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Survivor game for scandal
Posted Sun Sep 12, 2021 7:30 am


Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Plan for a Survivor Round of every Scandal album/ songs

Hi there : )
I’m planning to do a Survivor game in this community, because it has been done in many communities of my favourite bands as well.
**HOW THIS WORKS:** The Survivor is a community-driven game, where each round we all vote for our least favorite song off of a given album. After summing up the votes, the song that received the most votes (and is, therefore, the least liked out of the bunch) is removed from the poll in the next round. Round after round, more and more songs are eliminated, until only the very best one remains!
In the end all winning songs compete in another poll to find the favourite scandal song of this community. I decide not to do this in chronological order of the release day, so that I pick the order of the albums at random.
The albums I would like to include are:
Yay yay hello scandal (2008)
Best * Scandal (2009)
Temptation Box (2010)
R-Girls Rock (2010
Baby Action (2011)
Queens are tramps (2012)
Encore show (2013)
Standard (2013) 
Hello world (2014)
Honey (2018)
Yellow (2016)
Kiss from darkness (2020)
Upcoming album (2022), if it comes out on time for the final poll.

The B-sides, which wouldn’t be covered otherwise, and the covers will get their own round each before the final poll, so that every song has a chance.
I’ve already made this post in the Reddit community as well.

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