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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:04 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
I get to know the band SCANDAL when I went to the AFAX 2010 event last year. I was mesmerized and impressed by their stunning live performance. It is not easy to perform live in front of the audience because you need bring up the stage atmosphere to the highest for the fans, and what's more is that they really use their vocal to sing, not like some other group (which I do not want to mention) only lip-sync.

Thumbs up for SCANDAL, they really put up a great show and I enjoyed a lot.

Haruna: She has a powerful vocal and is a great leader too. I noticed she is always the one doing the most talking during interviews, a spokeswoman for the band ^_^ (correct me if I am wrong lol)

Tomomi: Kawaii~~ girl, a unique voice like a doll. I like it when both her and haruna voice come together, the vocal range sounds very nice.

Mami: A cool and serious girl to me as she seldom smile especially in photos (although I do see some with smile, but not all, hahaha). But nevertheless, her guitar skill is awesome.

Rina: She is like the opposite of Mami, always putting a smile wherever she goes, even during performance. A talented drummer that wows the whole world with her drumming skill.

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:03 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@LieAnn, yeah,yeah sure :D

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Sig
"We'd rather have them look at us, not our school uniforms"- Haruna
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:42 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
For me it has been a species of love at first sight :D
My first impression (after to have seen PV of Taiyou to Limi ga Egaku Story) on the scandal it has been: Beautiful girls(in scholastic uniform) + beautiful songs = win

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:01 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
i had a sucky first impression of them i thought they were a bunch of fake rock band..... Till this day i never once not regret that..... Must be because i was young..... Well i'm different now..... I THINK THEY ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!!! AND HARUNA IS LAGENDARY!!!

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:19 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
First knowing them when I was searching new band/music to listen in YT. The Space Ranger video is linked to the one I was watching (can't remember what video). Four girls playing music with the name SCANDAL got me curious (Though what really hooked me was coz they're using school uniforms .lol. ). Thought they was pretty cool, but didn't pay much attention back then. Then one day I got bored listening to my music, and decided to see Space Ranger again, then DOLL, Sakura Goodbye etc etc and I am, a fans of SCANDAL Hohoho Onion . About the members:

HARUNA: friggin hot. Period. And I like her vocal as well
RINA: veery cute, always smiling when performing, and cool because she's a girl drummer (haven't seein many girl drummers)
TOMOMI: very energetic, bouncing all over the place. Has a memorable high pitch voice
MAMI: like most people, I thought she's a quite and rare-talking type, but she rocks at guitar. Not my favorite at the beginning, but as I know SCANDAL more, I think that she's soo cute, (and for some reason I have a "thing" for girl guitarists) and now I fall for her .love.

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Signxgb
SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Userbaref
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:58 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
My 1st impression:

HARUNA: Cool and her voice is strong and beautiful...

RINA: very unique not most girl like to play drum....and she very kawaii

MAMI: Best in gutarist....

TOMOMI: Kawaii voice...

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Tomomijackie
Thanks Freakypandaz
Tomomi Rock!
Tomomi:I’m a regular girl, so I just use regular words.
SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Iw036ofnpn
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:17 pm



International Performer
International Performer
@HARUNA- she's hot, like what everybody said. and she's the very first that i have noticed. but when i first heard them, i though she was age of 25 or so cause her voice sounds mature to me. thats the very first thing that makes me love scandal, her voice. at first glance, i was already thinking that she may have been a dancer, and i was right.hahahaha!

@RINA- the cutest drummer ive ever seen! when i first saw her, she was really enthusiastic on singing even though she's not heard (shunkan sentimental) so i thought this girl is some kind of an attention sucker (sorry, hahaha!). though she was not on screen most of the time like haruna (shunkan sentimental), hers was the first face i recognized among them. my eyes became hype when i saw a flash of her. i thought she was really into drums ever since.

@TOMOMI- i dont really like her at first, maybe cause im not used to her chipmunky voice going along with haruna's. and i found her face unusual. like haruna, i already thought that this girl is really into dancing and her voice is for a pop group not a band. but all of that turns out to be what i like most about her. and i never thought that she was like how i see her now.

