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Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN H8pzPVI7_t

A bit belated, but here's a video tour I took of SCANDAL's "Line of sight" pop-up shop held at Tower Records Shibuya from May 9-21!

The "Line of sight" MV was playing occasionally on the big screen in the front of the store, right below an ad for the single.

The pop-up was located near the back of the second floor, and featured the band's outfits for the song, instrument displays, autographed panels, and merch for sale.

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Also, I attended the "Line of sain-kai" signing event in Osaka! The band was super nice as always. Some things we talked about were that they had noticed I was at the Tokyo performance of the unlimited UTOPIA tour, and that they were really impressed with the outfit I wore to the signing (a recreation of HARU's "Line of sight" painted hoodie that I painted myself) + said that my outfits are always great every time. ♥ I'm also really happy HARU and I got to talk a bit about our Stray Kids oshis (hers is Lee Know, btw) HARU laugh
Music Natalie - SCANDAL's Line of sight Interview

The present location of this all-girl band in their 17th year of existence, after having swept through their long-desired world tour

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN Pc-header

SCANDAL has released their new single Line of sight.

The title track, "Line of sight," which has been out on streaming services since March 15, is a fast-paced and big-boned rock tune written as the theme song for the arcade card game "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE" out now. The single also includes the new song "Vision," written by RINA.

This is Music Natalie's interview with SCANDAL, who will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of their major label debut this October. They talked at length about the year 2022, which they swept through with their album MIRROR; stories about the production of their new work Line of sight; and big plans for the future.

No one gave up, no matter the circumstances

──Since the release of your album MIRROR last January, SCANDAL has been spending their days being immersed in performing live: your world tour that was held in Japan, North America, and Europe; appearing at numerous festivals; and playing joint concerts. What kind of year was 2022?

HARUNA: I think it was a year in which we were able to make big moves with the release of MIRROR, but I feel that our progress was slow and deliberate due to the still-large effects of the pandemic. Our activities are currently gaining momentum, so I suppose it was like a preparation period for that—or rather, it was a time to get our bodies used to things little by little. Still, it was a very happy year for us, since we were able to see our overseas fans on our first world tour in forever.

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TOMOMI: I'm happy we got to properly convey our album MIRROR through our concerts. We do have some regrets, though, since some performances were canceled due to ud contracting COVID halfway through our overseas tour, but it was a relief to really feel that things were starting to move again (laughs).

MAMI: As we continued to work, we were able to sense signs that the world was gradually improving, so it was significant for us to feel like perhaps it's okay to think about the future. In that sense, it was a very hopeful year for us. Those sentiments led in part to the title of our "unlimited UTOPIA" tour.

RINA: To be honest, there were many moments when we felt discouraged. But each time we did, the four of us and our staff team supported each other and worked hard to get through the year. We were able to endure that year because none of us gave up, no matter what the situation was. We should be able to turn this experience into strength and open new doors by ourselves again—that's what I feel now.

──Along with your concerts, you were also actively engaged in songwriting.

RINA: That's right. The only way to move a band forward is to write new songs. It's hard to stay where we are now, so we keep trying to move forward. It may not be fast, but as soon as we have a song, we start pre-production and work on it. Among them, we received a tie-in offer and wrote "Line of sight."

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"What should I start with when writing a rock song, again?"

──"Line of sight" was written as the theme song for the arcade card game "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE." When was its production period?

HARUNA: Around last October.

RINA: Yeah. We heard about the offer in the dressing room at Zepp Nagoya when we played a joint-band concert with SiM. They asked us to finish it in a month, so we started concentrating on making it accordingly.

──You discussed things with the game's staff during the production process

RINA: Yes. The creative team of "Arsenal Base" is the same age as us, and apparently has known about SCANDAL for a long time. They conveyed their passion of wanting to incorporate a rock tune of SCANDAL's into the game scenes. The rock song they requested was something that we could show our strengths in, and it matched really well with how we wanted to start off 2023 with a powerful song. It felt like we were in a great mood to start production.

──The music was written by MAMI.

MAMI: Yes. I think I've spoken about this before, but in the last few years I've had a hard time making songs that show off an aggressiveness. After a period of not being able to perform live due to the pandemic, I didn't know where to direct my feelings when making songs. That kept up for a long time, so although this time as well I felt, "What should I start with when writing a rock song, again?", during discussions with the other band members, we decided that we wanted a song with a strong guitar riff. From there, I decided to make as many riffs as I could and let the members choose which they liked best. Then, once the riffs were finalized, I would send them several melodies for the chorus. We repeated this process as we worked on the song.

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──I'm picturing the members making choices and stacking the parts up one by one to make this song.

MAMI: That's right. Until now I had often made fully arranged demos and then would have everyone listen to it, so this was pretty much the first time we made a demo like this.

RINA: We understood and accepted that that's how MAMI works, so as a band we felt like any method would be totally fine. Also, all of the riffs and melodies that MAMI comes up with have been really cool and made us really excited when we heard them, so even though this wasn't our normal approach, we weren't worried at all. If anything, we believed that we could definitely come up with a cool song, so we were looking forward to MAMI's ideas.

HARUNA: She sent us different patterns of phrases played on acoustic guitar, and basically all the ones that we thought were good were the same.

TOMOMI: Yeah. We were really quick to decide.

MAMI: It was a very new thing for us to make a song like this, and since song-wise it turned out to be ideal, I realized again that I don't have to worry about writing songs alone all the time (laughs). In my case, I have a habit of cramming in a lot of sounds or phrases, but this time I feel that everyone's opinions helped me to find the right balance. We were able to create a simple but very energetic rock tune.

──It does have a fairly heavy sound. The sound pressure is also impressive.

TOMOMI: The bass is also pretty distorted. It was refreshing since we haven't really taken that approach recently.

