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International Performer
International Performer
lol. did CDJ intentionally send them? XD
it would be cool if it would happen to Metallica fans receiving SCANDAL posters Hehee

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
"Over Drive" shipped with "Metallica" posters - Page 2 Zd1XFwZ
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Re: "Over Drive" shipped with "Metallica" posters
Posted Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:06 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
It seems like anyone who pre-ordered "Over Drive" and had it shipped on a later date is encountering this.  Well not everyone but just here on the Westcoast.  Freddy received both his OD and STANDARD posters without a prob.

But yeah, I can only imagine what's happening at the CDJ office... a whole lot of apologetic bowing! HA HA!  Especially with how Japanese work ethics are... woo...

@ hapihapi: My situation was cool since I like Metallica but when it's the other way around where you have a hardcore Metallica fan who has no clue who SCANDAL is,  there's gunna be a lot of cussing for the first few minutes. X(

"Over Drive" shipped with "Metallica" posters - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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International Performer
International Performer
I emailed them on Friday and got a response today. They are sending me a new one. Happy

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Re: "Over Drive" shipped with "Metallica" posters
Posted Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:04 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
^ Nice! My package from Yahoo Japan just got here too.  It shipped 2 days prior to CDJ's so that should be here any minute now. /smug

I still wanna know what happened over at the CDJ office though.  METALFEST!!!

"Over Drive" shipped with "Metallica" posters - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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