@MAMI- when i saw her, i was thinking of a samurai, dark, mysterious and serious. but im wrong. but because of that, i thought she is boyish. hahahaha! when i first saw her, i said to myself "this girl knows how to play guitar since she was a child", but again im wrong. hahaha!

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 TOMOMI

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Loadin13

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Userba10
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:48 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Haruna:Great voice, cute. Would love to meet her in real life. Never expected her real height to be 153cm. Probably had a great personality too, but can't be sure since I don't know her personally. Looks like the one that supports the group together, something like a leader.

Mami: Are you sure she's japanese? Felt that she would be the quiet one, never gonna say a single thing. Probably the silent talent or a very reserved girl.

Rina: Great smile XD probably the one that melts alot of hearts out that. thought she would have the most boyish character in the band... (probably due to K-On!'s influence on me... Ritsu -.-)

Tomomi: The not-so-attractive one (shunkan was the first PV i've seen, i swear she didn't look good in that PV). Odd voice. Probably shouldn't be in that group.

Many of my views have changed. Especially with Tomomi when I saw the SCANDAL summit vol 1 and 2 from the Temptation Box DVDs.

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Rina2u
If the pouring rain stops, the new sky will shine. Anytime can change for sure, as long as you seriously wish for it everything will be alright. ~会いたい - SCANDAL
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:27 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
My first IMpression....

HARUNA~~the most active and good vocalist...
TOMOMI~~cute voices..(cutest)
MAMI~~best ever lead guitarist.....the silent one??
RINA~~most cheer she use all best to beat the music with her drums....
best ever.....
SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Rinasu16

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:34 am

Hawaii fan

Hawaii fan

International Performer
International Performer
hm lets' see......

Haruna- i swear i thought she was older than what she is now cause of her voice....but man i was wrong, she's just awesome! i want her as my best friend cause she seems really honest and reliable. (thats why she's the leader) she does like some of the american things i like, so we have some things in common

Rina- well she did look pretty young when i first saw her, and i figured this girl would be shy.......can i shoot myself.....she's just plain awesome!! a girl who's always smiling and can play drums so well made me think.....i wanna be like Rina...

Tomomi- she was that playful type of person when i first saw her. after knowing more about SCANDAL ahhhh.......she was really different and i like her. she would be an awesome sister

Mami- is me!! haha she and i have alot of things in common. music and anime wise and i really like how she knows how to play the drums really well too cause the first instrument i picked up was the drums and i'm fairly decent.....

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 2282749210 SCANDAL is the Most Powerful Japanese Girl Rock Band  SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 2282749210


''If there's no Rina, there won't be SCANDAL anymore.''- Ono Haruna

"You can go anywhere.
You can choose the way to go on your own
The answer is for sure not just one

What's your Standard?!" - "STANDARD" SCANDAL
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:25 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
to all of them is simply COOL. all is COOL about them <3 <3 for me, they have no negative side that (maybe) other band has.. .ehem.

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:58 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
all in ALL my 1st impression for them as a group was not good at all.. haha that was those times i was still not a scandal fan.

Rina when i finally get the interests to them i kinda feel like she'll be my favorite among the band members.

Haruna my 1st impression was she''s so mature and i was really curious why her voice was that deep..

Tomomi my 1st impression was tomo is matured!!

MAMI .. too serious..

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:24 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
WHOLE BAND - Rocking music and great PV

TOMOMI Good basist and best voice ! Cute face too!

RINA EXTREMELY good drummer! Emo but since I viewed all their pics...SHES THE PRETTIEST!

HARUNA She used to be my favourite!And the only one I could recognise ! Her voice is really loud and strong!

MAMI Her guitaring is completly amazing! But when she sings she tilts her head down to the guitar so its hard to see her face...

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I found out about Scandal by looking at a J-Rock/Pop site and I saw a picture of them (Temptation Box album cover), which I assumed would be Pop and dancing and stuff like that, so i looked them up on YouTube and I clicked "Space Ranger (Another Version)" and I was like "Holy crap! They rock!" so I got into them.
HARUNA: First glance I thought, "She looks oddly familiar....", then I noticed her voice and was impressed. Then I found she was like 3 years older than the rest and that took me by surprise.

