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Caless Student
Caless Student
I just wanna be the microphone that Mami is using.. .love.

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Tumblr_m9plcyyjrW1r26dqvo8_250

LOVE Mami Sasazaki LOVE
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
..I want to be mami's guitar..
helping her play epic songs and perform in her every tour with her..

me want you..
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eIf you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I wanna be Haru's pillow :3

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Tumblr10
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Timo's bass ~

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Mr. Suzuki

Mr. Suzuki

International Performer
International Performer
drumstick's Rina-chan If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 12776


If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Back_o12 RAWR Onion
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Rina's heart LOVE
Whenever she's performing
Whenever she's composing
Whenever she's writing
Whenever she's having fun

"That's why I keep on doing my best.
Cause I don't want to hurt people who said that they love me."
- Rina
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I want to be their CANTA CANTA Smile

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 1395844568653
Bass Queen

gif by me
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I'll be Haru's TOOTHBRUSH!!!

.clap. [Cheers!][2427] .dance.
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
i wanna be MAMI's blanket, so that i can make her warm~~ If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 397493

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Tumblr_msx6a00kiw1qi2jioo1_400 DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANTA DANCE
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I wanna be RINA's sleeping pillow !
That way I could see her sweet and gorgeous smile even on her sleeping face. LOVE

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Scanda15
SCANDAL the best all girls band ever !
RINA — I may make a mistake, I may be unable to do it, and I may lose heart..
but I think it is wasteful if I stopped because of such a thing.. I want to steadily change tomorrow by myself !
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
i want to be dai chan so that i can company rina whenever she is sad or happy

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Haruna's bag bec. she can get all the things she wanted from me........ .love.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I wanna be their talent...something they use to show to the world....something that is special.

People who misunderstand my fascination to Japanese Music are no different to those who really don't understand that MUSIC is a UNIVERSAL language.

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 530278_518239518200301_1411499125_n

Men 7900 lp battle damage received but in my turn? .cool.
OTK! I drained 8000 before the BP comes! GG
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I want to Be Tomo´s Case

so she took me with on evry Tour .clap.

Last edited by WoOt1337 on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

"Ich glaube mir selbst kein Wort. Ich warte immer auf meine Aktionen und Reaktionen und wundere mich dann." - Alexander Kaschte
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I dont wanna be a thing. I wanna be their babysitter to support them whenever they need me
.chesttap. ( i know they are adult now but still need many loving care rites?)

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jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
i want to be their canta! nyahahahaha

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Caless Student
Caless Student
hard to choose!!!!
uhhhmmm but i want to be haruna or mami's guitar or tomomi's bass or rina's drum kekekeke <3
why? not have a particular reason for this...
just because the members will hug me everyday lol

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Scandalouslollipopharun

signature: #o-Scandal-o@devianart
icons: Newtype@SH
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International Performer
International Performer
I want to be Haru's pick .smile.

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I want to be the following

1. Fender USA American Standard Stratocaster HSS “MAMI MODEL" (I want Mami close to mine always) .dies.
2. Haruna's microphone (When Haruna sings, most of the time, her lips touches the microphone) .nosebleed.
3. Tomomi and Rina's phone ( I like to hear their cute voices always and take their cute pictures ) LOVE

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Meme_111
No cookies are safe from Tomo! I better guard mine! .hmmm. 
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
..Mamis pillow.. .love.

me want you..
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eIf you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I want to be Mami's guitar !

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 HXANjwi
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I wanna be Haru's gurumi, a gurumi friend.CANTA Sleep 
When she's sad but can't talk to anyone she can talk to me.

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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I wanna be a bug spray for Timo so I can kill all the bugs that scares her~

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 YKRryb0If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Fto7gkK
.happy.DANCE DANCE .happy.

8 May 2015 | SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2015「HELLO WORLD」in Singapore
4 June 2016 | SCANDAL TOUR 2016「YELLOW」in Singapore
29 November 2019 | SCANDAL @ C3AFA in Singapore
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Mami's gameboy  .love.

me want you..
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eIf you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I want to be Rina's pilow  .smile. 
So I can be her comforter  .chesttap.

If you were to be a thing that one of the SCANDAL girls uses - Page 6 B2ug9g12

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