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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:23 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I'll invite them to eat an ice cream .balloon.


SCANDAL is more than a band, it's a passion

==>Census of SCANDAL fans<==
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:03 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Oh god ! I fear this moment because I would probably nervious What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 50249
And I don't speak Japanese and I really want to exchange some world in japanese with them.
But I would love to do a hug to each What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 450165 (No Perverse thought)

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Sign11 "being a fan is not explained, it is lived" B.K.
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:32 am



International Performer
International Performer
Oh, at first I think I would freak out complety @_@ And then talk to then, just a little bit is okay What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 688108
Shake hands and ask to take a picture with me >w< Wow, that would be awesome. And after that we could go eat some takoyaki together *w*

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Timooverflow


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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:19 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
In one of my dreams I have a dream wherein the members approached me amidst of the vast number of crowd and I was like WTH!!

But seriously if that would happen one day... I would freak out and would be so speechless.... My blood pressure would go up.... but I really would like to have a picture with them.... .clap.

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:51 am



International Performer
International Performer
I would definitely freeze up and my heart would be pounding so hard that I would not know what to do. I don't think I would even have the guts to talk to them. But, I had the courage, I would definitely ask them for an autograph and a picture, and I would say it in Japanese.

One time, I had a dream that I met Scandal and it was so realistic that I thought it actually happened.

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:01 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
same as Yoshi, I would probably enter freeze mode as well lol. Aside of that, if they wanted a tour guide, I'd be happy to oblige :D and maybe ask for autographs if I got the guts to ask them

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Sca_si11
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:24 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Ahaha! My body would probably try to do everything that you guys have said at the same time; I'd go into a state of panic .nervous.

Like yoshinator54 said, I'd have to ask for an autograph/picture with them in Japanese, even though my Japanese is awful...

I gotta start learning Japanese NOW! .hardwork.

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 SCANDAL
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:37 pm



International Performer
International Performer
What I do ? Omg I don't know, I... I... Omg i must stop think about that LOVE

Maybe... Huum... I don't know, but after, i'll build a machin to go back in time and restart this moment again and again...

Or I ask Haruna to marry with me, and... She say YES, OOOMMMMGGGG .happy.

Wake up, it's just a dream... So beautiful dream...

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Sans_t14
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:09 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
First I would quickly find some kind of Melon too give too Mami as a gift for being so amazing. Then I would try too find someway too have a jam session with the whole group. I would let Tomo play the bass since she is better at it than me. I don't mind play some guitar. Lol.

That's what I would like too do, but I know I would probably just be too awestruck too say or do anything. Lol

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:57 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
If I was in an event or whatever and they came to me (and considering I could speak at least a bit of japanese), well I would obviously be nervous as it would be quite unexpected, but I would honestly try to talk to them. They seem like nice girls to get along, I would not ask for picture autograph or anything, I don't really care about that.

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:55 am



International Performer
International Performer
I dont want to run into SCANDAL until my Japanese is much better !
I adore Tomomi and want to be able to laugh with her and talk to all of them.
A picture would be wonderful ( otherwise noone here would believe me ! )

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Sig_sc10
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:31 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
WOW :laugh: if this happens to me, I will probably start crying. Because it is my dream since 3 years ago to meet them. I would probably try to talk to them in japanese, and start laughing because I don't know anything :D. It will be one of these moments, that you can't describe with words. Those moments that you can only understand when you experience it yourself. It will be the happiest day of my life.

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Aot
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:37 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
If a member of SCANDAL approached me, I would probably hug them or shake their hand, and thank them for inspiring me to become the best musician that I can.

Oh, and I would probably cry a little bit, too!

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:51 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I would run up and tell them how great they are live , and how much i admire what they have achieved with their relentless drive aan enthusiasm.. let them know the are the greatest popband ever..... and then I would either melt or start turning into gibbering schoolboy LOL

The only hope I would have of remaining cool would be to talk to Mami about guitars and guitarists, bands etc.