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MAMI: Before we recorded it, she was scowling while saying, "It might take a little time to record the bass." But once we actually started, it wasn't like that at all. That was some great playing, as expected (laughs).

TOMOMI: Ahahaha. I thought it might take a long time because I was trying to change the rhythm in some places, but it went surprisingly smoothly. I'm used to playing this type of music, and I think I'm good at it. Since this song was to be played during the most exciting battle scenes of the game, I was very content to have created a speedy rock tune appropriate for those scenes.

MAMI: HARU's voice really fits it as well.

Music is unfair

──The lyrics are by RINA. The lyrics are nice and very much in line with the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam," while at the same time appealing to the hearts of the listeners.

RINA: At any rate, I wanted to make something that would meet all expectations (laughs). I personally wasn't the type that ardently watched Gundam as a child, so I asked the game staff about the worldview of this work. They told me that although it's about battling, it's simply a clash of justice on both sides with no absolute bad guy. I really sympathized with that. You don't necessarily have to find an answer to everything, there are no right or wrong answers, and each side has their own way of doing things. This mindset is also what we value most when we make music and express ourselves on stage. That's why I wove in words that evoke the atmosphere of the universe, which kept in line with the world of the work, while at the same time including plenty of our current feelings as SCANDAL.

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──No matter what difficulties they face, they face them without running away. The attitude in these lyrics symbolizes SCANDAL as a band, doesn't it?

RINA: I personally think that this is an emotion that would not have been created, had we not experienced our world tour last year. It was a journey that forced us to make many painful decisions, and it made us think a lot about how we should live our lives from now on. There was a time when nothing really went right: When we came back to Japan to play at a festival after our North America tour, that festival was canceled due to bad weather. However, the Paris performance turned out to be a really special concert for us. Just when you're about to give up, there comes a day that ignites your heart as if to say, "Don't give up on music!" I think music is unfair (laughs). But the band is the most important thing for us, and we realized once again that there's nothing else that we love. I think there are ways to gently encourage people by saying that it's okay to run away, but there is definitely a view that you can encounter and a person you can become by not running away. I think that we were able to make the lyrics stick with us by taking the latter approach in writing the lyrics this time.

Their first song with such a loud rhythm section

──HARUNA, how did recording vocals go?

HARUNA: As MAMI said earlier, I was able to reconfirm that my voice is suited to this kind of song. As was the case with our previous release "A.M.D.K.J.", this kind of hard rock sound gets a great response from our fans. This is our forte, after all. This is the sound that SCANDAL is known for.

──Did you ever get lost in the nuances and expressions of the song?

HARUNA: Yes. We did takes where I sang a little stronger, but I curbed it a little since it had a bit too much of a live-concert feel to it. There were some adjustments, but I basically sang in a relaxed manner. Of course, at concerts, I think my vocals will be more powerful than they are on the recorded track (laughs).

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──The single also includes another song, "Vision," which is a complete change in sound approach. This fluctuation is another interesting aspect of SCANDAL. The lyrics and music were written by RINA.

RINA: I wrote about my thoughts that, in order to cherish the present, we need to keep looking to the future. It's this sense of excitement about what lies ahead that allows us to do our best in the present. For me, it has a "self-love song" image to it. You don't know if you'll succeed, but you want to love and affirm yourself for being able to jump into the pitch-black darkness believing that you can become someone new. I wrote this song with the hope that it would be a fun song that everyone could freely groove to when performed live.

MAMI: I thought it was a very RINA-esque song. We had a rather solid image of it at the demo stage, but we changed some chords and melodies during pre-production. It was like we all went into the studio and shaped it together. As for the guitar parts, I include cutting, which is part of my forte. The guitar on "Line of sight" is also a part of my forte, so this single turned out to be one that really showcases my fortes (laughs).

──I thought the slightly tricky single-note phrase in the intro was also very SCANDAL-like.

MAMI: The arranger, Hibiki Nishikawa, came up with that part. I just said I'm good at it, but I'm not very good at coming up with single-note phrases (laughs). We asked him to arrange it based on his own ideas. Hibiki is a bassist, so he also produces guitar phrases on the bass. This allows him to come up with more and more interesting phrases that I would never have thought of on the guitar. New discoveries like, "Wow, so that's what it's like!" are fun to make.

──The sound of the rhythm section is quite effective in this song. The bass in particular has a big presence, and I think that's why the song naturally moves your body.

TOMOMI: As MAMI mentioned, Hibiki is a bassist, so he really likes the sound of the bass (laughs). As a result, the bass sound became very loud. I was a bit surprised at the mixing stage, but I thought it could totally work. At the very end, I told him, "The bass is quite loud this time," and he said, "I lowered it by four decibels, though" (laughs). This is the first time doing a song with such an extremely loud rhythm section, including the drums, so I'm looking forward to having everyone listen to it.

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RINA: We had talked about making the bass stand out during the recording stage. I think the result is fresh and very cool.

──And as for vocals... This is sung by HARUNA, right?

HARUNA: It is. But it's totally different from my usual singing (laughs). This time I sang very close to RINA's demo vocals. I think I'm making the most of the trial-and-error I've gone through so far in regards to vocals (laughs).

RINA: I thought it was really cool. I was very happy that she brushed up my scratch vocals and turned it into a wonderful vocal performance.

HARUNA: The melodies of the songs RINA makes are always very interesting. She makes melodies that I would never come up with on my own. That's why they're difficult to sing, but I think that's what makes SCANDAL fun and interesting. It's good that we can show the variation of the songs on the single, including the contrast with "Line of sight."

──I think it's a number that shows the pop side of the band, but it's also nice that the song ends with a ruckus at the end, which is very SCANDAL-like.

MAMI: Hehehehe.