TOMOMI: SUPAH MEGA CUTE! I thought she was the lead singer cuz in Space Ranger she's the first to sing, but I was wrong .lol. Then her skills at bass made me in awe, "A Japanese female bassist that's better than me!" .hail. Then I watched a video that showed the randomness of her and I was like, WOWS! She's absolutely my favorite in Scandal.

RINA: ALSO SUPAH CUTE! To be honest at first she looked like one of my friends, and I liked how she was smiling behind the drumset like that! .picture. Then I found out she's born in late 1991 and it surprised me. But I've never heard her sing. She's my second Fav of Scandal

MAMI: Instantly noticed her as the Lead Guitarist of which I like her style of playing. She didn't seem mysterious to me at all. And I notice in the interviews, Her and Tomomi are behind Haruna and Rina just messing around while Haru and Rina are actually talking, it was funny!

Overall I hope they'll do another USA Tour because I'd like to see them .clap.
My main music genre is heavy metal, but I listen to Jrock just about as much.
Scandal is my favorite Jband (Aya Hirano is runner up - third Every Little Thing) Nice one

foREVer Nice one
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Sun May 29, 2011 6:38 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Haruna- First impression was that she was the leader of this team, vocalists usually are. She was also the serious one.

Rina- The shy one, probably cause she's always in the back playing drums. I loved how she sings every song like she wrote it, even though Haruna's the one supposed to sing it.

Mami- Maybe because she looks bigger than the other three, I saw her as the tough one, and she somewhat shows it when she plays her guitar.

Tomomi- The fun one and my favorite. She plays while having fun and her voice melts me. Not literally of course.

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 The_legend_of_giant_dad_by_theblasianbruski-d6sotfu
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:19 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
My first impression

haruna: has a good face, sexy lips, and really nice voice, and then...
mmm.. maybe her ears.... heheheh

Mami: a half west and japanese, play guitar well... and look like my gf.. lol

Tomomi: silly.... and has a good play at bass... with a high pitch in voice, thats great

Rina: CUTE! and her smile makes me melt...
i love her...

but number one scandal member is TOMO-CHAN for me
Ho Onion

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:17 am



International Performer
International Performer
first impression

Haruna: "wow her voice is different from most Japanese singers; verry unique, and shes really pretty!"

Rina: "Whoa, a girl drummer!? AND shes really good! also cute!"

Tomomi: "Haha she has a funny voice, and a cute nose. *watches her fingers as she plays* wow, usually bassists just play one note! Her fingers never stop moving!!"

Mami: "Shes pretty good...*Mami's plays guitar solo* .wtf. SHES AMAZING!"

SCANDAL: "An all girl Japanese rock band who aren't manufactured by an entertainment company, who are amazing musicians and writes their own songs!? AND they're my age!? ....o....m....g... .dies. "

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:15 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
My First Impression

Band: Their all girls?! And they play really well!! Their so pretty and amazing, not to mention their uniforms are too! LOVE

Haruna: I LOVE her voice!!!

Tomomi: Dang she sings and plays the bass at the same time and look at how fast her fingers move!

Mami: She is one good guitarist! She is totally cool!!

Rina: A girl playing the drums! Sugoi!!!

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 3002-c
SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 1202068
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:29 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
My first impression

Band: I don't like much the Asian music, I listen J rock groups but I prefer the occidental rock than the Asian rock, a band composed by only girls impressed me, but not believing until I see. I was shocked they are an excellent band with talented members

HARUNA: She was my favorite member, she have a excellent deep voice and I though that she was the lead guitar and the lead voice (don't blame me please .scared. ) my first impression about HARUNA "she is a perfect musician"

TOMOMI: When I listened TOMOMI by first time I though "she have a little of the bass technicals like John Entwistle (The Who) the way to hold the bass and the high volume of it
When I saw TOMOMI by first time I thought "she have much energy, what are she doing for keep that energy? it can't be real, she have to act or something else, I though that out of camera she would change and become a unbearable and capricious girl, but with the time I everything that I thought at first about her was a lie and she is my second favorite bassist after John Entwistle (The Who)

MAMI: When I saw to MAMI by first time she didn't was my favorite member, I thought that she was the rhythm guitarist (again is a terrible mistake but forgive me please .scared.) and I thought "what are you doing in the band I don't know your voice and you let all the work to HARUNA" after I saw my first live, all my words that I said about she I deleted and she is the first person that make regret what I said before, she is a genius in the guitar, she have very style and are quiet an serious, but is full of energy out of the stage, and she is my favorite guitarrist after Kirk Hammet, she have potential and with the practice she will be the best female guitarrist than the world never see, and why not, be among the best guitarists in the world

