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Video Game Debates [Page 2 of 3]

Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:57 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Lmao I always thought Alone in the Dark was kinda a lame-sounding name for a horror/thriller game. Silent Hill or Resident Evil sounds so much more appealing xD. Hrmm I'm gonna sit on the fence for that one, they all have kinda different ideas on horror, and a slightly different draw/hook to each of them. Silent Hill is more of a person's own nightmare kinda thing, while Resident Evil is about a zombie outbreak/dooms-day scenario? (Sorry if I get it wrong, I haven't tried so many games T_T) Anyway, yea I see your point. Gaming has been getting pretty mainstream nowadays than it was ever before, and everyone has their own definitions of a gamer and the type of games they love to play.

I love it when underdog games or games that are usually criticised before their release make those people eat their words. Bayonetta's a good example. I remember people making pretty lame judgements on the game from only the screenshots before the game was released, but now Bayonetta's got much more recognition for its gameplay.

You've obviously got a lot more experience than me, I've never even heard of some of the games you mentioned (XD) but that makes this so much more interesting and enlightening.

Let's keep this thread going then. The 3DS and 3D gaming in general. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the 3DS. Nintendo really went out of their way to put in anything and everything that they think will make their handheld fun. That's what I love about Nintendo, they (usually) don't jump on the bandwagon, they DRIVE the bandwagon (did I get that right?). Though I wish they'd put more effort into the power of their devices... Sony and Microsoft, on the other hand... Well you get what I'm saying.
Whoops kinda got off topic a bit, didn't mean to talk about the console companies...
Back to 3D gaming and whatnot. Do you believe 3D gaming is a step in the right direction, or is it just a gimmick? Personally I hate using the word "gimmick". To me, these features are usually added for good reason.

Just a kid with dreams...
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:22 am



International Performer
International Performer
Nifster wrote:The only SMT game I tried was the online one, I forget what it's called, but I liked it. I was 16 or 17 at the time (haha I wasn't supposed to play it then xD). Sure, some of the monsters take some getting used to, but they have some gems like Jack Frost (which I find strangely adorable). Perhaps its just the artist expressing his or her creativity, or maybe he's just a pervert, who knows. I think since the game really is about Demons, the artist deliberately made some of them kind of disgusting or disturbing. Judging by how popular SMT is (well how popular I think it is anyway), I'd say as long as a game is fun, people have a higher level of tolerance for these things. But, of course, there are games where M-rated stuff is added seemingly for no reason -.- (I'm looking at you Dragon Age). Thankfully, these stuff is usually optional. I agree with big about the different mindset thing. You'll be surprised at what the Japanese find normal, and what the Westerners find normal.

I played that MMO as well. It was called imagine. It is still free to play

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:08 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I don't think 3D gaming is a gimmick...

3D technology has been around for the longest time, being it's roots from stereoscopic photography, but we won't get into that... HA HA!

It's only been recently that 3D technology was refined from the old Red/Blue, Red/Green glasses to real 3D imagery, starting from Real3D theatre movies to 3D gaming... (I hope I can get the history right, but bear with me if I'm a little off)...

I forgot who it was, but G4 interviewed a really well renowned tech billionaire who said the future of technology will be 3D... He said this about 2-3 years ago and the people just kinda shunned what he said and called it baloney, but look at it now!

3D gaming is no gimmick... TV manufacturers are barely getting the 3D tech onto their television screens, so along with that, gaming is sure to follow because the opportunity to make those games is a reality... (The 3DS is totally different, and I agree that Nintendo is on top of things, but that's a different subject... HA HA!)

So using Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, an example of what I'm saying goes like this: (Not actual, just an example)
- Without Microsoft's advancements in computer technology, Sony and Nintendo would be slow on development
- Without Sony's advancements in projection tech, Microsoft and Nintendo wouldn't have monitors to display their works as intended
- Without Nintendo's advancement in gaming, Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have platforms to build their products for

And so on... HA HA! So as the technology gets better, it's only natural that gaming will also capitalize on it... So 3D gaming is in the right direction, whether a company decides to use it or not, but 3D is happening now and maybe full interaction might be next! No I'm not talking about the Kinect, I'm talking about full on hologram planes with pain receptors and what not... HA HA!


