

Caless Student
Caless Student
Let`s see here what do you like about yourself..and what you don`t like about yourself?
If you could..what will you change and what will you not change about yourself?? .smile. .uhuh.

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International Performer
International Performer
Well... I'm quite comfortable with myself right now. But I wish I would have studied more in my past ^^
But how about you, Alex? Wink

You may have known three or fourthousand people in your life. But you only talk about six or seven.
- Elias Canetti
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Happy what I like is that I am a competitive person and a perfectionist..and what I don`t like is sometimes is that I am very stubourn but that isn`t always a bad thing.
What I would have taken other decissions in the past
Thank you for sharing Nice one

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International Performer
International Performer
You're welcome ^^

Okay, I admit, that I have a violent temper sometimes (wow, the german word for this (Jähzorn) sounds cooler and less... violent...) But no, I wouldn't change that. That's me and I think I can control myself so far... And hey, sometimes we all have to let it out, don't we? ^^

You may have known three or fourthousand people in your life. But you only talk about six or seven.
- Elias Canetti
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Yes of course..we all have our ups and downs..and sometimes loose our temper
It`s ok.Happy

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
..What i like about myself is that, I am a positive thinker ..I always appreciate what do I have for this day and always give a smile to my friends.. I like people saying what I'm doing wrong and I don't look at it as something negative..I look at it as a motivation to improve myself..

What i don't like to myself is that I'm not that of a good explainer..I want to express myself or if i want to say something to reason out..I have a lot of things in my mind to say but this something they call doubt or shyness i think lessens those words and ends up to just keeping my mouth shut..although keeping your mouth shut could be sometimes good in some arguments but if you others to understand you and to stop thinking negative things to what they see to you..that's not right to just keep I want to improve this..and good thing that my work is helping me now to improve that..because I'm a customer service representative ..and it's a good training for me..^^

me want you..
What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eWhat do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Caless Student
Caless Student
well, i like my passion and creativity, i can write poetry. ( i think i have to learn to compose song, maybe i could make a band like SCANDAL .cool. )

things i don't like is i'm shy and hesitate. i'm kinda introvert. and also i don't like my nose shape.. :p

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International Performer
International Performer
Huum... It's strange for me, 'cause I like what I don't like

I mean, I think I've a good way to think, respect the other, always help if it's possible, but sometimes with this way, I contradict myself, I want help someone who don't really like me, or my friends says that sometimes I'm not angry while I should be ^^'

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Sans_t14
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International Performer
International Performer
What I like about myself is being calm. My friends always commends me for this, because for example when we have exams or rushing a project before, they say "You are sleeping or eating whereas we're already in the verge of panic." Lol that's just me, 'cause I always thought "what's the point in panicking when everybody does?" At least one person needs to be sane! XD

And what I don't like is the same as Funk You: I'm not good at expressing myself. Objectively speaking, I'm okay. I can communicate well with people, especially if it's business. However, in subjective or emotional terms, I'm not! I can't even say "I miss you" or "I love you" to my best friend face to face haha. And when I'm angry I can't express it, so I ended up not talking at all when I'm pissed.

I also don't like how I'm very assertive when it comes to business meetings but so shy during personal and friendly meet-ups! It's like I'm very confident and can do my very best when no one I knew personally is around.

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Haruka10
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Caless Student
Caless Student
It`s ok..time changes you...
You just have to give it a try..if you first don`t succed..try another time..Happy and eventually things will turn on your side..Happy it`s good that you can manage in bussiness..there are many people who don`t manage in that chapter..Happy
But as I was saying..practice makes perfect..don`t give up if you don`t manage at the very beggining..patience is the key..:D Nice one

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International Performer
International Performer
Hhhmmm . Well as me, I like myself is being friendly to someone that doesn't want me to be his/her friend, haha and also I'm a shoulder to cry on .. whenever you are sad, just come to me Happy but in my situation right now i don't have any bestfriend here in my real life . I'm the one who's left out because when i first enter this Second year or grade 9, they were already forming a small groups and because i'm new in the school, they didn't even bother to seek me. But it's ok for me Happy

and what i hate to myself is that i can easily fall in love with someone Happy) just can't resist >w< but now i'm trying to control this feeling Happy I am a boring person to talk with, but if i like the conversation, trust, I won’t sleep until i finished the topic xD.

Last edited by xTimoMamix on Fri May 24, 2013 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? BgKuUQh
Mamitasu love Melons ~(^v^~)
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International Performer
International Performer
what i like about myself? i guess maybe how calm and optimistic i can be even when things are really bad. my life motto is everything that can be done has been done, whatever that happens later is up to fate to decide. i'm always the one who maintains the calmness in the group (in certain situations) by telling them everything will go smoothly only when they are calm. i'm the only one who comes out of the exam hall with a big laugh even when i know i screwed up.

the thing i don't like the most about myself is perhaps how i'm not selfish enough towards other people when i need to. it may not seem like a bad thing, but i've given up plenty of things that are important in my life because of the way i value my relationship with other people. things like possible relationships, when the girl i like gets close to my close friend, and i don't want to get in between them. i'll end up looking at them and ask myself am i really happy with this? am i really happy watching the 2 of them being happy together. things like this. in fact i'm experiencing these exact emotions right now. sometimes i tell myself to be more selfish for my own happiness, but i can't bring myself to do it, because it's completely not in my character

another thing i don't like about myself is how easily i get agitated over trivial issues, and how loudly i talk. i guess it runs in the family, my father is like this too.

