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League of Legends
Posted Sun May 01, 2011 8:29 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I used to play on the North American servers till they blocked SEA countries, currently playing on the SEA servers under Garena. Pretty much moved on from DotA to this, since it does eliminate a few of my biggest pet peeves from DotA like reconnecting when dropped and leavers.

So anybody else play LoL?

I'm summoner level 28 and my main champion is Mordekaiser (I prefer playing characters that are more tanky)

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Tue May 03, 2011 12:19 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
So you can play LoL on garena? Hm, thats interesting, so LoL does have a LAN feature?

Whats your ID? I'll add you even tho I dont play much because buying the heroes is just plain sad if you ask me.

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Tue May 03, 2011 9:07 am



International Performer
International Performer
It's totally through Garena though you can add friends so you can invite them to matches or just play custom matches (something like LAN in DotA). Well, best thing is stick to one character and master him, you can try out the others through the weekly rotations or occasionally when they have a free champion weekend.

My IGN is MJCaboose on Garena.

Anyway seems like you're from the US, so you probably can't play with me on garena as LoL has a separate server from SEA countries, I used to play on the North American server till they blocked all SEA IP addresses.

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 3:40 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
Thats curious, I used to play with a friend from Romania, but we didnt use GG at all.

Anyhow, I actually uninstalled this game from my laptop yesterday due to the fact that playing only 1 hero bores me to death xD Sorry!

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 10:02 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
I transferred one of my level 30 accounts from EU over to Garena. My current ign is fuyuhi. Oh by the way, protip: don't master/stick to one character only.

Fyi, Mordekaiser is best played AP. Tank Mord is nothing compared to AP Mord. Then again, Mord is a versatile character; he can fulfil the roles of AP, DPS as well as tank, thought not all at once.

I main Urgot, Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Swain and Maokai.

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 10:40 am



International Performer
International Performer
It's easier to focus build on a single character, even though I have a caster rune page and a DPS rune page. Currently Morde is my main but I have other characters of course, but I play Morde as AP with some tank options, I normally got Rylai's pretty early cause I don't like squishy characters.

In raging day, in fearful night,
with strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
when all seems lost in the war of light,
look to the stars for hope burns bright!
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 10:46 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Rylai is Mord's core item lolol. Mord's AP build is probably the easiest AP build out there haha. Sorc shoes, Rylai, Radabon and you're ready to wreak havoc. FoN is also a good item on him.

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 10:57 am



International Performer
International Performer
I used to main Mundo till they nerfed tanky DPS (he was too easily countered by ignite anyway), and I haven't played casters for a while. My off-pick is Cho'Gath, but I prefer champions that don't require mana, cause the items don't really combo as well for me. I try to end games fast so casters seem to suit me more for now.

I also go for magic penetration early, since they give a good percentage boost to damage compared to early AP. Haunting Guise/Sorc Boots (might be overkill lol)

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 11:34 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Haunting Guise together with Sorc Boots is the early game staple of a lot of casters like Annie, Brand etc.

Cho'Gath is a good off-tank. Get an early Catalyst, then change it to either a Banshee or RoA, you should have both on him. FoN is a good item on him as he will have a ton of health.

Protip: champions under a very large Cho cannot be targeted =D I always stand on top of my carry so he can't be targeted haha >_<

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Wed May 04, 2011 5:33 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Bought Rumble today and tested, not a bad hero and slightly tankier than Mordekaiser based on stats, it's pretty hard to keep his heat up though, he loses heat pretty quickly. Else the extra 30% or so damage he gets on his abilities are awesome.

In raging day, in fearful night,
with strong hearts full, our souls ignite,
when all seems lost in the war of light,
look to the stars for hope burns bright!
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Sun May 22, 2011 1:07 am



International Performer
International Performer
i didn't know we have a LoL thread until noods told me.League of Legends M110

IGN : IURhen
favorite Character : Malzahar

hope we can play sometime. League of Legends M059

Last edited by ~RHEN~ on Sun May 22, 2011 1:31 am; edited 2 times in total

League of Legends Wawa22
League of Legends User2
League of Legends IUSER
I used to think that being LAZY was bad for me.. so i gave up THINKING
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Sun May 22, 2011 1:07 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
So I just found out like 7 more members in the forum play LoL... and I had no idea LOL. Im updating my LoL right now and hoping to get some practice from you guys so share your IGN or ID here.

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Sun May 22, 2011 1:19 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Noodles wrote:So I just found out like 7 more members in the forum play LoL... and I had no idea LOL. Im updating my LoL right now and hoping to get some practice from you guys so share your IGN or ID here.
I don't think we can play with you. EU and NA have their own server and the Garena LoL server is only for Singapore and Malaysia. Though I have no idea how we have Philippine players in the server.

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Sun May 22, 2011 1:35 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
Ehhh, perhaps Proxy will work? I'm unsure, ill test it out.

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Sun May 22, 2011 3:32 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Greetings summoners. I am a level 9 weakfag newbie maining LeBlanc. Pleased to meet yeh.

LOL IGN: ban

Garena Messenger : wraithjack


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Re: League of Legends
Posted Mon May 23, 2011 1:48 pm



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
I finally found out how to do it, theres a complete different client server for this, it doesnt show up on the regular Garena menu of games. I am now downloading it (yes I know its only for SEA players) and will test it out and see if it lets me in. If not well then I gotta say I tried my hardest lol...

