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----- Avatar Rules -----
1. The avatar's dimension should not be larger than 150 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height.
2. An animated GIF avatar's file size should not be larger than 800 KB.
3. The use of inappropriate images is strictly forbidden. It is the staff's discretion to determine what is considered inappropriate. If any such images are used, the staff will promptly remove them and warnings will be given out.
----- Signature Rules -----
1. Only text and images are allowed as signatures. Putting any type of flash or videos is not allowed.
2. You may put a maximum of 3 images in your signature.
3. A single image in the signature area should not be larger than 500 pixels in width and 300 pixels in height.
4. The total size of all images in the signature should not exceed 500 pixels in width and 350 pixels in height. Total size means the size of all your signature images added together.
5. Animated GIF images should not be larger than 300 pixels in width and 300 pixels in height. It should not be larger than 500 KB in size. Any beyond that will be automatically removed.
6. Only 1 animated GIF image is allowed to be used for a signature. Putting more than one animated GIF signature is not allowed. Please consider those who have average internet speed; page loading takes forever!
7. The emoticon rule applies here when using emoticons inside your signature.
8. You can post quotes, short phrases, or sentences in your signature, but it must not exceed 6 lines of text. You can also put links in your signature (no inappropriate links, please).
9. Do not copy the signature of another member without asking permission!
10. You are responsible for the format of your signature. You can use BBCode to make your signature as attractive and as organized as possible, but please be responsible in using BBCode as the wrong use of it can affect an entire page.
11. The use of inappropriate images is strictly forbidden. It is the staff's discretion to determine what is considered inappropriate. If any such images are used, the staff will promptly remove them and warnings will be given out.
12. You may not use images with someone's head manipulated onto another body/item/etc.
Last edited by mc~ on Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:50 pm; edited 2 times in total