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? 2d0ylnt
Asia Tour 2013 (Singapore) - 16/03/13
HELLO WORLD (Singapore) - 08/05/15
PERFECT WORLD (Budokan) - 12/01/16, 13/01/16
YELLOW (Singapore) - 04/06/16
10TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL (Osaka Izumiotsu Phoenix) - 21/08/16

Discovery of SCANDAL - 22/07/11
First SCANDAL Concert - 16/03/13
First Banner Chosen and Displayed On SH - 29/04/14
First SCANDAL Concert in Japan - 12/01/16
First Time to Photograph SCANDAL at a Concert - 04/06/16
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International Performer
International Performer
That's an interesting topic.

What I like about me is that I am a funny person, make my friend happy even if we are in a boring moment (like when I was at School haha, I did a lot of jokes to pass the time in some subjects). I'm a sociable person, when someone is new (like at school) I do my best to get him into the group.

What I don't like is sometimes I'm not really sure of myself. I can hesitate for stupid things.

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i like the fact that im determine and im really strong, i also like the fact that i can work round my disability and i can communicate with ppl easily but i hate it wen i get 2 reckless and hurt myself and make ppl worry so much

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Caless Student
Caless Student
hmmm... I kinda like this topic.
what I like about myself is that I don't like stepping on others weaknesses and become their true friend. what I hate about myself is that my friends ARE my weakness and they end up taking me for granted. and I am also indecisive...that's what I wanna change. to become firm with my decisions. maybe I wanna change my face too haha! >.<

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Nice topic.

For me what i like about myself is that i am an open minded person who is always ready to accept other people's ideas .cool.

But i am too lazy to study which is i don't like for myself. .sweat.

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Scanda12

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? LooooLz293153
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International Performer
International Performer
What I like: I wake up early, I always get good grades, I don't get fat though I eat a lot, I'm patient, I learn things pretty fast, I'm a fast reader

What I don't like: I'm so sarcastic, I buy too much petty things, I get attached easily, It's hard for me to move on, I fall in love so easily. . . .tsk.

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? T2xy8t6
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Caless Student
Caless Student
What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? 955107Well probably, what I like about me is that I'm really generous because I can't stand it if someone relies on me or ask help from me then disappoint them in return. And also, I'm very appreciative. But what I don't like about myself is that when I'm already in rage, I'm so unstoppable. I'm stubborn and I hate it when I hide my true feelings. BTW, Thank you for posting. Happy

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I hate myself for being short, lack of resolution (long term resolution) and I tend to lost my way if I'm not constantly reminds myself, pride (ego), high temper type and also tend to mourn over the mistake that I've done and it's hard for me to forgive myself for the wrong I had done in the past.

I always try to be myself, no matter what people say I take pride of my own as long as I deemed it right. I'm also a quite detail person.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Well though I have so many flaws, I like all the things about myself. After all, It's not "ME" without these Happy

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Vlcsna10 What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Vlcsna11

SCANDAL.MAMI  .smile. 
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jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
hmm... i don't really know 'cuz i'm funny and not, reliable and not, good with other people and not, blablabla and not. it depends on what "kind" of people i'm with. i'm a shy person (and not .whistle. )

but what i know that i'm a pretty good friend.....and not Facepalm

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
what i like about myself is that i dont get mad easily hahahahahaha! and i'm a very hyper person, and i think im a very good friend. but what i dont like about myself is i think of things as not so important things, and even though im hyper im a super duper shy person! and i dont do well on my studies and i cant concentrate on things...i have a lot of problems..

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400 DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANTA DANCE
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International Performer
International Performer
everything that constitutes me

In the morning, let the sun give you enough warmth which my love fails to do. And at noon, let the wind carry my felicitations and bring it to you. With louder sounds, bury it more, until only our hearts can hear that song which plays only between the two of us. If possible, make the night darker until our emotions are radiant enough to be seen. 

This clock which ticks differently on the two of us, hasten its pace so that our paths may converge in the future. This clock which fills me with sorrow as it reminds of how impossible it is for me to even see you, hasten its pace so that my sorrows would be drowned. Let me sleep therefore, so that I could prepare for tomorrow, as I did today, in making these thoughts and aspirations materialize. So let me sleep then, so that your presence would give me hints in accomplishing these goals.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
i love to eat
and dont want to be fat

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? Tumblr11
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
easy to get carried away, sometimes i dont like eat just smoke and drinking. i felt like i want reverse the past i want for some reason

What do you like about yourself and what you don`t?? 3583655_o
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