RINA: My music tends to be very alternative. I wrote this song while consciously trying to make it very pop-sounding, but it ended up like this (laughs).

If accepted, they will make it into the Guinness World Records

──After your "unlimited UTOPIA" tour, what kind of moves will SCANDAL show us?

HARUNA: We will celebrate the 17th anniversary of our formation in August and the 15th anniversary of our major label debut in October, but this year we have one thing we're aiming for...

RINA: We want to set the Guinness World Record for longest-active all-girl band.

TOMOMI: 17 years without any member changes or periods of inactivity seems to be the longest.

MAMI: If we apply ourselves and are accepted, we'll make it into the Guinness World Records.

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──Wow! That's amazing.

TOMOMI: It's kind of funny (laughs). It's not that we've been aiming for that, but I think there are many things that we've understood because we've been doing this for 17 years, so I think it is important to keep doing everything.

HARUNA: While hoping to successfully set the record, we also have many other things to think about.

RINA: Yeah. I hope everything goes well.

MAMI: Please look forward to it!

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Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN FdtTi4P

28th Single - 「Line of sight」 - Tue May 02, 2023 11:25 am

The full "Line of sight" MV will premiere at midnight JST on May 5.

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Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 28th Single - 「Line of sight」  Replies: 41  Views: 5678

28th Single - 「Line of sight」 - Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:08 am

Teaser video for the "Line of sight" MV (full video will be posted at a later date):

Also, to celebrate the release of the single, there will be a pop-up store at Tower Records Shibuya starting from May 9th. Will post more info soon.

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Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 28th Single - 「Line of sight」  Replies: 41  Views: 5678
Skream! - SCANDAL's Line of sight Interview
Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fs6wrqwa-YAIN41-F

SCANDAL will be releasing the single Line of sight, their first release in a year since their previous work MIRROR. The title song is the theme song for the arcade card game "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE," and is already out on streaming platforms. This is the first rock tune in a while from the quartet, who are constantly evolving and deepening, yet becoming lighter and freer. While looking back on last year's world tour, which was also the stage for SCANDAL "Documentary film MIRROR" released in February, we asked the members about the path they took to get here and the thoughts they put into this song.

It's because we're that earnest that we tend to cry when we talk about ourselves.

-Let's look back on last year's world tour, which was included in SCANDAL "Documentary film MIRROR" released in February. What kind of tour was it?

MAMI: Since we used to go abroad every year, performing overseas had become an integral part of our activities. Then the pandemic happened. Of course we weren't able to perform in Japan for a long period of time, and we also couldn't go overseas, but there were still people who had been waiting for us all this time. So we were happy to finally be able to go, and we realized once again that it is an indispensable place to go in order to feel the live voices, expressions, and enthusiasm of the overseas audiences.

RINA: It was a year of hard work, and this tour gave us such a sense of accomplishment. We restarted doing the activities we had taken for granted until then, so while thinking that each performance might be our last, we were able to cherish each and every one more than ever. Even we didn't know what kind of footage it would turn out to be, but the camera stayed glued to us the entire time—in hotels, in the dressing room, while on the move—so the entirety of the world tour was captured in vivid detail in the film, and I think we left behind a great work.

-It truly is full of realistic moments that happened as is.

RINA: The concerts, of course, are all raw feelings without dressing up any words. It wasn't a smooth tour at all: We had to cancel our US tour without even making it halfway through, because we tested positive for COVID. We were sad and frustrated about not being able to play those concerts, but we were also worried about the future. We felt so many things when we thought about our many staff members and those who help us out overseas and in Japan. That period of time was filled with events that we've never experienced before. Although it was hard, I now think that we were able to leave behind something good.

-How about you, HARUNA?

HARUNA: The fact that we were able to take on the challenge of touring overseas even though COVID is still a thing, made me feel once more how happy I am to be a member of SCANDAL, and I'm glad that the four of us make up SCANDAL—or rather, this tour really made me feel the importance of being SCANDAL with the four of us. We came back with the fear that the band itself was infected, and we also were afraid to go abroad, so I don't think it was surprising that we lost heart for the month and a half leading up to the European tour. However, there were people waiting for us, and it's precisely because we've always cherished performing overseas that we were able to change our mindset. It was because of the positive mentality of the members that we were able to travel around Europe, and I was reminded of the strength of the band called SCANDAL.

-How about you, TOMOMI?

TOMOMI: When we had to cancel our concerts due to the start of the pandemic, that was the first time I seriously thought that we might not be able to continue to perform live, and that our activities as a band might even stop. We had been living so peacefully up until then, so I was depressed when the band was faced with this crisis. But when we finally got to go on our world tour, I was happy to know that we could still be active as a band. We were also scared since the pandemic hadn't subsided yet, but when we got around to actually touring, we realized again that we love playing concerts the most. I feel sorry for the people in the places that we had to cancel due to us testing positive in the middle of the tour, and that's still a scar for us that has not gone away. But now that vocalizing is being allowed again in Japan and we feel a bit of positive energy from all over the world, I hope we can continue our activities and meet those who weren't able to meet again somewhere.

-I think this world tour has made you even tougher.

RINA: That's right. At the same time, I think we're now able to show the real us. At some point we started thinking that we didn't want to just be edgy and strong. As women, we take pride in playing music, which is something that is important to us, so we started looking for ways to express a softer, more flexible, delicate, and dignified feeling in our music. Now we can finally do both. We are very strong, but at the same time are very weak and fragile. Now we have both extremes in ourselves and in our music. I like this style because it feels like a new discovery.

-The album MIRROR is a perfect expression of this, and while your way of life has always been directly connected to your music, MIRROR is the ultimate expression of this.

HARUNA: Our music has always taken the form of creating and releasing real feelings and real modes from time to time, so I think that is already showing in reality.