RINA: "she have to learn more about the drums" I think that she have Keith Moon and Ringo's drumms style, the practice has been to use all the drums no matter how small or big it is without neglecting the style without losing femininity,she have a great voice and I would like listen in any song like the lead vocal

That is my opinion about my first impression about the band, in that moment I just knew a few songs of their and only one PV, and still I have to learn more about their, some unanswered questions and like I told before, o hope that you forgive me and don't blame me by my evident ignorance .scared.

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:26 am



International Performer
International Performer
Lets see...
Well Haruna:happy cheery, the most mature out of the four
Mami: when I first saw her in the Shoujo S pic I was 'meh' cause she looks weird the makeup was right for her (she looked like a emo and a guy) I later read that she was serious on stage and cheery and happy otherwise I went O ok...
Tomomi: well I saw one of the videos of her on youtube the collection of crazy Tomo moments I went HAHAHA~~~~
Rina: never really paid attention to her.... I just knew she was the drummer... and how everyone said she was the cute kid of the group which I will agree to.

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

SCANDAL First Impressions - Page 4 Hhxqn11
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:53 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
BAND: At first I didn't know they play instruments as well. I thought that they're just another girl group but have a really good voice blending (I didn't know it was HARU and TOMO that time). When I first learned that they play as well I immediately loved the band; girls who play instruments make them hot instantly.

HARUNA - really powerful voice suited to rock! Better than most J-pop/J-rock singers!!

TOMOMI - Cutest voice that suits well with HARU. I also thought she isn't so cheery because I've seen videos where she covers her face with her hair too much. COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!

MAMI - I thought she is kinda an emo. PROVED ME SO WRONG!

RINA - First time I had a really good look on RINA was the TaiKimi bonus with SCANDALNankaButtobase. CUTEST GIRL IN THE WORLD WITH A HEART MELTING SMILE.

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:33 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
o.o mmm
my first impressions about them?!!! >w< well xD
for HARUNA: OMG!! SHE HAS A COOL VOICE >.< no matter how i try .. i cnt make my voice sound lke tht Onion Depress >3< .. plus >3< MY FIRST IMPRESSION WAS SHE'S SO CUTE >w<!!!!!!!!!i even thought she was YOUNGEST xDDDD Onion XD
for TOMOMI: OMG I LOVE HER!! (Mad= well in a way .. LOVE ahm.. xD) hmm o.o i really like Tomomi =3= eversince i heard her voice and bass solo @_@ OMG!! SO COOL!!! TOMOMI!! >3<!! Mad= yea.. my first impression of her was .. CUTE, CRAZY, FUNNY!!!! xDDD :whip:
for MAMI: >3< SHE'S A SUPER KAKOI GUITARIST!! >3< so cooool!! i wish i cn play lke tht >.>... mm my first impression of her was something like too SERIOUS and somehow EMO.. .whistle. demo.. when i learned more about Scandal.. >.> OMG SHE'S SO COOL AND CUTE!!! @q@ MAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >w<
for RINA: o.o well Rina.. mm i find her hot the first time i saw her >w>... xD i love her drumming skills!! it's so cool ..!!!!!!! I mean getting in the rhythm.. plus i never knew tht she was fat before >.>.. when i saw her picture.. i was like "GASP! IS THIS RINA!!?! SHE'S GOTTEN SO FIT LATELY!!! OMG SUGOI!!!!!!" Mad= and my first impression was.. yea Mad= HOT< xDD ..THE OLDEST!!..and mm o.o SILENT.. (but it turned out to be.. tht she's not xD) Onion Wahaha

THE WHOLE BAND; SCANDAL: when i first heard scandal .. i was like.. wahh~? what's scandal? scandal as in scandal? o.O .. when i searched it.. i saw >w< THEM!!!!!! I WAS SO INSANE BACK THEN!! xD i dd researches about them a.s.a.p. ! i really find them interesting Mad= ;.. i hope i'd meet them !!!!!!!! >w :hplease:

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:10 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I noticed I haven't posted here so, I felt like posting..

