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American dog☆ - 2006-09-16 (RINA)
Posted Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:53 am



American dog☆

American dog☆ - 2006-09-16 (RINA) UYL1VbX

He~llo☆;Rina here bД^

Rina ate an American [hot] dog today...
Speaking of American dogs, when Sukyandaru all when to a convenience store a little while ago, Rina joked to Tomo, 『Tomo! When you ask for an American dog, you have to say, "One American inu, please"』, and she really said 『An American inu, please』, you know~☆ It was adorable & very interesting.
Ta-da. (End)

After school, I went to Caless and met up with Tomo today too(・∀・)!! It'll be a 3 day school holiday starting tomorrowー☆Yay

※Thanks so much for the comments※

We basically all get together on the weekends☆ Bad weather sucks, doesn't it↓

It's Chappu-kun! If you call his name and point the camera towards him, he'll turn towards you (haha o+゜Chappu will eat anything and he's mischievous(〃_)σ¶

The picture is of Natsuna opening her eyes(・∀・)!! So adorable☆haha☆haha☆
See you later(°_・)

2006-09-16 10:37

*American dog = hot dog (food)
*American inu = American dog (animal)

Comments that RINA was answering from this previous blog:

setagaya: I see,, since there's an Osaka campus and a Nagoya campus, the members get together on the weekends only,,(´・ω・`)ノシ
But, it looks like the weather this weekend will be bad,, I wonder if they'll still hold Shiroten(゚ДÅ) *cry*

Is Chappu-kun (chan?) an American Shorthair?
He's really looking at the camera,, It's like he's saying, 「What are you taking?」, right? haha.

American dog☆ - 2006-09-16 (RINA) 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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