TOMOMI: Because of the pandemic, we didn't want to make dark songs that matched the mood, nor did we want to be irresponsible and say that everything would be fine. It was like we made the album without knowing what the correct answer was, and without arriving at the correct answer. However, it was like a reflection of our honest current state in a mirror, so I think it was a good thing that we did.

-Did you feel anxious or worried about the reactions?

RINA: We talked about that quite a bit.

MAMI: We don't want to lie, we can't lie, and since our musical style is to express our present selves moment by moment, we can't make it any other way. For example, even if we set aside the songs we made now, our mood would probably change in a year or two. We thought that it would be better if people could listen to our music at that time and like it, so we decided to release it without getting too attached to it.

RINA: Ultimately, it was needed for us to keep going. I think there's something cool about continuing to meet demand, and we understand what is being asked of us. But since this band is also about the lives of the four of us, I think it's important to be honest with our audience. As a result of that challenge, we felt that the response was greater than we had expected, so we knew we hadn't made a mistake.

-That must have boosted your confidence, and by becoming freer in this way, I think the response to the band has gotten even bigger.

RINA: No doubt about it. It feels like we're becoming freer and freer by being honest, and that we can still do so many things.

HARUNA: For several years now, we have been focusing on continuing to play as a band, so we have been trying to figure out what kind of band we should be in order to continue to do this for a long time. I think it's important to be honest and in tune with how things change with age, and how we feel as circumstances change. I feel that our shared thoughts are firmly in place, which is why we are able to express ourselves in this way now, and why we are able to be a band.

-HARUNA, you mentioned during the MC at the last show of the world tour in Paris that you were glad the four of you are a band.


-I thought that was a pretty rare scene to see, with the other three members in tears at those words.

RINA: I was surprised since I didn't expect to cry so much at a concert at this point in our career (laughs).

HARUNA: Our tear glands have been getting looser over the years (laughs). It's because we're that earnest that we tend to cry when we talk about ourselves.

MAMI: The four of us are SCANDAL, of course, but I also feel that we are four people who support the band SCANDAL. It's very difficult to explain this in words, but it's not like we're acting or anything like that. I don't know how to describe it...

RINA: I get it. It's about us, but there's a sense that the four of us are saving the band SCANDAL, which is one step removed from our own bodies, and letting ourselves continue to cherish it.

MAMI: There were times when we looked at SCANDAL objectively, as if we were SCANDAL but we weren't. So even though we're SCANDAL standing on stage and performing, at that moment it felt like we were talking about ourselves after taking a step back, and that's why it hit us hard. It's weird to talk so much about this (laughs), but since we don't talk about this with others, I was moved that we as SCANDAL were able to accomplish a year of touring around the world with MIRROR.

-How did you feel, TOMOMI?

TOMOMI: I had a lot of feelings, but it's not an easy place to go to, so I wanted to go back and see everyone again.

-How about RINA?

RINA: There was a period of time when we had come back in Japan for a festival, but that was also canceled, so it felt like nothing was going well during that world tour. But, at any rate, the band members and our staff discussed many things while in Japan. It felt like if we couldn't make the European tour a success, we might not be able to move on to our next stage. However, when we actually went there, we were surprised to find that we could keep putting on such good live shows, When we realized that we can continue to put on such good live shows when we're feeling so discouraged, it made us think that things can't end just yet. The last MC by HARUNA in Paris brought back those few months, and we realized that we love doing this even though it's hard, and that we can't quit because we love doing this. It was the moment when the four of us came together again to do this once more, and I knew that we shouldn't stop standing on stage. I still think it was the best concert ever.

-HARUNA, did you decide that you'd talk about those feelings?

HARUNA: Not at all. If I had decided to say it, I would have prepared it in English (laughs).

TOMOMI: Other MCs were spoken in English.

HARUNA: I had prepared another message in advance, but different feelings came out. Although I knew my message wouldn't get across in Japanese, I thought there were some people who understood Japanese to an extent. So, at any rate, I felt that I had to put my current feelings into words, and spoke without hesitation.

-It did get through.

RINA: Yeah.

HARUNA: I wonder. I hope it did.

RINA: They can understand it properly in the film.

HARUNA: That's true. I knew that it would be recorded, and I spoke with the hope that my words would be conveyed to the audience later, but I think I felt what I did because we were overseas.


HARUNA: I felt so many things were precious to me on that day, such as how I'm first and foremost a musician; that I love performing and how I've been doing it for a long time; and that the reason why I've been able to do this for so long is because of the four of us are together. It was also significant that so many people came to see a Japanese band perform overseas, so I felt that I had to put that into words, and I wanted to praise ourselves again with my own words. We don't often do that in our daily lives, but if we don't have a moment once in a while to affirm ourselves properly, it won't motivate us in the future. We've never dared to talk about this in front of our fans, but perhaps we were a little more open-minded because we were overseas.

-I see. Now, I'd like to ask about your new song "Line of sight," which is the theme song for a Gundam arcade card game. Have you watched Gundam before?

RINA: We were a little nervous because we're not avid viewers of the anime, but of course we're aware of it, and how it has a long history and is well-loved.

-How did you go about writing the song?

RINA: We had the opportunity to meet the "Arsenal Base" team and talk with them. Everyone's opinion was that they wanted a rock tune, so we received detailed orders such as what kind of timbre it should be, that it should have an intense start, etc., and from there we worked out what we jointly wanted to do. When we heard about what's important to the works of Gundam, and that there's no such concept such as good or evil since the anime depicts justice from each point of view, we thought that that was similar to what we value when making music. There were a lot of things I wanted to link to, like wanting to include perspectives from various angles, or using words that don't leave anyone behind, so I'm happy I was able to write the lyrics after hearing what the team had to say.

