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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
AMAZING! wonderful questions, guys and gals!
I didn't know about this until now. Maybe I'll have a question once we do this again.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Too bad for me, I missed this project. UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 654914

But anyway, SUGOI! UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 572615

UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Sign2_10
UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Userba11
"Even though we are so far from each other , Still our hearts will Intertwined"8->
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Darn! I missed this project... Okay, Another thing to add to my New Year's Resolution: VISIT SH EVERYDAY!!! UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 924158

UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Shoutbox-sig

UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Untitled-1
SCANDAL is not my obsession, it's my ADDICTION.
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
lol saw it just now..
in my surprised, my question got chosen and been answered by them .. .toj.

thanks so much! haha!

UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Tumblr_m6mef3EDrf1qhx9ubo1_250
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International Performer
International Performer
Oh Men I Missed this one..i would have asked Tomomi Some question..wish thtere will be another this 2012:D

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. UPDATE: You have the chance to interview SCANDAL!!! / THEY ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS! - Page 2 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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