vacuum, Stereopony

Overal four: FLiP, Bridear, Spool, Negoto

They're not in any particular order.

Plese don't hate me for not including Scandal in my overal four. Two years ago I'd put them there. But back then I didn't know as many bands as now, and also I have to admit that Scandal's newest music isn't as convincing for me. In fact, if I first heard Scandal through their current music, rather than through Honey (their newest album when I started listening), I'm not sure if I'd like them.

What are your Big 4 (Japanese all-girl bands)? - Page 2 Signat10
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