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Caless Student
Caless Student
Ok, found one of them. This is the one with Mami's Obama answer. You need to be logged into Scandal Media to watch it though.

Still looking for the one with her Washington answer. Also, the stream with them signing on the wall, That one isn't so old, its from when Standard came out. I do recall the interviewer wearing a red hat and them having cheap "buzzers" in front of them for the question portion of the show.

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International Performer
International Performer
I think Mami seems the good in speaking English...

              How good are the members at speaking English? - Page 2 RV9kkiW
                                                    ♫ "Life is a waste when you're all alone 
                                     My smiles and tears shine brighter because I have you" ♫ 
                                                                -Everybody Say Yeah!
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Re: How good are the members at speaking English?
Posted Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:52 am



International Performer
International Performer
I was watching their performance at Izanuma Rock Fes 2013 on Youtube. I've heard Haruna speaking mostly in English.

How good are the members at speaking English? - Page 2 Tumblr_pe1dui3Jru1qdewlro1_400

Sing it Back, Bring it Back, Sing it Back to Me... Wait, WRONG SONG!

Do you believe in life after love? (after love, after love)... STILL WRONG, D****T!!

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Can they speak english or some other language?
Posted Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:48 am

Katana Guitarist

Katana Guitarist

Caless Student
Caless Student
Do you guys know if any of Scandal members can have a full conversation in english or some language other than japanese? I couldn't find any interview of them that wasn't in japanese so far, even when they were in foreign countries.

But they do say some words or even phrases in english sometimes, and they are well pronounced. So I wonder, can they really speak other languages?

Maybe those of you who have met them will know.

Last edited by thoseguiltyeyes on Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Merged threads.)

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
From what I read around here for few weeks Rina is taking French lessons.Good luck to her, Japanese seem way easyer than French. Also I heard in a interview on youtube that Mami can speak few words in French too.

After I watched this ( ) I belive they can't have a full conversation in English. (There is a momment when they talk about 'Your Song'. They said that they couldn't pronounce English words very well and that they needed some help with that).

Here is the english version of Your Song : and here is a live version .

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Well... Rina is learning French to speak french in France... >.<
They could learn English and speak to the world...
Just put Mami to play a few RPGs and she will learn in 1 month :D

How good are the members at speaking English? - Page 2 R0ELqB
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Re: How good are the members at speaking English?
Posted Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:27 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Definitely not "conversational" English. They probably know more than an average Japanese person (every Japanese person has to know enough to at least pass a test), but their song lyrics are pretty carefully vetted by a whole team of people, and even so they still have some grammatical and pronunciation errors in the few phrases they sprinkle in various songs. I personally can't really listen to "Your Song" in English because of that... I'd rather hear a band singing confidently in their native language than being tentative and unsure of themselves in a foreign language, and that's what "Your Song" sounds like to me. So I always skip it in English and listen in Japanese. (Conversely, I've always wondered what Rivers Cuomo's Japanese songs sound like to a native speaker...)

I haven't been to their US shows and I can't remember from the live stuff they did release from Anaheim if there was an MC on it, but somehow I'm picturing them just reading some English stuff off of cards, which is what most Japanese acts (other than Perfume) do when they come to the US.

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Re: How good are the members at speaking English?
Posted Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:31 pm

Katana Guitarist

Katana Guitarist

Caless Student
Caless Student

I watched the Singapore interview video you shared and all the time thought to myself "wtf is this translation", because they spoke for like a minute and it translated to just a single sentence! Lol! Japanese can't be that impractical, c'mon. They must have said more than it is subtitled.


That's sad. I think international artists in general should speak some other language (english preferably), if their native tongue is limited to some region. It's obviously not an obligation, but it should open some new and important doors concerning international influence and long run legacy.

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Majority of Yellow songs have English in them, and that's good enough proof that the girls are confident enough to put non native words in their songs. I mean,  the more the language is used the more understandable it gets,  and the more easier to pronounced them, right?  That's how OOR did it.  If they enjoy putting other languages in their songs, (whether it's hard to pronounce them or not) I don't see the problem.  They probably sound better singing Your song English version live than on the recorded song.

During some parts of the Dream Festival live in October,  Haruna would say some English words like "Hey guys" "Thank you" -she actually said thank you in English a good amount of times and "clap your hands"

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Katana Guitarist

Katana Guitarist

Caless Student
Caless Student
It's true, but they do rehearse some sentences in the place's language everywhere they go from what I've seen (which is cool, but doesn't mean they can speak the language).

In their last show in London for the Yellow tour Haruna also said some other sentences, like "did you enjoy the show tonight?" and if I'm not mistaken something like "we're very happy to be here". The English sentences are getting more complex, indeed. Which is great.

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Re: How good are the members at speaking English?
Posted Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:01 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I wonder from which class they start learning english and how well their teachers are prepared for their job. Even if let's say they are good at reading and writing it's a lot harder to speak since the difference in pronunciation between the two language is huge and you don't have the time to think the sentence beforehand or construct it in your head.
I'd love to see at least one member to pick up english, I mean they have the basics from school, they just need to revise it cuz from what I've seen all of them have good pronunciation. My opinion is that this and a stronger presence on social media is the only thing the band lacks for the overseas market.

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Re: How good are the members at speaking English?
Posted Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:04 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Yes most Japanese people learn English at school but if you dont use a language you tend to forget it and I think Scandal were more interested in music than speaking English.
I did French for 5 years at High school but I dont remember that much of it now.

How good are the members at speaking English? - Page 2 Sig_sc10
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