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you dont need to comment in this topic if you feel strange about it. :v

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Tumblr_mta3fgUJcJ1sh5mxqo1_250
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Caless Student
Caless Student
their lip gloss/lip stick .love. no need to explain XD *keeps dreaming*

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
It's gotta be their instrument. I'll be Tomomi's bass any day. Or Mami's guitar.

@ AM2 (2011) - Autograph Panel

Tomomi - "You smell good!"

Me - "...." If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 79339
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I wanne be Tomo-chan's I could be with her during their shows/performances If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 675914

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 198cdac9a2aab3a224a1cca8f376ba4e
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Haha I think I'll be... their shoes ;D

So I can be with them every step of the way xD

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I think I'll be mami's fave guitar 'cause she'll keep me near her body every time she plays XP

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Signatureqb
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Sh_cov15
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International Performer
International Performer
i Wanna Be..

Tomomi's Favorite Bass Guitar!! Nice one

So We Can Play Music together While She Sings With Her Beatuiful Voice:) LOVE

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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Caless Student
Caless Student
i wanna be Rina's lipstick.. so i can kiss her! Tongue

.love. Rina is <3 LOVE
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Scandal-1
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International Performer
International Performer
You will have to join the long line of members already waiting !

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Sig_sc10
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International Performer
International Performer
I Like to Be Tomomi's Foootwear:D So I can Walk With Her All The times.. .happy. LOVE

ToHaRiMa=SCANDAL is The Best Band Of The WORLD!!!  .rich. If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400
SCANDAL  BAND Yow!    .balloon. .
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I'm kinda surprised no one's mentioned it yet, but I guess it is a little mundane:
I'd want to be Mami's hairbrush

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Rina's drumsticks or her camera! If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 572615

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 K_on_by_0m3ntor0-d3jvhcwIf you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Free_yui_icon_by_the_fry_bat-d45scy8
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 ScandalliveTOURteammember2
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 ScandalliveTOURsupporter
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I wanna be Mami's favorite giutar... If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 12776

________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Colea111

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I wanna be Tomomi's bed, so I can comfort her after a one hell of a day, make her feel the warm and the softness to relax her and put her to sleep, also to protect her at night in those MONSTERS who would like to take her... .punches. .cool.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
I wanna be each member's instruments. It is because SCANDAL is not SCANDAL without their instruments.

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International Performer
International Performer
I think like the autor I wanna be Haruna's Phone, like that I'll be always with her LOVE

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Sans_t14
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International Performer
International Performer
wanna be Dai-chan!! I wanna be RINA's dai-chan LOVE

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Tomomi's first bass guitar because even though she has her new basses, it's still me that she first fell in love with.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I want to be Rina's drum sticks! .love.

My last one piece is just your voice
my last one piece is in my hand now~

[ One Piece - SCANDAL Onion Love ]
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I want to be their instruments (either instruments) Just simple, I'm can be with them all day everyday .clap.

Happy.Unity.Heart Strong.
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
i want to be rina dai chan

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
rina's drum stick, so that i would be thrown up, lol

:onionrider: Lez do dizz :workhard:

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 MMuserbar

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 MMaffiliate
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Erick M

Erick M

International Performer
International Performer
I wanna be their invisible things but always useful like spirit, passion and cheerfulness.

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 E-sign10
Please don't take my jokes too seriously
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 5 SAPOG0d
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I wanna be their headphones / earphones so that i can make them remember how they love music at the first place... Nice one

\m/ ///_- \m/

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Hmm... maybe their shoes? Cuz' I like their feet... lol .evilgrin.

-Take nothing but pictures-
-Leave nothing but footprints-
-Kill nothing but time-
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