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Face to Face meeting [Page 7 of 7]

Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:39 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@JayPub Yes! You gave me an excellent idea!

Someone go and kidnap Canta, and take him hostage, and make demands of the girls! Of course you would have my support in all of it.

Until the part where I come in as a knight in shiny armor, and rescue Canta gaining the favor of the girls. Onion Shine

And we all go home happy.

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:45 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
I forgot to say hello Face to Face meeting - Page 7 50249

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:16 am



International Performer
International Performer
I'd probably say "Hi How ya goin?" in thicker Aussie accent and see if they just worked out what I justed said. Well since we really don't know much about them (personally) its kinda hard to talk about anything too personal so maybe I'd ask them what they've been up... yeah.... Face to Face meeting - Page 7 924158

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Hhxqn11
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:36 am



International Performer
International Performer
I have already met them twice in real life, first time at autograph signing in Singapore. This sounds really corny but I was so overwhelmed and cried. They were really nice and said I looked kawaii in my outfit .love. I was pretty much dead by then. But they were extremely nice and down to earth people.

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:16 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
The truth is...

I've been planning to save my money in order to meet them this year. My goal is to attend their concert and maybe if luck's on my side I could also attend the autograph signing which I've been dreaming for months now....

OMG but I don't know what'll I say to them... I might pass out when I meet them ....

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:38 pm



International Performer
International Performer
For me i'll say hi pretty much like this .hi. then if possible i'll try and ask for their autographs and take a few pictures with them .cool. but then again like everyone said i would also probably freeze and get a nosebleed .nosebleed. .Oh yeah and i also would just love to hug Tomomi and also Haruna and say 'I'm your biggest fan' to them

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Pixela10Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Pixela15
 " Love feels good than smoking weed  " - Adii '14
" Love is spicy. It's delicious but makes you choke "  - Adii '14
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:16 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
Take a single picture from them .wow.

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Face to Face meeting
Posted Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:41 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
if i have changer to Face to Face Meeting with Them (SCANDAL) what i will say to them

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:45 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Honstly if I ever would face Mami I would get problems with breathing Lol

But I would ask her for a sign! Happy

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:41 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 688108 if i meet Scandal i will...........

1-ask their autograph and take lot a picture Scandal and me together
2-want to hang out with them
3-talk to them one by one
4-i will ask Rina to mary me hehe
5-if can,want play music with them at studio
6-want give t-shirt that i made for them personally hope their like
that a chance that really get,i hope i dont make them says 'Urasai Yo' want make their comfortable with me
when finish do all this and start to faint for a week Face to Face meeting - Page 7 79339

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 450165
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:37 am



International Performer
International Performer
I met SCANDAL live. Now it is a comparison to what I would do now.

1) Brush up more on my Japanese.

2) In every literal way possible say 「Rina デットに行きませんか」

3) ask them what it is like being a pop super star.

4) see if they would want to just hang out like regular people and just be friends

Also known as: Ross Face to Face meeting - Page 7 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Face to Face meeting - Page 7 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Rossba10
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:59 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
If it's a sudden just-passed-them-by kinda meeting I'd probably be stunned for a few sec. Then I'll probably say something along the lines of "nice to meet you" or "it's an honor". If they're not in a rush, I'll probably talk for a few moments. (Who knows, maybe they'll ask me to join them strolling around :D). Then, I'll ask for autographs (and photos if can).

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Sca_si11
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:05 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
if i meet scandal face to face? i'd probably be stunned, i'd probably wipe off my drool, since i dont know how to speak japanese i'd probably talk to them in english. If theyre on a hurry or they're on their job, i think i'll just shake their hands and take a pic with them of course, may it be the lowest pixel camera i dont care, even if it was just for a moment its enough. Happy

and if i just saw them on public alone or just relaxing or strolling around, i'd introduce myself(using english) and i dont know maybe ask them to hang out or go eat(my treat of course), i'd do my ultimate best to show someone a good time, and having a fun time, i'll make sure they wont get bored, not even the slightest boredom! haha! but too bad its just a make believe scenario.

its hard to explain here, but theres more i want to do if i get to meet them face to face. :hplease:

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 8hajwRP
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:42 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
If I meet them face-to-face if they're not in hurry I think I try to speak with them in Japanese...
If they're in hurry I think I just like LOVE .... hehe....
I also wanna chat with them... or even better, ask them if they're like to hang out with their fans hehe Glasses Onion . I also want to have picture with them, or if they don't want to.... well just take their picture...
I don't know what else tho... I think when I meet them... it's going to flow all the ideas and such....

MAMI-chan!!! .nosebleed. .dies.
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Kktxn_11Face to Face meeting - Page 7 TestapFace to Face meeting - Page 7 Mami2013
~I just want you to know that you've always made my day~

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:48 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
If I would have a chance to meet scandal in person.. i hope im already good at speaking japanese at that time..

but i guess before i talk to them..i would stare at them for like 5 minutes..and look at their beautiful faces and smiles... like this >>.wow. Please Onion
talk to them..try to know them talking to friends..and if there will be enough time..i would ask them to play music with me..and then have will be so much much much fun...waa..i really wish it could happen.. LOVE

me want you..
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eFace to Face meeting - Page 7 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:19 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I hope i could at least speak basic japanese and understand them...

I would like stare at them and try to contain my excitement .wow.

then i would ask to get a picture taken with them, and if i'm feeling brave...ask for a picture with Haruna :D LOVE

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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:27 pm



International Performer
International Performer
id also probably be stunned and cant keep my eyes off of them, staring then have the courage to talk in simple english lol and then take a pic with them hahaha!! and then i probably be super happy and cant contain my emotions XD

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Zd1XFwZ
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:54 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
if it was an arranged meeting (such as winning a lottery that has "spend-a-day-with-your-favorite-artist" kinda prize) I'll probably do some ordinary things, such as: a stroll in the park, watching movies, going to museum, swimming, heck... maybe I could see the girls practice if I'm lucky XD. Hopefully I won't forget to ask for photos or autographs at the end of the day...

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Sca_si11
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Re: Face to Face meeting
Posted Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:36 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I think I may not be able to speak but I'll just fangirl and die, that's all hahaha. .dies.

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 GwLkWlB

Face to Face meeting - Page 7 Ub

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