-Assuming that there were commonpoints with the band, was it fairly easy to write the lyrics?

RINA: No, it took a long time to write them (laughs). I also had written lyrics that were more closely related to the work, but I think lyrics are important because they also serve as the band's message, and because the team left it up to me to write what I wanted, I took them at their word and also included our own intentions. This goes back to what I was saying earlier, that during the world tour I thought about how we should all meet each other's eyes one more time and then move forward to what's next, so I wrote the lyrics with the intention of including my feelings at that time. That's why I would never have been able to write the opening if it hadn't been for that concert in Paris.

MAMI: As for the music, I was at a point in my life where I could not write fast-tempo, aggressive songs. But when we received the offer, I was determined to respond to it. So, since I didn't know myself what would be good, we all discussed it together and decided that a song with guitar riffs would be good. That's why I decided to make a lot of guitar riffs. I threw out about five or six different guitar riffs and had everyone listen to them. We decided that the current intro riff was a good one, so I started making it from there. In the past, I used to make demos with the drums and bass included, and then had everyone listen to them. But since I thought that would be confusing and time-consuming, I left everyone's parts to them and I turned into a riff-making machine for the time being (laughs).

-Were you simply in a mode where you weren't able to write songs?

MAMI: I often used to write songs with concerts in mind, and aimed to create scenes where everyone's able to vocalize, raise their hands, and we're able to dance with everyone. But when that was no longer the case due to the pandemic, I didn't know what to make. I felt like I couldn't write songs with a fast tempo and I had forgotten how to take an aggressive stance—or rather, I had lost the ability to create those. That's why I asked everyone to help finish it.

RINA: We finished it up as we discussed things, but it's easy for us to decide what's right, and we all agree on what to do. She sent over several types of chorus melodies, and we quickly decided which one had to be it. We weren't afraid at all because we believe in MAMI's sense of melody and musical talent. We like the ideas that MAMI comes up with. That's why we were like, "Even though all of them are good, this one might fit the bill," and came up with the perfect song.

-HARUNA, how was it singing a rock tune for the first time in a while?

HARUNA: When I was recording vocals, I really wanted to sing powerfully. I have two main types of singing styles, high or low, and I thought it would be cool to take the approach of emphasizing the lower part, so I tried singing with a slightly thicker voice. However, after discussing it with the members, I thought it would be better to show a glimpse of the fragility and fluctuations that we've been thinking about recently, or maybe that it would give the band a different sound from our conventional image. This time, I sang while searching for a place where the bottoms were in place, but where I could still find a middle ground. I'm good at this kind of song once things like that are decided, so I had a lot of fun recording it.

-TOMOMI, how did your bass playing go?

TOMOMI: It's so distorted that you can't hear my playing on this song—or rather, on both songs on this single. It's been a long time since it's been this distorted on a single, so I think it'll be hard for others to cover.

-Ahaha (laughs). That's so cool.

TOMOMI: Thank you very much.

-Why did you choose the title "Line of sight"?

RINA: When we received this offer, I watched all episodes of The Witch from Mercury, the most recent Gundam series. When you look at the exterior of the mobile suits, your gaze goes to the Gundam's eyes. Although you board the suit via the torso, not the eyes, you can feel power in the eyes when you take a quick look at it. So, since the "shisen" (視線; line of sight) is where a person's mood and intentions are expressed, I looked up what it's called in English, which is "Line of sight." This word is also used to mean "crosshairs," so I decided to go with it and write the lyrics.

-What emotions went into the B-side song "Vision"?

RINA: When we performed at "COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23" at the end of last year, our videographer whom we've been good friends with for a long time, and who shot our documentary film, came to see us. When we were talking in the dressing room, she said to me, "You sometimes deny yourself, RINA." What I send out as a part of SCANDAL is positive, and I want to say that everything I do is correct, and that I like myself too. But when I'm alone or not on stage, I feel like I dislike myself and get frustrated wondering why SCANDAL is staying at the same level of obscurity. I am who I am, and I can't help that, but when she told me that she wanted me to keep a good mindset as much as possible when on stage, I was so moved that I wrote this song the moment I got home from the festival. That's why I wrote it as if telling all of this to myself, but without thinking that deeply about it, and since it's a song that you can dance to, I would be happy if you listened to it while feeling good.

-All of you seem this way, but you in particular always seem to think about the band. RINA.

RINA: That's right (laughs).

-That's why you wondered if you could turn it into a song right away, or connect it to the band.

RINA: I'm good when the band's good, and that's when I'm the happiest in my life. That's why I want to be even better, and my ideal is to always have a wonderful vision. I wrote this song with this in mind.

-Your tour ("SCANDAL TOUR 2023「unlimited UTOPIA」) starts on April 7. The title "unlimited UTOPIA" alone is exciting.

RINA: I'm glad. That right there is the kind of thinking we put into the title.

-Vocalizing will also be allowed.

HARUNA: We titled the tour with that wish in mind, and the setlist was also planned for that, so we hope to create a newly powered up SCANDAL live show.

MAMI: We're nervous because it's been a long time since we've had own concerts in Japan where vocalizing was allowed, but we might be too happy that we won't be able to perform (laughs). Up until now we've been guessing peoples' reactions via clapping and facial expressions, but just by adding peoples' voices, which is an element that conveys feelings even more, it will make the concerts completely different, I'm really looking forward to it.

RINA: Now that vocalizing is "unlimited"—or rather, I now think that adding "unlimited" was a way of expressing the hope that we'll continue to be a cool band even after our 17th anniversary. We want to make this a tour one where you can feel that hope, and I hope that we can create a "UTOPIA" together so that everyone who comes this tour will feel cheered up. Since we will be playing our new song, please listen to "Line of sight" a lot and come see us!