Ah OK, I know I said I wouldn't talk about the 3DS, but I will for a little bit... It still follows the guidelines that "without and idea, there just wouldn't be", so without the talks of 3D gaming, the 3DS probably would have never come along... But what's different is that the 3DS is utilizing it's own available technology without relying on an outside source... It was the idea that started it all, but what's great is that it's strictly a Nintendo product in your hands and nothing else!

Love it! but woo, the price tag on it was a whopping $300!!!

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:16 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@snypershot ooh. Thanks for the info. The thing I liked about Imagine was its Episode-driven gameplay which was quite unique at the time. I loved watching the cut-scenes. Have they updated the episodes yet? I'd love to start playing again after my exams!

@big Wow you do have a point there, though I don't think I'd want the pain receptors on me D=. I prefer to not feel pain while playing a game xD. And yea, Kinect was quite a disappointment for me. About the 3DS, I'm definitely getting it. The only question is when am I gonna buy it xD. The announced game titles for it so far are awesome and make good use of its features.

Hope more people would post on this thread... I'm sure there are more experienced gamers than me out there >.<

Just a kid with dreams...
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:33 am



International Performer
International Performer
Nifster wrote:@snypershot ooh. Thanks for the info. The thing I liked about Imagine was its Episode-driven gameplay which was quite unique at the time. I loved watching the cut-scenes. Have they updated the episodes yet? I'd love to start playing again after my exams!

@big Wow you do have a point there, though I don't think I'd want the pain receptors on me D=. I prefer to not feel pain while playing a game xD. And yea, Kinect was quite a disappointment for me. About the 3DS, I'm definitely getting it. The only question is when am I gonna buy it xD. The announced game titles for it so far are awesome and make good use of its features.

Hope more people would post on this thread... I'm sure there are more experienced gamers than me out there >.<

am not sure if the updated. I never had such an issue grinding in a game and I spent over a week of time in Persona 4. Literally over 180 hours of playing time

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:33 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
oh sweet, the new layout is in effect now... HA HA!

ah but yeah, hopefully some other members come in and post up with us... maybe we're intimidating them with our big posts? HA! but every forum always has a small section for gaming, cars, anime, fitness, etc., so I think we're doing a good job keeping the debate thread up...

heh, I've been busy carving pumpkins for Halloween, so I couldn't come on this past weekend to chat with everyone, but here I am!


alright, so a topic about portable systems... (this isn't a hard one, but just a major rant from me)... are they getting too small?

personally I think they're a perfect size for the Japanese consumers, but because I'm pretty tall and such, my hands tend to go off the d-pad or analog when handling the portables...

I think the designs are pretty good and everything is perfect, but I'd like to see developers possibly release 2-3 size variations in regards for their consumers... the Playstation Go was pretty bad for me because I couldn't use the controls without hitting the top screen and such... Which is why I didn't really care for its release... HA HA!

The same thing could be said for console controllers also... the PS3 would be 100% perfect for me if it were a little bit bigger, because the 360 controller is ergonomic for my hands size...

So in final, I think portables are fine the way they are, but it's the button sizing and positioning that gripes me...

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:03 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Ooooh pumpkin carving. Hope you'll post pics .smile.

Hrmm, about the size thing, I've never had any problems.. (Probably 'cos I'm small. And short. D=) For consoles, I know the Wii has a few third party companies making accessories like smaller/larger/more ergonomic controllers, but I'm not sure about other consoles. I know Sony's against non-official controllers and are taking measures against them though. I agree with you though. You'd think they'd conduct tests or something for the controllers or portables to see if they were comfortably sized. Long hunting sessions on the Monster Hunter series on the PSP does kinda leave me with aching palms (and thumbs... all that running around maps...). But for portables, they'd have to consider screen resolution and figure out where to place the buttons and stuff.. And since people from different parts of the world come in all sizes, it makes it harder for them? I don't really like it if they release a better (more comfortable) version after the initial release though.

