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International Performer
International Performer
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Tried my hand at tabbing out the intro. Couldn't do the complete start, but managed to tab out the later part of the intro:


Paste into notepad for proper formatting.
Please do tell if you spot any mistakes.


made a pretty small mistake inside. *should* be correct now.

pretty major, sorry, shouldn't have tried to do it off memory. :/
Now it's in the correct key.

Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne Intro (not quite) Tabs F14010103
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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thanks for the tabs it sounds perfect when you play it with with the song .clap.

i tried tabbing out the early part you couldn't do and it came out ok.
its my first time tabbing so i might be about a half step off in some parts.


paste into notepad like parkel's tab

Happy playing! Peace Onion

EDIT: fixed the intro according to the instructional dvd .upwalk.

Last edited by ~HaruHaru~ on Thu May 23, 2013 10:47 pm; edited 3 times in total

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