TOMOMI: Because we put together the setlist assuming that vocalization will be allowed, our excitement of wanting to hear our fans' voices is really apparent. That's why we want them to come prepared (laughs).

#front-page #lineofsight

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Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN FdtTi4P

28th Single - 「Line of sight」 - Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:48 pm

In this new interview (full translation can be found here), it's revealed that the B-side song is titled "Vision."

-What emotions went into the B-side song "Vision"?

RINA: When we performed at "COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23" at the end of last year, our videographer whom we've been good friends with for a long time, and who shot our documentary film, came to see us. When we were talking in the dressing room, she said to me, "You sometimes deny yourself, RINA." What I send out as a part of SCANDAL is positive, and I want to say that everything we do is correct, and that I like myself too. But when I'm alone or not on stage, I'm the type to hate myself and get frustrated wondering why SCANDAL is staying at the same level of obscurity. I am who I am, and I can't help that, but when she told me that she wanted me to keep a good mindset as much as possible when on stage, I was so moved that I wrote this song the moment I got home from the festival. That's why I wrote it as if telling all of this to myself, but without thinking that deeply about it, and since it's a song that you can dance to, I would be happy if you listened to it feeling good.

-All of you seem this way, but you always seem to think about the band. RINA.

RINA: That's right (laughs).

-That's why you wondered if you could turn it into a song right away, or connect it to the band.

RINA: I'm good when the band's good, and that's when I'm the happiest in my life. That's why I want to be even better, and my ideal is to always have a wonderful vision. I wrote this song with this in mind.

Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 28th Single - 「Line of sight」  Replies: 41  Views: 5678

Starting up again - 2023-03-19 (RINA) - Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:40 am

Starting up again

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN XnE94gJ

It's teeter-tottering period right now, getting warmer then getting colder,
And occasionally raining.
A mellow spring will come around
After the turning point of these unstable seasons...!

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN I1TMO3P

General sales for our spring tour started.
Did you guys get some tickets? How about it?

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN I9ldU6Q

This season gives us the opportunity
To start something, end something,
Meet, part, and restart
Coming back to life over and over again
Realigning our sights over and over again

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9bbSfYy

These will definitely be some days you'll never forget
These will definitely be some times that you'll feel you needed
Holding many feelings in your heart,
Please come and be set free!
If you don't come and see us, we won't be able to see you☺


2023/3/19 15:17

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Starting up again - 2023-03-19 (RINA)  Replies: 1  Views: 918

Tomorrow... - 2023-03-17 (RINA) - Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:31 am


Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN FbKy9X5

Here's a photo from when we shot the music video [for "Line of sight"] the other day.
I'm sure everyone will be pleased with the video,
And after a lot of thought and planning by the team,
It looks like it'll end up being a video filled with scenes
That will make you feel good◎
It'll be released closer to when the CD comes out? I think,
So please look forward to it〜!

Starting from 10 am JST tomorrow,
Tickets for our tour will go on sale to the public...!
The day is finally here...!

There will most likely be
Venues that will sell out right away,
So please make sure to check out the sale tomorrow☺
Aah, I really can't wait for the tourー!

Since this tour isn't in support of an album,
We have a lot of freedom to do what we want for the setlists,
And most importantly, vocalizing will be allowed?
I think I'm already feeling more than I ever imagined for sure.
Whether it's your first time or your first time in a while,
If you're unsure, choose to come out
And let's have a good time together so you won't regret it!
Seeing each other is not at all a matter of course.
The temperature is also amazing during spring tours◎
Best regards!

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN IDNH7z4


Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN A23GVdx

It's been a little over a week
Since the new DAISY PROJECT items went on sale,
And I'm so happy that they're a big hit, even more so than usual.
Thank you.
We will keep everyone's feelings and actions in mind
And connect your feelings and actions to donations.

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN OGWvkTY

The most popular item is this long-sleeve t-shirt,
Which is ordered by far the most every day
It's sold out in S / M,
And there are three left in L.
There are also only a few left in XL.
Those interested in it, please get one while you can☺

Thank you for your hard work this week♡


2023/3/17 16:38

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Tomorrow... - 2023-03-17 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 670

Line of sight - 2023-03-16 (RINA) - Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:47 am

Line of sight

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN H9OEmow

Our new song "Line of sight"
Was released online yesterday!
Getting many happy responses make me very happy.
Thank you so much.
Music is only in its fullest form when it reaches the audience,
And that response becomes the band's new engine.
I'd be happy if you guys could keep sharing
Your thoughts on it via social media.
Hope you enjoy it for a long time.

We also unveiled some new info...!
On May 10, our 28th Single 「Line of sight」
Will be released on CD!
The B-side song is also a cool one◎

The CD release is already now a big event
And will be fun☺
This is the first time since establishing "her"
That we ourselves appear on the CD covers!

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN QQs0kFb

Regular Edition with just the songs

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN AYyZuwF

CD+Merch Edition
That includes the songs
And a special bonus in collaboration with "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base"

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y8qHwr4

Limited Editions
That include the songs and a fun video
About the four of us taking a drive somewhere (There's a DVD Edition, and a Blu-ray Edition)

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN 89srbnn

You can preorder them here,
So please choose any that you'd like
And keep it with you☺

Thank you!


2023/3/16 17:38

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Line of sight - 2023-03-16 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 811
Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fr-Piq-UDa-UAIh-NAu

"Line of sight" will officially be released as a physical single on May 10, and will be available in 4 editions (CD, CD+Blu-ray, CD+DVD, CD+Merch)!

Preorder from CDJapan

28th Single Line of sight will be released on May 10!

"Line of sight" is SCANDAL's first new single in about a year since studio album MIRROR was released in January 2022.

The song was written as the theme song for the arcade card game "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE."

