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Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:21 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I've always played instruments but ever since I got into Scandal and other Jrock groups, I have this huge urge to play in a band. It's getting in the way of everything and I can't stop thinking about it. I love the idea of an all girls' band so if anyone lives near me... would you like to start a band with me? 

We could just play around, no commitments, cover Scandal and other artists' songs, or even create our own. For fun or for more ;) 

I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. If you live around there (Richmond, Burnaby, Downtown, etc) and want to play then feel free to reply or PM me! I play the guitar (preferably rhythm) and drums. (Warning: I'm not exceptional but I love playing ^^;) 

I'm asking here because the people I know aren't really interested in these kind of things and I'd prefer someone who shares my love for Scandal =) I've never been in a band and I think this would be a cool experience. .upwalk. 

I'm sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules here but I didn't read this anywhere so~~ Take this topic down if it's necessary~

Last edited by Racheiru on Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:14 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
hello!! I guess you have a brilliant idea there... but unfortunately i cant help you with that... but I think that you should pursue that idea of yours... Hope you'll find someone near you.. and GOOD LUCK... .wow.

Who wants to create a band with me?  Seyerl10
Please Onion CANTA DANCE Please Onion
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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:07 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Thank you for the reply though seyer101 Happy 
I'm not really expecting anything but I wanted to just put the idea out there. You never know what happens~ ^^;

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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:49 am



International Performer
International Performer
.omg. I have the same thoughts too Racheiru, but i can't help too .waaa. I want to create a girls's band too so i'm looking in my city for girls that would like SCANDAL's music .hmmm.

Who wants to create a band with me?  Tumblr_pon1n3Osjl1shzh85o3_400
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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:59 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Awww, I hope you find people to start a band with in your area! If not, then may I suggest a new delivery method? LOL Perhaps you should try creating fliers and pinning them up in you area Happy You never know, you may end up find TONS of SCANDAL fans! Or how about a Skype band? XD

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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:07 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Best of luck to you too then Mitchan~ ! Ahh international problems ahaha

If it was possible, I totally would furuba9000 XD That would be fun... head banging in front of my computer ahaha but thank you for the advice! I probably should but I'm starting to feel iffy about even starting a band, because I barely have time for anything else right now. Ugh school. 


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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:37 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Don't be iffy about it.  If that's what you really want to do, give it a go.  If it doesn't work out then you can always drop it later and move on but you'll never know the actual results if you never start in the first place.

Anyways, you remind me of Lindsay "Bird" from Toronto, Canada.  Just the whole being from Canada and having an all girl band.  I'm not sure if she's pro but if you need a pick me up, here's a local act from your motherland! Sorta.Rock on 

Like Furuba mentioned, looking around SH for band members may have mediocre results, so you may have to look around your area for strong players.

In the meantime, practice whatever SCANDAL songs you wanna play so you can show people your skill level and commitment when you're ready.

Ask around or hold auditions for band members.  If you strictly want to play SCANDAL, then show them a few songs for them to get a feel of the vibe.  

Practice practice practice! Since you want to start the band, you'll be the one to keep everyone motivated until you're all comfy with one another and become an actual "band".  But since you're playing for fun, just show interest in your music & band members and you'll do fine.

There's a lot more to it but you'll get there eventually.  First thing's first, GO JAM! /smug

That goes double to Mitchan too!


All in all, don't flunk out of school either!  You mentioned that earlier and I have no idea what grade you're in, so tend to your studies as well.

Who wants to create a band with me?  Shsig3
"Quitters fall down and stay down... Winners fall down and keep rolling"

"Drummers have stamina!!!" - Pedro Jimenez

"Oh! Ah you! Metal Boy!" - Rina
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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:33 am



International Performer
International Performer
Racheiru wrote:Best of luck to you too then Mitchan~ ! Ahh international problems ahaha

If it was possible, I totally would furuba9000 XD That would be fun... head banging in front of my computer ahaha but thank you for the advice! I probably should but I'm starting to feel iffy about even starting a band, because I barely have time for anything else right now. Ugh school. 

haha arigatoo! Yep international problems.. .silence.

Who wants to create a band with me?  Tumblr_pon1n3Osjl1shzh85o3_400
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Re: Who wants to create a band with me?
Posted Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:29 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Racheiru wrote:Best of luck to you too then Mitchan~ ! Ahh international problems ahaha

If it was possible, I totally would furuba9000 XD That would be fun... head banging in front of my computer ahaha but thank you for the advice! I probably should but I'm starting to feel iffy about even starting a band, because I barely have time for anything else right now. Ugh school. 

AHAHA Your very welcome!!! I always head bang in front of my computer XD ...Yeah, I understand, but you shouldn't give up! You don't have to start a band now, you could start in the summer where things are less stressful and you could practice with your band more freely! I'm rooting for you, so please don't give up! Happy Also, don't lose focus on your school like bigOeyez said! Good luck! .hail.

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