Woot on to the next point. Adding "zombie-modes" to games. It's becoming a trend lately for a new game in a series to have zombies either in some alternate storyline or mini-games(I've heard there's a new Yakuza game with zombies coming soon). Do you find this annoying(you've played one zombie shooter, you've played them all... anyway L4D was the best imo, I've yet to try Dead Rising)? Or perhaps you don't really mind? Me, I guess I don't mind if it's just included as a mini-game for laughs. Why zombies anyway? There are more fun things to shoot at, dinosaurs for example

Just a kid with dreams...
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:08 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
"I was thinking about 2 types of carvings... one of a big pumpkin eating some smaller pumpkins or one with Jack Skellington's face on it... HA HA! I'll start a couple of days before Halloween, so I'll post up a pic when it happens..."

*ahem* But as for zombie mode, I honestly can't give a straight answer since I'm so infatuated about a Zombie Apocalypse rather than a Robot Takeover, but I'll try not to be bias... heh...

I think zombie games are good if the developer took enough time to make it a full length game, rather than just add-on content... Games like Resident Evil, Left for Dead, Dead Rising are all great zombie games because the foundation was built from scratch and into a solid zombie title...

As for games like Call of Duty, zombie mode WAS cool when it first came out, but then the developers sponged the hell out of it when they released 4 map-packs alone dedicated to zombie mode... Then again, it was the consumers who left a great amount of feedback asking for more, so it can go both ways of hating or loving a zombie mode... (ah who am I kidding, I bought all 4 map packs and squeezed the undead lives out of so many zombies... HA HA!)

I do feel that the announcement of zombie mode in CoD: Black Ops is just a ploy to guarantee definite sales from Infinity Ward followers, because there were a lot of gamers here in the states that said they would not support Black Ops because of the falling out between Activision and the retired heads of Infinity Ward... "Oops, I just babbled a bit... HA HA!"

So the thought of any zombie mode can be annoying at first because it is a definite trend now, but you can always grow to like it... Zombie games on the other hand, whose entire intent is zombie destruction from the get go, do deserve a decent review before getting the bias treatment though... Which is thin line to determine also, because like you mentioned, Yakuza is one game but Yakuza of the End is another game w/ zombies... They're both full length games, but one just seems like a huge zombie mode because the foundation of the series is entirely different...

HA HA! But I think zombies are popular in general because it's a possibility that can happen, much like the Robot Takeover where a master AI goes on the fritz *cough*skynet*cough* and annihilates humanity...

So zombie games and zombie modes, I give a thumbs up until I actually play it and find out how crappy it is... Ah, Onechanbara, it held my attention for the first couple of minutes but I gave up shortly after...

(My biased answer: Zombies Rock!)

And yes! You should try/buy the Dead Rising series! DR1 laid down the rules and DR2 let's you go all out!

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Thebestgifofalltimep1

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:04 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
ah man! what happened to the debates?!...

hee hee...

I'll be honest, I've been busy working and playing Fallout New Vegas, so I haven't had any chances to lash out at my company buddies lately... HA HA! Actually, all my friends are doing the same thing, playing New Vegas and being hermits to the real world...

But that's how good a game this is... WOO!!! so debates, I'll pass for the time being until I need a REAL break from playing Fallout...

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:17 pm



International Performer
International Performer
well that and this is like 3 people talking, writing post that could qualify for college essays

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:13 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
HA HA! Yeah, you think we're intimidating other members from joining in because of that? Heh...

Man, there's so many glitches in Fallout (of course), but surprisingly the first patch came in this morning AM... heh...

So debate: If after producing a highly famed game that people obviously like, don't you feel that the developer should be perfecting later titles in the same series? Say, with less of the same glitches/errors as the previous releases?

(Heh, my current hate... damn you Fallout, but I love it the same...)

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:54 am



International Performer
International Performer
idk, patches make it possible to fix things otherwise undetected or bethesda just dropped the ball. I know people are less angry with glitches (non game break ones lol) and more angry when someone like me picked up Resident Evil 5 gold edition or Dragon Age Origins Unlimited edition (all the DLC for a fraction of the price....) Patches come and go, DLC leaves a stain in your wallet.