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Mon May 23, 2011 1:52 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Even if it lets you in, you're going to have a whooping 500 ping and maybe 1000 ms latency lol.

League of Legends Claris_signature_v3
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Mon May 23, 2011 1:55 pm



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
yeah I know, but I was gonna test it anyways. IMO, a game company that forbids certain parts of the world to play the game is just plain stupid. so Im gonna give it a shot and see how it goes xD

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Re: League of Legends
Posted Tue May 24, 2011 1:34 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
:D I'm hoping to playing with you with your awesome ping xD

EDIT : waffles.

Last edited by ban on Thu May 26, 2011 5:17 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : awesomenessitificationizing.)


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Re: League of Legends
Posted Thu May 26, 2011 5:17 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist

gimme some tips for amumu? I bought him recently at the high price of 3150 ... Got pawned on my first non SHPH game with him.. poor kid. Oh, got pawned by my teammate for being a stupid tank lol.


also, BUMP


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Re: League of Legends
Posted Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
ban wrote:
gimme some tips for amumu? I bought him recently at the high price of 3150 ... Got pawned on my first non SHPH game with him.. poor kid. Oh, got pawned by my teammate for being a stupid tank lol.


also, BUMP

Amumu is a jungler. If you ever see an Amumu in lane, he's a joke. For your summoner spells bring in Smite and Flash.

Masteries at 1/21/8. Click here to see the mastery tree.

Click here for runes. For your glyphs, take either the flat magic resist or flat cdr.

Start with a Cloth Armour, 5 health pots and Despair. Proceed to the blue golem and have a teammate nearby to leash it for you. After killing it you have 2 choices:
1. If you're aggro jungling, take the enemy's small golem.
2. If you're safe jungling, go to wolves, small golem, wraiths.

Go back to base and you should have enough for a basic boot, some wards and potions. Ward up your golem and lizard, then take the lizard. Once you're level 4 go and gank a lane.

If no one is stopping your jungle, feel free to aggro jungle; advance into their jungle and take everything in there. Make sure to ward their golem and lizard too. Ward the dragon if bottom lane isn't doing it.

Leave the Cloth Armour and go straight for a Heart of Gold and stack 3 of them. Your Cloth Armour should be built into an Aegis if no one is getting it. Get a Sunfire Cape and one of the Hearts into Randuin, sell the other 2 Hearts if you don't need it.

However, you're a tank: build according to situation. Are they dealing magic damage? Get an early Negatron Cloak. Physical damage? Get armour.

Your skill priority is R>W>E>Q.

You are spiderman! Stand behind walls and skill shot your bandage properly - this takes quite some time to master. Bandage in, catch some poor soul, use your ulti to trap the enemies, turn on your Despair and use Tantrum whenever possible.

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Thu May 26, 2011 7:36 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
You are spiderman!

^ I love this.

Actually, since that post, I've been practicing jungling with Amumu, except with my own style ( Still low leveled so I can't jungle according to the norm, no runes / masteries ).

My main item is the Aegis, I get it even if others will... Haha. :p next is sunfire, but I gotta try the heart of gold stack.... :D Thanks!!!

Any tips for a level 12 one though? I can make it to level 4 by :

Buy mana crystal gem something, some pots.
Tantrum wraiths, smite big one.
Tantrum wolves
Tantrum+ despair golems, smite one.

This gets me to level 2... Takes about 4 minutes... D:

back to base,

do all that, back to base... Yeah.

This gets me to level 4... Didn't count time lol.

Afterwards, I try the blue golem, and the route to the small golems.... I end up in only level 5-ish, but yeah... It pretty much works (on AI though, haven't tried in real fights...) ..


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Re: League of Legends
Posted Thu May 26, 2011 7:52 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Always start with Cloth Armour, 5 health pots and Despair. Reason is because you need the armour so that the creeps deal less damage to you and Despair damages them based on their health percentage per second.

Without runes and masteries, it is still possible to fight the blue golem but you need a teammate to leash it for you. Leashing means that the middle lane teammate hits the golem from outside its camp and drags it towards him. As that happens, you will go in and hit the golem. The golem will not chase him once he runs out of his range but you instead. You can call your partner back if you need help but try not to as he needs to hold the middle lane.

Start at the wolf camp but don't use your smite. After that make your way to the wraiths. Smite the blue wraith - it's ohk - and kill the rest. Make your way to the small golems after and kill them too.

You should have enough for the basic boots, wards and more potions. If you're not level 2 yet do some more jungling; you need Despair and Tantrum to fight the blue golem without runes and masteries.

As for the Aegis, its effects don't stack so don't get it if someone else already has it.

晴涼ふゆひ Hasuzu Fuyuhi
My blog
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Re: League of Legends
Posted Thu May 26, 2011 8:06 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
My masteries, I spent on 1 smite bonus and all on defensive, to get the minus 2 damage to my champ... do you think it's ok to just get the EXP bonus instead?

Also, I'll try asking for a leash, I've only been practicing jungling with AI lol.

I'll try your tips.. I hope it's more effective since I don't feel my method is really up to par with others. xD

Thanks master!!!! :D (Got a lot of questions but I seem to forget them lol)


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Re: League of Legends
Posted Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
I play Mordekaiser, Veigar, Sona, Rammus, Warwick, and more, but none of them well... (US server)

PM me if you want to play Happy

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