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Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:18 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
What`s your favorite season??! And why ?:D

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:20 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
I`ll go first..
My favorite season is spring Happy because everything comes back to life after the winter slumber..and it`s beautifull to see everything turning green once more
I really would like to go to Japan in the spring season to see the cherry blossom Nice one

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:52 pm

jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
in here, there're only two seasons, and there're not much difference.
but if i have to choose, i'll choose dry season.

i don't really like rains. it's noisy and the streets will be slippery, and the air become pretty humid, i have to use the umbrella to go home (i walk) which is make me look stupid in front of my friends (i don't know why), and my backyard (which covered in cement) will be dirty faster. the worst part is the fact that my dog will get wet and dirty because of the rain and i have to bathe them again, and again.
well, at least after rain, the water on the shower will be cold, and i love taking shower with cold water.

Favorite Season Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:54 pm



International Performer
International Performer

'cos it's not too hot nor too cold and... the beautiful scent of the flowers~

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
Favorite Season Zd1XFwZ
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:31 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Definitely winter! =D

I cannot stand heat, that is the number one reason why summer is not my favourite season. Spring used to be nice indeed, Arekusu, when everything starts to bloom, becomes green, pretty flowers growing everywhere and birds singing all at once. But the first half of spring is as boring as winter without snow here. =( I mean, only the temperature is going up, but before those things start to look nice, it already is May or something. I find autumn somewhat depressing, but the coloured leaves and the smell of rotting (XD) can be lovely in its own way. Autumn is not my favourite too, because the weather is really unpredictable. Temperatures can be high or low, storm winds can be present, sometimes there is heavily rainfall, or nearly nothing, and everything follows each other up rather quickly.

So, the winter has to be it! I like it to have it a bit too cold outside, and then warming up when I am at home, and drinking hot chocolate or coffee. =) The pain of the summer is you cannot cool down, but in winter, it is easy. Just like warming up is easy. And yeah, I believe most people do not like snow here in the Netherlands - which is understandable, because the whole infrastructure is a complete mess when it snows a little. =P But I become happy of snow, and I even get spontaneous energy of it, while normally I am rather laaaaaazy. ^^

@ Jona DJ: Hmm, well, two almost similar seasons are not great choices indeed... I think I cannot stand it, living somewhere around the equator. I think that rainy season should be really unpleasant. At that period, the rains are not soft, but intense showers, right? =|

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:08 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
My favourite is SPRING!!!!

The reason is too simple XDD I was born in spring XDD
Flowers.... love.... sun but not too hot, rain...
Good weather... I love spring :3

-10/01/2010- (avatar&banner by me) -HARUTOMO-
Favorite Season 1HIBZjB
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:34 pm

Erick M

Erick M

International Performer
International Performer
I like rain and that's why I like rainy season (without the flood)
But there's always flowers, fruits, and green trees forever in here so why should I complain .upwalk.

Favorite Season E-sign10
Please don't take my jokes too seriously
Favorite Season SAPOG0d
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:40 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Huu, difficult question!
I'm not sure, if it's spring or autumn for me!

One the one hand, I like spring, because, as mentioned before, everything starts to bloom, and the birds sing again and so on. But what I like most in spring is the smell! I've met two kinds of people in my life. Those, who can smell spring, and those who think I'm kidding. So not everybody of you might understand me^^ Spring has kind of a fresh smell, which makes me really happy!

It's kind of the same in autumn. During the fall holiday, my family used to go hiking in the italian alps.
Sometimes we had to start very early because we had to drive a few hours to our starting point in the mountains. I usually was one of the first ones, who were ready to leave, when I was a child. Then I sat down under the big walnut tree in the courtyard of the apple farm where we used to stay, eating some walnuts and waited for the others to get ready. That were moments just for me. The air was cold, sometimes it was misty, but there was always the smell of wet leaves, which I like so much. And everytime I smell wet leaves in autumn, it reminds me of those days.

It's not an easy decision but I think, I like fall a smidgen more! Happy

You may have known three or fourthousand people in your life. But you only talk about six or seven.
- Elias Canetti
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:01 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Autumn is a win for me!

Spring is very nice indeed but my annoying and really bad hay fever ruins it all! My eyes get as itchy as hell and my nose gets really runny, which then makes my nose sore... If I didn't have hay fever, then Spring would be a win for me...

Winter is just too cold... Even if here we don't have snow, it's still really cold and I hate how the day becomes really short... It's like before you know it, it's already dark... -_-

Summer is just too hot... The sun literally burns you and I'm always so close to dying when I have to do sport in the sun...

But then again, I live in a Melbourne which is known as the city with four seasons in a day... which is so true... One day it's like 19 degrees celcius and then the next day, it becomes 31... Yep, that happens all the time, especially in Autumn and Spring since it's between Summer and Winter...

