Latest weird traits about our girls i learnt from the Nanka Melodix talk+TV live:
HARUNA sleeps at an angle,mostly 50 degrees to perpendicular,or 90 degrees,to the ground when she sleeps in the car or on a chair.This means that her upper body is 90 degrees to the floor,while her lower is still firmly on her seat.Something like an upside down L.
TOMOMI intertwines her fingers and her fingers can move while she is sleeping.According to MAMI she can suddenly wake up with an "AH!" and then fall back asleep.Before this talk show MAMI said while TOMOMI was sleeping (in the car i guess) her legs were moving too,so while she was sleeping her legs and fingers were moving. LOL
MAMI talks to the cats in the rehearsal studio,in apparently meows and purrs,as she has demonstrated,and what the show's host dub as Neko-go,or Cat Language.RINA claims that MAMI writes lyrics much faster than usual if she is working on it while talking to her cat.
RINA sometimes go "Fun~Fun~" while sleeping,and she knows it,and thinks that she is noisy while doing that. (Fun pronounced the Japanese way,"foon") Isn't this so cute? .love.
EDIT:I heard MAMI's part wrongly OTL.Corrected.
Last edited by EugeneAng on Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:07 pm; edited 2 times in total