Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:06 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
doesnt matter!
human is human !

i will marry MAmi one day!

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:07 pm

Koide Namizo

Koide Namizo

International Performer
International Performer

oddie wrote:doesnt matter!
human is human !

i will marry MAmi one day!

sorry man...YUH are 900000 steps behind me... .bleh.

btw I'm agree with what rp said...they are "born Shinto,marry a Christian and die a Buddhist".

almost all japanese are shinto...but almost all of them too alway celebrating xmas...gurararara!!


SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Newsiggy
SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Z
Hehee SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Koidi Hehee
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:21 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
porcupine_tree wrote:Well, to be honest being Catholic I'm actually insulted that the girls were using the rosary as a fashion accessory and that really upsets me... the rosary is a sacred and fundamental part of Catholicism (and perhaps Christianity as a whole I guess) and it is used to bless the sick and dying, and also in prayer when we recite the Rosary. Overall, what I'm saying is that the rosary should be treated with respect and reverence not as some fashion trend of the week to be discarded when one tire of it. I've lost a little respect for SCANDAL, irregardless of the Japanese religious subculture. Sorry guys, it's my own view so don't get mad (although some of you might)

I would never tell anyone how to feel about something, but just try to remember that the rosary is sacred to you because of your beliefs, and people who share your beliefs should share your views towards the rosary. However, people with different beliefs can't be expected to share your views exactly or be expected to follow your rules. Happy I'm not trying to be mean at all, just trying show an idea that was shown to me, that people within a particular group have rules about things that people outside that group shouldn't be expected to follow, as their beliefs are different.

That being said, if you think about it, their use of the rosary is flattering in a way, because your sacred symbol is so cool that they want to wear it to be cool too. Happy

IIRC on twitter Tomomi mentioned something about christianity, but my Japanese is way too bad to say for certain what she meant.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:24 am



International Performer
International Performer
Now, now guys don't be so serious about this stuff.. As bigOeyes said, Religion and Politics are touchy subjects (I always turn off the TV or change the channel when the news is about these stuff). I created this topic out of mere curiosity, not to create any misconception about SCANDAL's religious views or misunderstanding among us SH members.. So please let's stick to the topic, right? If you have any information about this stuff, feel free to post it here! Any info, big or small, will be appreciated! Thanks!

rollingproject wrote:uhm, i guess there's a saying in japan that they are "born Shinto,marry a Christian and die a Buddhist".

but im 70% sure that they would marry in a Christian way, cause every girl is always fascinated with the light-colored flowing gown.hahaha! Onion Love Love

^ Hahaha SCANDAL being so girly.. I think they'll marry this way.. Hahahaha..

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Haruka10
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:23 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I never remembered any of the SCANDAL girls saying anything religious or political in nature...ever. Blog, or otherwise. They are a girl-band guys, come on now, do you seriously expect them to take those kinds of things seriously? XD

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 R7kd9g

Please, call me Pally. XD
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:58 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
If you ask me, I think for most East Asian, Japanese included, religion is incorporated into their custom and culture. (I'm saying this as a Chinese) Personally, I don't really see burning incense to our ancestor as a religion. And I do believe in this region (South East Asia), they do so regardless of their religion. Although, some other do believe otherwise. Hope I did not offend anyone up to this point.

Anyways, as you can tell, I'm pretty open minded when it comes to religion, so I wouldn't care what are the girl's. Besides, I'm here to listen to their music, not criticize their religion.

SCANDAL will always be SCANDAL!

Well, that still wouldn't erase our curiosity in certain aspects xD

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:20 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Koide Namizo wrote:Heso...!!!

oddie wrote:doesnt matter!
human is human !

i will marry MAmi one day!

sorry man...YUH are 900000 steps behind me... .bleh.

btw I'm agree with what rp said...they are "born Shinto,marry a Christian and die a Buddhist".

almost all japanese are shinto...but almost all of them too alway celebrating xmas...gurararara!!


i dont agree with that!
you are 1000000000000000 step behind me
next month i will go to japan
(MAMI IM COMINg) .bleh.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:32 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
i believe most of japanese didnt serious about their faith or religion. even they married twice isnt it? firts on church and then on shinto temple? most drama shows it .wow.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:54 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I love the back-and-forth fighting over Mami - so entertaining. .lol.

The speculation that everyone is sharing is rather interesting. But I wonder if those of you who believe they're Christian know that in Buddhism, they use a similar type of prayer beads called "juzu" or "nenju"? (Learn more here) Sometimes (altho very rare), Japanese youth will wear these either as a fashion accessory, or as a memento of a trip to a famous temple, or because they are actually committed Buddhists. Traditionally, they are used when reciting sutras in order to maintain concentration.

As to the girls' religious affiliation, I doubt they are Christian simply because it is very very unlikely. In Japan, 1% or less of the population are Christian according to government records. Because religion was utilized by the militarists before and during the Second World War to forcefully commit the population to a blind loyalty to the Emperor, I believe a general move towards de-emphasizing religion took place after the war ended. The US-led occupation that established Japan's current constitution included full Freedom of Religion, but the Japanese people seemingly just don't care about exploring new religion. Hence, the Christian population in Japan remains insignificantly low.

