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Does Scandal donate to charities?
Posted Thu Feb 01, 2018 11:47 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I've always wondered but can't find any information. If so what charities do they support?

Does Scandal donate to charities? Pbucket
Does Scandal donate to charities? Scanda11
CANTA Peace*Graphics by me* CANTA Peace
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Re: Does Scandal donate to charities?
Posted Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:33 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I was trawling thru SH to answer a friend's query to something else when I saw this which (possibly) would answer your question:

Searching 'charity' on SH gave me this:

Does Scandal donate to charities? SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

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16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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