SCANDAL: When I saw the SAKURA Goodbye PV, honestly I thought the girls all looked normal. You know, nothing to be excited about, just some normal looking Japanese school girls playing a song. A song which really caught my attention.

Of course, how I was wrong that time.

HARUNA: I noticed HARU when I watched a certain S.L. Magic live on Youtube. She was so adorable! .love. She was so cute, waving peace signs instead of the horns to the amusement of the crowd. I fell in love with her ever since!

TOMOMI: I didn't find TOMOMI (circa 2008) that attractive. But she was adorable and funny doing the mc on their SAKURA-CON performance. Of course, puberty is an amazing thing and TOMOMI grew up in just a few span of years to be one hot momma that we all know she is now.

MAMI: The first time I saw her, I thought this girl had some similarities in terms of personality as me. I was right! .cool.


RINA: I really didn't notice her much. But as with others, her never waning smile caught my attention. :whistle:

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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:42 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
First ever video was Koi Moyou. I was like "good... let's try and look for some more videos"

Second ever video

And i was like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu............

See, at first I didn't really care if they wore uniforms or if they were all girls... and japanese. I first looked for if they have anything that can rock my socks out and a performance that can blow me away from my desktop. And unless i get that from them, I'm not digging any band. Koi Moyou was okay but this performance really got me hooked in to them. These were the times when all the SCANDAL PVs were still on YouTube and there were rare live performances of this song (I knew the music wasn't live in this video since it sounded exactly like on the PV)

Bottomline, they got past my musical substance filter which means, musically, they really really rock.

So, having got over that, I would move on to some different aspects that were just as important for me.

Now, this is where it got really interesting - these were girls who weren't too shy to headbang, mess up their hair, sweat on stage, and loose their girly poise - I instantly loved their stage confidence.

They're rock chicks who don't look like rock chicks at all if it wasn't for what they do. I have an issue with girls trying to look like rock and roll for some reason. They look clean, they look cute, and they look like girls. They don't look like some tomboys with instruments trying to dress glamorous, heavy, or masculine, nor were they trying to act "dark and emo" with all the eyeliners and silverwear - just for me to hear them write some chart-climbing cheesy pop songs later on under a genre that's far away from what I would call rock music.

SCANDAL was different, they were all energy, fun, excitement, confidence, performance - ROCK. They were totally different from other girl bands that I've seen - the music, the personality, the way the band went together in all aspects.

See, there are girl bands that really makes me rock hard in their music but totally boring and even lousy in their live performances - as in no stage presence at all.

Then there are girl bands that rock hard in their live performances, but they totally suck in their music.

There are, still, girl bands who rock hard in both music and lives, but they suck because they try to look rock and roll - it hides the rawness, the simplicity, and the free-spiritness and their natural beauty that the late 21st century rock audience calls for.

SCANDAL rocks in both their music, their live performances and in their looks - a direct contrast from the stereotypical sucky dirty dark rock chick - and I saw in them all of those things in this one video.

I do hope there'll be this big new music movement among girls getting in to the music industry aimed in anchoring their roots on how SCANDAL does their thing. We need more girls like this - carefree and fun to rock out with.

If you're a girl and you want to get in to rock and roll - just try to look like the girl that you are, loosen up, rock out, set yourself free and play SUM41, Underoath, SCANDAL, Paramore, etc. whatever you think SCANDAL would listen to - have fun - that's all you'll ever wanna be. Chances are, you might be the next Haruna.

And stop listening to Taylor Swift, she doesn't play rock music! *laughs* Kidding.

And, no, not all people who play musical instruments, specially guitars, are rockers - screw the mainstream media!

That is, by the way, technically, my second impression of SCANDAL.


a haiku...

many like sushi
but i love champorado
plants and trees... he he

(i have no idea what the heck i just wrote XD)
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Re: SCANDAL First Impressions
Posted Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:41 pm



International Performer
International Performer
tsdiokno wrote:Now, this is where it got really interesting - these were girls who weren't too shy to headbang, mess up their hair, sweat on stage, and loose their girly poise - I instantly loved their stage confidence.

^ I dig that dude, that's one of the reasons why I like them.

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