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:56 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Oh man, Gold Editions/Game of the Year Editions, yeah I get mad at those!

For sure you know it's coming, but hardcore fans obviously have to (in their right mind) get every DLC upon release to stay on top of things... HA HA! I was pretty butt hurt when RE5 came out with the Full Editions because Capcom released a bundle pack online that included Lost in Nightmares/Desperate Struggle about 2-3 weeks before the Gold/Year Editions released on hard copy, without any announcement of it... WTF?!

Gold/Year editions are a good ploy from an Industry standpoint because it gives them an opportunity to draw in the "average" consumer to try and get them hooked on it, before releasing the next title...

But man, it's still awful if it comes with the glitches still... BOO!!!
(Fallout: I shot a Giant Radscorpion earlier and it literally sank into the rock it was standing on... Glitched out and it didn't even give me my 25 XP.... BOO!!!)

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:03 am



International Performer
International Performer
bigOeyez wrote:Oh man, Gold Editions/Game of the Year Editions, yeah I get mad at those!

For sure you know it's coming, but hardcore fans obviously have to (in their right mind) get every DLC upon release to stay on top of things... HA HA! I was pretty butt hurt when RE5 came out with the Full Editions because Capcom released a bundle pack online that included Lost in Nightmares/Desperate Struggle about 2-3 weeks before the Gold/Year Editions released on hard copy, without any announcement of it... WTF?!

Gold/Year editions are a good ploy from an Industry standpoint because it gives them an opportunity to draw in the "average" consumer to try and get them hooked on it, before releasing the next title...

But man, it's still awful if it comes with the glitches still... BOO!!!
(Fallout: I shot a Giant Radscorpion earlier and it literally sank into the rock it was standing on... Glitched out and it didn't even give me my 25 XP.... BOO!!!)

fallout 3, shotgun some guy in the head. His head distorted to cover the background of the game.

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:08 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Ah, installing the game resolved some of the loading issues and what not, but I haven't noticed anything major, so that must be a good thing... HA HA!

So is debating put on hiatus for now? I can't seem to get away from Fallout... heh...

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:21 am



International Performer
International Performer
I can't seem to think of anything to debate about. Plus I have to study for upcoming test .nerd.

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:12 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Ah, this is more of FYI, but DirectTV just dropped G4tv from their line up... SUCKS BALLS!!! but luckily I'm on Time Warner... *sigh* The beginning of the end...

What happened to Nif? He hasn't been on in a while?

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:35 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Ah sorry peeps... My exams start in a week orz. I probably won't be on in a while... Just came on today cos i was bored to death from studying. Oh btw I heard there's some court case in the US about violent games or something? Well I guess you guys can update me on that next time. So yea... gonna be pretty much M.I.A for a while. Gomen ne... .whiteflag.

Just a kid with dreams...
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:00 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
HA! Study hard man! Thought you just left and went MIA!

But yeah, the hearing on that court case you're talking about just happened the other day and they're deciding on the ruling this week... (I think it was this week?)... I mentioned it in my very first post, but when the hearing actually began, the argument twisted into what wasn't being debated in the first place... I'm following it through Adam Sessler's Blog, the editor in chief of G4, so he can give you the lowdown better than I can...

First Blog, just about the facts...

Second blog, recorded during the case hearing during a break session...

And the third should be coming up pretty soon when the decision is made... All I can say is, "California, home of the bigots!"...

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:13 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
bigOeyez wrote:Oh man, you guys have to try Parasite Eve, actually buy if you can... PE1 is a very good game, great story, good battle mechanics, everything... It deviated a little in PE2 on every category, so it's not as good as the original... (The Resident Evil influence swept the world at that time, so Squaresoft sort of bandwagoned it... heh...)

PE1 is a pretty smart game, so you have to brush up on your biology terms to really immerse yourself in it, but it's overall enjoyable regardless... I actually prefer it over the Final Fantasy series because it's a little brainy, but because of that very reason, it became a cult classic instead of going mainstream...