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:26 am



International Performer
International Performer
For my own country..I prefer raining season (no thunder, wind and lighting)....
It give me sense of something that I don't understand~maybe the rain tapping give me calm and peace... and the scenery after the raining...with rainbow.....isn't that beautiful and heaven? XDD

for four season.....I like autumn...I like the color during the autumn haven't experience this season...but somehow...I like the falling leave or flower over while you walking under the trees...heh.... Daydreaming

Favorite Season Rinto_zps0e831a3a
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:33 am

Mr. Suzuki

Mr. Suzuki

International Performer
International Performer
because in my country the summer is very hot. Favorite Season 166530
then the winter season becomes the best Favorite Season 157229

Favorite Season 25165I hope someday witness snow


Favorite Season Back_o12 RAWR Onion
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:55 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Winter !

For the simple reason that I'm always sick in Automn with the rain, I'm always sick in Spring 'cause of the pollen, and I'm always sick in Summer 'cause I have eczema xD

Favorite Season Sans_t14
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:39 pm


Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Winter for me ! I love the snow...

Cause my country only rains and is always hot. I like rainy seasons too, without thunder or floods though.. perfect weather to sleep all day. .clap.

Favorite Season Scanda15
SCANDAL the best all girls band ever !
RINA — I may make a mistake, I may be unable to do it, and I may lose heart..
but I think it is wasteful if I stopped because of such a thing.. I want to steadily change tomorrow by myself !
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:03 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Summer because my birthday is in July! .happy. No just kidding. I love summer because it is so warm and I never freeze, the daylight lasts longer and I can wear summer dresses. .smile.

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:51 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist

But in my country, there are only two seasons so I prefer the Summer Happy I don't really like getting wet and I'm afraid of thunderstorms. I also hate brown-outs when a Typhoon already hits the country. UGHHH.

Favorite Season Vlcsna10 Favorite Season Vlcsna11

SCANDAL.MAMI  .smile. 
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:08 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Winter, I like the fashion, I like the gloomy weather, I like the food

I genuinely hate summer, especially this odd summer Australia is currently experiencing - bushfires, floods and we just got out of the hottest heatwave in years! It's not that I hate the heat, I just find it easier to warm up than to cool down. This is because I hate things like air conditioning, it gives me a headache for some reason :/

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:33 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
Fall foliage...

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:53 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
nekopi028 wrote:I LOVE WINTER Happy

But in my country, there are only two seasons so I prefer the Summer Happy I don't really like getting wet and I'm afraid of thunderstorms. I also hate brown-outs when a Typhoon already hits the country. UGHHH.

yeah.. in philippines, theres only two season, and i like summer too..

rainy season means typhoon season.. its filled blackouts and floods.. thats why i like summer, even though its hot as hell here..

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:03 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
Winter for me though the differences in temperature and weather here is minor. It doesn't get that cold here in the San Francisco area and I don't enjoy hot weather. It also means I can drive 3.5 hours and go snowboarding.

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:09 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Haha, it really depends on two things: weather, and my enjoyment during the season.

As far as weather goes, Autumn(Fall)! I love that it gets a little cold in the morning and at night, but during the day it is about stable. Sunny, with some clouds, and good wind, oh I love Autumn. Favorite Season 12776

(Not to mention I do not get allergies during the autumn, unlike spring.) Favorite Season 319583

As for enjoyment, Summer! My birthday is during this time, and I have the chance to do many things I usually am not able to do otherwise. Such as traveling, visiting family, sleeping in, and just a lot more free time. Favorite Season 35276

Oh Tomomi, making some naan. Favorite Season 911293

Favorite Season Dfe8 Favorite Season Scanda13Favorite Season 118
Favorite Season Daxb
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:57 am



International Performer
International Performer
After the long English winter spring is definitely my favourite season.
My road is lined with Cherry trees and for a few brief weeks in March they are pink
with Cherry blossom just like Japan Favorite Season 900992961

Favorite Season Sig_sc10
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:20 am



International Performer
International Performer
There's only summer here in the Philippines. It's hot throughout the year (except when there's a storm and storms here are very destructive) but it gets cold during -ber months.

I don't think I'd like winter. I hate it when it's cold.

Favorite Season T2xy8t6
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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:21 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Summer Happy


SCANDAL is more than a band, it's a passion

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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:26 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Mr. Suzuki wrote:Winter
because in my country the summer is very hot. Favorite Season 166530
then the winter season becomes the best Favorite Season 157229

Favorite Season 25165I hope someday witness snow


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Re: Favorite Season
Posted Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:28 pm



International Performer
International Performer
kira-san wrote:
Mr. Suzuki wrote:Winter
because in my country the summer is very hot. Favorite Season 166530
then the winter season becomes the best Favorite Season 157229

Favorite Season 25165I hope someday witness snow


Yeah, guys... Brazil's weather really sucks...

Favorite Season Timooverflow


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