The new release will be available in four formats:

  1. CD+Merch Edition: Comes with a "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base" Bandai Namco Passport
  2. CD+Blu-ray Edition
  3. CD+DVD Edition
  4. Regular (CD-only) Edition

The Namco Bandai Passport is a card-type storage medium that can be used to store play data during gameplay, and features an original collaboration design made for this work.

The Blu-ray and DVD Editions will also include a bonus video featuring the members that was filmed especially for this single!

【Release Information】

SCANDAL New Single "Line of sight" - May 10, 2023

"Line of sight" plus one B-side song, for a total of two songs

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN LINE-ALBUM-230315-1

CD+Merch Edition with SCANDAL × "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base" Namco Bandai passport | VIZL-2182 - 3,300 yen

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN LINE-ALBUM-230315-0

Blu-ray Edition (CD+Blu-ray) with special footage | VIZL-2183 - 2,750 yen
DVD Edition (CD+DVD) with special footage | VIZL-2184 - 2,750 yen

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN LINE-ALBUM-230315-2

Regular Edition (CD) VICL-37673 - 1,100 yen

【Chain-specific original bonuses】

  • SCANDAL MANIA members only: Original clear plastic file
  • TOWER RECORDS: CD cover sticker A
  • HMV: CD cover sticker B
  • TSUTAYA RECORDS: CD cover sticker C
  • SCANDAL supporting stores (includes CDJapan): CD cover sticker D
  • Amazon Japan: Mega album cover

Additionally, SCANDAL will be doing signing events called "Line of sign-kai" at 6 CD stores around Japan on May 9-11 to celebrate the release of the single.

The members will individually go to Sapporo (TOMO), Sendai (MAMI), Nagoya (HARU), and Fukuoka (RINA) on the 9th; and then all 4 members will go to Osaka on the 10th and Tokyo on the 11th.

More info here:

#front-page #lineofsight

Line of sight Single Lyrics - Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:00 pm

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN LINE-ALBUM-230315-2

"Line of sight" Single Lyrics

Line of sight
Lyrics: RINA ~ Music: MAMI ~ Arrangement: Keita Kawaguchi

one's line of sight hatenai risou
Tomatta mama me wo sorashiteta
Daitai kimatte hiza wo kakaeta yoru ni kagitte
Mabushii hikari ga furu
Kono mama, nigenaide to

Yurayura yuraideiru docchi ga tengoku de jigoku?
Towaie hoshou sareteru basho wa nai kara

Mienai sen de tsunagariatte
Tonariawase oikakeru mirai
Nando datte, shoujun awase naoshite
Kasundeku mono toraetetai yo
Mou nidoto saigirarenai you ni
Nando datte, saisei kurikaeshinagara
Shisen wo awasete sotto unazuita
Watashi wo tomenaide

Wasurekaketa koro kodoku no shuurai
Kono yo wa reisen
Fuhei fuman hikaku hyouka
Iki ga dekinai mujuuryoku no naka de oborenagara

Daremo ga mogaiteiru muon no koe hariage
Tashika ni kikoete kuru oto wo shinjite

Seijaku wo ikki ni tsukiyabutta
Togireta toki wo ugokasu you ni
Nando datte, shoujun awase naoshite
Kanawanai mama owarenakute
Eien ni tsuzuku negai hanatta
Nando datte, saisei kurikaeshinagara
Hoshi ni naru hi made kono shunkan dake wo
Mamorinuite iku no

one's line of sight hanasanaide
Tonariawase oikakeru mirai
Nando datte, shoujun awase naoshite
Kasundeku mono toraetetai yo
Mou nidoto saigirarenai you ni
Nando datte, saisei kurikaeshinagara
Shisen wo awasete sotto unazuita
Watashi wo tomenaide



English Translation

one's line of sight - My endless ideals
Were on pause as I looked away
Happening only on nights when I hug my knees to my chest
A blinding light pours down
Telling me not to run away like this

Unsteady and shaking - Which is heaven, and which is hell?
Still, neither one has been guaranteed

Connected by invisible lines
Chasing the future side by side
Realigning our sights over and over again
Wanting to catch hold of what's fading away
So that it'll never slow us down again
As we come back to life over and over again
We lock eyes and nod briefly
Don't stop me

Loneliness attacks when you least expect it
This world's locked in a cold war
Discontent, dissatisfaction, comparison, evaluation
Unable to breathe while drowning in zero gravity

Everyone struggles, raising their silent voices
Believing in the sounds they can hear for certain

Breaking through the silence all at once
As if moving this stopped time
Realigning our sights over and over again
Letting out an unfulfilled, unfinished wish
That'll continue forever
As we come back to life over and over again
We will protect only this moment
Until the day we become part of the stars

one's line of sight - Don't let go
Chasing the future side by side
Realigning our sights over and over again
Wanting to catch hold of what's fading away
So that it'll never slow us down again
As we come back to life over and over again
We lock eyes and nod briefly
Don't stop me

Lyrics & Music: RINA ~ Arrangement: Hibiki Nishikawa

Sanran shiteiru awai omoide
Sayonara wa iwanai haru no toori ame
Chiisana karada wo furihodoite
Hitomi ni utsusu no wa, bijon

Dandan tooku naru dakedo togirenai
Dareka no nukumori fuan to tomo ni
Taisetsu ni shimattetai
Tokete kiete shimattemo

Ashita wa
Itsumo doori akarui hizashi
Kagayaite mieru kara
Watashi kara yoru ni tobikonde
Aishite miru aishite miru

Maboroshi ya, mayakashi ja nai yo
Me wo tojiteitemo mabushii
Watashi kara yoru ni tobikonde
Aishite miru hajimete miru watashi wo

Yubisaki de tsukuru fureemu
Sono, zutto, zutto saki e
Saru mono wa owanai natsu no shinkirou
Kaze ni nabiteru, bijon