With PE3, from what I saw in the E3 footage, the game system switched to an FPS type, sorta like Dirge of Cerberus, rather than the original RPG platform that it's known for ... I can't say I'm happy or mad since I kinda liked DoC, but it's a really big change in gameplay...

A SquareEnix rep stated that the PE series was all about the combat system, so it will be forever changing on every title release... But boo, that makes it sound like it's the guinea pig series for the company... *sigh*

Aya Brea for the win!

agree on that! ... i've watched my sister play parasite eve when i was on 2nd grade...and now on high school i downloaded it for psp ..and it sure does bring back memories....

i waited for PE3 for sooo long D: ..after seeing my sister beat PE2..i was waiting to see if there's PE3 ..but as far as i will be released within december in Japan...

I miss eve xD .... but i miss aya brea more xD...and i also miss the range dome from PE1

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Kierasig

by lale [=3
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:01 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
kiera917 wrote:and i also miss the range dome from PE1


Parasite Eve was a really REALLY good game that only a few people enjoyed... I think the storyline was a little too complex since it used a lot of scientific terms, but it's one of Square's best titles of all time if you ask me...

PE3 is coming out for sure, but I'm still bummed out that it isn't being designed for the PS3 because as I said in my earlier debate about portable systems, my hands are too big for the PSP and they get fatigued really fast... HA HA!

But thanks for acknowledging the PE series! You've really made my day! Have you read the book by any chance?

Speaking of nostalgia, I miss Aya's big hair! HA HA!

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:19 pm



International Performer
International Performer
bigOeyez wrote:
kiera917 wrote:and i also miss the range dome from PE1


Parasite Eve was a really REALLY good game that only a few people enjoyed... I think the storyline was a little too complex since it used a lot of scientific terms, but it's one of Square's best titles of all time if you ask me...

PE3 is coming out for sure, but I'm still bummed out that it isn't being designed for the PS3 because as I said in my earlier debate about portable systems, my hands are too big for the PSP and they get fatigued really fast... HA HA!

But thanks for acknowledging the PE series! You've really made my day! Have you read the book by any chance?

Speaking of nostalgia, I miss Aya's big hair! HA HA!

I found this for you PE fans

Also known as: Ross Video Game Debates - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Video Game Debates - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Rossba10
Video Game Debates - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:09 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
snypershot wrote:

I found this for you PE fans

FUGG!!! If I'm reading and calculating it right, PE3 is gunna be $70.00?! For the actual PSP UMD?!

Holey smokes! I know I would buy it if it weren't being released in the States later, but the Yen->USD rate is horrible right now... Ah, I can wait... maybe...

Even still, $50.00 for a PSP game is a bit much...

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:56 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
^ i agree on you... gotta love aya brea's hair... but i'd say, when it comes to "hair", Eve would be a good example =Dp

the game does have a lot of scientific terms, but this game really helped me in biology class =Dp time our lesson was about cells and it's parts....then when we talked about the mitochondria...i was like "i've read this in PE!" my classmates were shocked to see that i know much about it =Dp

i wish PE3 had a range dome too... i think it would be like a first person shooter...right? >__> idk .....
but it would be great if eve came back to the story.... she's one of my favorite female villains...creepy and violent =Dp

and i also miss upgrading my weapons too xD

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Kierasig

by lale [=3
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Re: Video Game Debates
Posted Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:23 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Some more info and footage just got released not too long ago, but I'm keeping my eyes shut and my ears closed til the official release... HA HA! I know I'm going to buy it already, so I'm keeping everything as a surprise...

My first guess is that it'll use the same mechanics as FF: Dirge of Cerberus, but that game literally had you using all the buttons, so it might be a little clumsy with the amount of buttons available on the PSP... Likewise, it's a whole different game so it'll work out... SQUARE ENIX WILL NOT FAIL ON PARASITE EVE!!! AGAIN!!!

I really want them to go back to the original story from the book and PE1 because that's what kept my interest, so agreed on bringing back Eve!... I wanted more backstory to Aya and Maya, so I'm crossing my fingers that she's mentioned somewhere!

Video Game Debates - Page 2 Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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