A hopeless fan....

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:03 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Tell them how much I love them so much LOVE

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:24 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I would introduce myself as a big fan of SCANDAL in my choppy Japanese haha. Then, I would ask for autographs and a picture. Probably would be the most exciting day of my life. What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 450165

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 U6zkopzo01coeakz79p8

5/22/15 - 「HELLO WORLD」 - Los Angeles, CA HoB
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:52 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
taking photo together and ask for their sign on their album, and for tomomi, on my bass :D .love.

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:05 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I'd probably freeze inside... :freeze:
Just thinking about it (the moment they'll approach me) is giving me a heart attack! .dies.

But then, even if I'm frozen on the inside thinking "Oh, my gosh! It's SCANDAL!!!" LOVE , I'd probably keep my cool (hopefully) and try my best to entertain them (for whatever reason why they approached me). I'll ask for an autograph (I'd scream "EYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!" inside) and group picture if they have the time. I'll also say to them how I much I admire them and how they are such an inspiration to me (maybe in broken Japanese, but who cares! But if gets real bad, I'd just say it in simple english) in music and in life.

I also want to ask them for a hug, but I don't know if I have the guts to say that... .sweat.

It would be the best day of my life! .toj.

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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:34 pm

Mr. Suzuki

Mr. Suzuki

International Performer
International Performer
What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 450165'd get autographs
would take photos
give a kiss in Rina What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 150251
and probably What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 118897die


What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Back_o12 RAWR Onion
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:38 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I'd probably ask them if they could sign the albums that I bought.
Then i'll ask TOMOMI to sign my bass. .toj.
Then i'll take a picture with them...
And finally i'd probably faint. .dies.

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Tumblr11

"When i'm hungry I don't have strength" ~TIMO
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:57 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I'd probably be too speechless and paralyzed just seeing them face-to-face. I'd slap my face a couple of times to check if it's real or not, then maybe I'd shake their hands or if I have the guts to or if they would allow me, I'd hug each of them LOVE

And of course I'd take photos of them then I'll ask a friend to take my photo with them and I'll probably ask Mami to sign my guitars!

I'd also probably talk to them (in broken Japanese LOL) but like what I said I'd be speechless so I wouldn't know what to say and I'd be afraid I might end up saying something really embarrassing though .silence.

Then come what may! I'd be a really happy fangirl and that would be the best day of my life. LOVE


What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Mamisig
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:29 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
1. Bow to show respect.
2. Raise my head, pull of the shirt- now they see a shirt saying "I AM S-TYPE"
3. Take a small cute electric guitar out of my pocket with a mobile amplifier.
4. Play them a really good song.

Previously known as HugoDisastersWhat would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 St95ChL
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:34 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
i got butterflies on my stomach, just thinking about this. LOVE

i'll probably faint! haha Onion Love

i'll ask them to sign my guitar, albums and the shirt i'm wearing. Happy Onion

of course, a picture with them! Happy Onion

and i would like to hug all of them TOJ Onion

and give each one of them a letter! .toj.

(づ๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)づ
What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Scanda11 (´ ▽`).。o♥️
"it doesn't really matter since when did you start liking them or
how much do you actually know them to really feel their music"
(Mornings are evil (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:14 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student

I would aproach the group and then do exactly as the video. Then Ask for a photo,then ask for an autograph and for Mami to sign my guitar,hug them,and leave Tomomi for last because I would faint while I hugged her. Then I would tell them to wait,come home,print out a photo I made in photoshop of them and give it to them as a gift,then I would probably die because that would be the happiest moment ever and I would not be able to live that much happiness again. What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 911293 What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 79339

What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 Scyam
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Re: What would you do if SCANDAL approached you?
Posted Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:31 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
1. show my respect
2;wipe of my nosebleed What would you do if SCANDAL approached you? - Page 2 79339
3.request for a group pic
4.hug everyone of them with them

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