Otherwise, people have already said it, so I will just sum it up - the girls for sure go to temple every New Years, give presents on Christmas, don't know what Easter is, most likely dream about wearing a white dress and getting married (not necessarily in a chapel, and not even with a minister - they often do marriage ceremonies that involve signing "contracts" at famous hotels and resorts), and pray at Shinto shrines whenever they feel like they need good luck. I say all this because I'm sure they are just like so many other girls from central and western Japan. Except they are an accomplished, utterly awesome rock band. .love.

Life's a waste if you're all alone. (SCANDAL, Everybody Say YEAH)
SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Blog_head2-1
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:50 am



International Performer
International Performer
The rosaries they wore on "TaiKimi" got me thinking for a while, too. But whatever they believe in, it will never change how I look at the band.

As far as wearing the rosaries are concerned, well... For me, it isn't desecration unless it is deliberate. From what I understand in my religion class years ago (Another Catholic here, BTW, and a graduate of a Catholic school), desceration means the deliberate act of disrespect towards religious articles, including their misuse.

But "misuse" can be a vague term as well. I've seen rosaries worn around their necks, on their wrists (a miniature version which functions as a bracelet and a "mini-rosary" because there are only 10 beads on it), and even on their fingers as a ring. But steering away from the rosary for a little bit, there's a more basic example: the Cross. There are a lot of people who wear crosses around their necks, somewhat turning it into an accessory. Is it desecration? In my opinion, I don't think so because wearing the cross could be an act of expressing one's faith externally. But unless it is used to deliberately disrespect what that object means and what it stands for, then that would be desecration.

Anyway. Going back... If SCANDAL were Catholics, I would have no problem with their wearing of the rosary so as long as they understand what it is for. If they're not, well I'm sure they didn't mean to offend anyone by wearing it since they might not know what it is used for. But either way -- as someone here puts it rather perfectly -- "SCANDAL will still be SCANDAL." :)

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:47 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
For me SCANDAL is my Religion

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:47 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
dubbi wrote:For me SCANDAL is my Religion

I was just gonna say that lol.
I have a feeling teens in Japan are more interested in their idol groups/bands/anime characters than religion, just the current trend of society.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:27 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
It would be good if they will be (or they are) Christians just like me :|

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 2413
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:37 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
An interesting video about religion in Japan: Japan Interviews - What Religion?

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:56 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Christmas trees, presents and santa have nothing to do with Christianity. Just wanted to point that out.

Scandal are probably (forced) into occultism, since the music industry they are a part of is owned by illuminati and freemasons.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:05 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
^ Lolwut?

They are Japanese girls trying to sing a song, not a bunch of demon-worshipping cannibals O_O

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 R7kd9g

Please, call me Pally. XD
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:07 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I hope you're right. I don't know much about the illuminati's influence on the Japanese music industry. Maybe there isn't much going on at all.

No right to feel offended or insulted can be derived from this message.
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:26 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
hmm keep religion outta the music

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:45 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
All of they are catholic ?

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:12 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
coolpanda wrote:All of they are catholic ?
Wow, didn't you read another posts?

Yeah, Japanese are so flexible in Religion. They are born and raised in Shinto, they married in a church, and they are buried with
Buddhist ceremony. Most Japanese that has a specific religion because they are married with foreigner and convert to his/her husband/wife religion. I know this because one of my friend in school is Japanese, but he's a muslim

Hey, it's-a-me!!
緑の男 (Midori no Otoko) : Greenman

Nice one
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:16 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
the conclusion is... (did we have to talk about religion?)

no matter what they faith in.. I don't care

I just need them and their music to feed up my spirit and keep high my positive energy to make me survive from this chaotic world..

I can't live without Scandal song..

I would say SCANDAL is my ENERGY of LIFE :D

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Magicrhapsodyartistcopy

SCANDAL Funny Moment Doujinshi

Dear GOD, I promise, I'll become a good boy, so when I die, I could enter the heaven, and in there I could met and own the goddesses like HARU, MAMI, RINA and TOMO .please.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:07 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Let's just all agree that SCANDAL are our musical goddesses. xD

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 R7kd9g

Please, call me Pally. XD
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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:18 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Amen to that? Haha, sorry, no offence intended, just thought it sounded fitting.

I mean agreed, Paladinoras. (^w^)

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:13 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
if in Harvest moon.. i will gladly give all my crop to SCANDAL the Goddesses :D

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Magicrhapsodyartistcopy

SCANDAL Funny Moment Doujinshi

Dear GOD, I promise, I'll become a good boy, so when I die, I could enter the heaven, and in there I could met and own the goddesses like HARU, MAMI, RINA and TOMO .please.

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Re: SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know?
Posted Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:52 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Jerec wrote:I think most of the youth in Japan are mostly unreligious and only take part in religious (mostly Shinto) activity as part of cultural tradition.

addressing that, it's called atheistism...when religious activities are turned into a cultural thing and when they dont believe n god n stuff or just dont care!

SCANDAL's Religion? Does anyone know? - Page 2 Sshinoda

Those eyes... I can't stop looking. LOVE
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