Itsumo doori akarui hizashi
Kagayaite mieru kara
Watashi kara yoru ni tobikonde
Aishite miru aishite miru

Maboroshi ya, mayakashi ja nai yo
Me wo tojiteitemo mabushii
Watashi kara yoru ni tobikonde
Aishite miru hajimete miru watashi wo



English Translation

Faint memories are scattered about
I won't say goodbye to these spring showers
Shaking free from your small body
Is the vision reflected in my eyes

Someone's warmth along with anxiety
Grow further and further away but remain constant
I want to keep them safe
Even if they melt away and disappear

The sun will shine brightly
Just like always
Diving away from me into the night
I'll try to love, try to love

It's not an illusion or a trick
Dazzling even with your eyes closed
Diving away from me into the night
I'll try to love you - You'll see me for the first time

I make a frame with my fingertips
Don't chase those who leave you
And go far, far ahead - A summer mirage
A vision fluttering in the wind

The sun shines brightly
Just like always
Diving away from me into the night
I'll try to love, try to love

It's not an illusion or a trick
Dazzling even with your eyes closed
Diving away from me into the night
I'll try to love you - You'll see me for the first time

Posted in: SCANDAL Lyrics  Topic: Line of sight Single Lyrics  Replies: 3  Views: 2855

On the weekend, - 2023-03-11 (RINA) - Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:06 am

On the weekend,

Our new song "Line of sight" was aired for the first time
This morning on FM802
Thank you to everyone who tuned in!
Those who missed it:

It'll be out digitally on the 15th!
That's already next weekー! So fastー!
I'm also looking forward
To when everyone gets to hear it☺

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZgN7ByX

I also posted new YouTube videos〜!

English subs:

I'll write about FEEDBACK again!

English subs coming soon

I hope you enjoy watching these
During your leisure time this weekend☺

I'm glad it's getting warmer
And more like spring recently♡


2023/3/11 13:49

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: On the weekend, - 2023-03-11 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 842

【Radio Rip】Line of sight - Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:47 am

Radio rip for "Line of sight":

#front-page #lineofsight
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 【Radio Rip】Line of sight  Replies: 41  Views: 5678
SCANDAL just tweeted that "Line of sight" will be aired on the radio for the first time tomorrow, March 11, on FM802's "SATURDAY AMUSIC ISLANDS MORNING EDITION" program during the 11 am JST block!

#front-page #lineofsight

28th Single - 「Line of sight」 - Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:06 pm

Starting from the 5:39:02 mark, the first minute or so of "Line of sight" can be heard here, plus a comment video from SCANDAL.

Here is that ripped segment, along with English subs for SCANDAL's comments:

#front-page #lineofsight
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 28th Single - 「Line of sight」  Replies: 41  Views: 5678

New info - 2023-01-23 (RINA) - Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:18 pm

New info

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN SQwhb7u

Our official band account has also announced this,
But our first piece of news for the year is about a new song!

The theme song
For [the arcade card game] 「Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE」
That is releasing in late February
Is our new song "Line of sight"ー!

We started working on it
After we and the Arsenal Base team
Communicated each of our feelings and visions for it☺

Valuing the world view of Gundam and the characteristics of the game,
The lyrics and music express our feelings and emotions
Of an all-girl band
That is about to enter unknown territory.

A work we're proud of that updates and is packed with
The skills that the four of us have cultivated.
It's a danceable rock tune.

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN LR36eJ3

It'll also be played during matches
On Arsenal Base game machines
Found in arcades across Japan☺

We hope this song
Will get the players feeling even more pumped up.
I have a feeling it'll do well at concerts.

A short preview of "Line of sight"
Is playing in the second half of the promo video along with punchy footage.

We'll continue to post new info,
So look forward to it...!
We'll make 2023 exciting!


2023/1/23 21:02

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: New info - 2023-01-23 (RINA)  Replies: 1  Views: 757

28th Single - 「Line of sight」 - Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:10 am

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fr-Piq-UDa-UAIh-NAu
Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN SCANDAL-Line-of-sight-J-2-22-22

SCANDAL's new song "Line of sight" will be released digitally on March 15th!

Topics tagged under lineofsight on SCANDAL HEAVEN SPb3Dvo

"Line of sight" will be the theme song for the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE arcade card game! The game will be released in late February in arcades in Japan.

There is a short preview of the song here, but it can only be viewed in Japan due to region restrictions. So, I've ripped it and uploaded it elsewhere:

New song "Line of sight" will be the theme song for the upcoming Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE arcade card game out in late February!

"Line of sight" was written expressly for the game, and the band members have released their comments about it!

We have written the theme song for Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base LINXTAGE.

Since we are celebrating our 17th anniversary this summer, we were very happy to have been asked at this point in time when we want to further accelerate ourselves.

We started working on the song after meeting with the Arsenal Base team and sharing our feelings with one another.

Because our song will also be playing during the battle scenes that'll make the players' emotions run high, we made sure to create an uptempo dance song that can further boost those emotions.

The world view of Gundam and characteristics of the game are interspersed in the lyrics along with the thoughts of the band.

It would make us happy if you could enjoy our song along with the Arsenal Base game!

Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base is a real-time strategy arcade card game in which the player becomes a commander and commands 5 mobile suits and 5 pilots to fight against enemy battleships.

With a large touch panel housing that is specialized for playing card games, you can take command of your troops with touch operations in response to the battle situation that changes in real time. A lot of new content will be recorded in this series, including the new "LINXTAGE BATTLE" where two players can sortie at the same time, and the implementation of the battleship and captain selection function.

You can listen to part of "Line of sight" in the preview video, so be sure to check it out!

Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 28th Single - 「Line of sight」  Replies: 41  Views: 5678

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