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My try at animation [Page 1 of 1]

My try at animation
Posted Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:38 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Well, it took me 5h (11pm-4h14am) I had nothing to do and I wanted to see if could do it. It was fun I think I'm gonna do another one (with more effort) later...
(may be a bit dark)


:3My try at animation 1054qzb
yay :3:3:3 koi moyou pv my version
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Re: My try at animation
Posted Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:52 am


Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
lol... one sentence "cute animation is cute..." .dance. its a very nice effort... but like you say the animation bg is quite dark.... plus, there are certain parts where the music is focus on the drum but the animation focus is on the guitar instead... other than that, i admire your patience in doing the handdraw animation... it takes really hard determination and concentration to do that... Nice one

My try at animation ToriiGateKamiworkssignature2
Rina's cutest moment
Haruna: Chicken rice.. 2 days... *Rina posed with 2 fingers!!* LOVE
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Re: My try at animation
Posted Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:40 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Haha tnx :3
When I first finished it with my hands, crying in pain, I didn't realize that I forgotted to put a drummer. It was like:
Aaaaaah that was long!(start animating) ha now it's finis--owait... where's the drummer? I didn't forgot to put the drummer huhh?? (look) .wtf. Noooo!!!!

:3My try at animation 1054qzb
yay :3:3:3 koi moyou pv my version
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Re: My try at animation
Posted Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:09 pm


Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
haha... sometimes that will happen to animators and story writers... happens to me too... though i hate to do hand draw or 3d animation because its tedious but sadly, its all that i have to carve out my career...

My try at animation ToriiGateKamiworkssignature2
Rina's cutest moment
Haruna: Chicken rice.. 2 days... *Rina posed with 2 fingers!!* LOVE
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