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Caless Student
Caless Student
i have bought it from HMV and got sticker and pin... But... The pin is too small XDDDD
btw, can someone post the photo of ticket and photobook? O.o i'm confuse wich one photobook, booklet, ticket, and bla blabla... XP *face palm*

my english is soooo bad .scared.
I'm still learn about that. .shy.
Please dont mind if i make stupid mistake .please.
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Caless Student
Caless Student
27,000 sales
Hmm wish it was higher but oh well
This was released the same day as an arashi single right?

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International Performer
International Performer
Walked past HMV and managed to grab a copy of the regular edition today. Lucky! Nice one

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Just found at Wikipedia
Skandal Nanka Buttobase" (スキャンダルなんかブッ飛ばせ ? ) 6. Oktober 2010 31,578 Sold copies.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
in here...there dance HOT!...hahahah .love. .love. .love.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
repeat my request \m/

Aquest wrote:i have bought it from HMV and got sticker and pin... But... The pin is too small XDDDD
btw, can someone post the photo of ticket and photobook? O.o i'm confuse wich one photobook, booklet, ticket, and bla blabla... XP *face palm*

my english is soooo bad .scared.
I'm still learn about that. .shy.
Please dont mind if i make stupid mistake .please.
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Kinda late here because I only recently found SCANDAL, but I love this song! It's one of the things that turned me into a fan pretty much overnight. So that's why I'm now eagerly waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail!

I like the PV too, I think it's very cool and has just the right atmosphere for this song and for SCANDAL. Yes it's different, with the choreo, but that's ok, that just makes it so much more unique, and I like seeing the dance moves Happy

I noticed that Tomomi is using the famous Penthouse guitar strap. She sure is one of a kind .love.

I ordered the C version initially... but I think when I place my next order sometime this week I'll include the A and B versions... I know if I don't, I'll regret it later when they're all sold out everywhere.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
OMG I'M LATE!!!! need to buy!!!!!


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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Got my copy (LE jacket C) today from Yesasia and it did include the button/pin.

As to how long shipments take to arrive, it seems really random. My Temptation Box, which shipped 4 days earlier, is still not here. Go figure.

Anyway I'm glad I got this single, it soooooooo rocks. And the Shunkan Sentimental video with it, I never saw this version before, it's cool Happy

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Caless Student
Caless Student

scandal so awesome...
i more like it

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